How To Clean A Turtle Tank

How to clean turtle poop from tank?

I have a red eared slider and I also have some fish. Your filter wont clean all of that waste so what you have to do is take your fish and turtle out. Then if you have any stones or gravel at the bottom take that out too. Put it in a strainer and then you can you a hose or a sink to rinse everything out of them. If you have a small tank you can just dump all of the water out and then just put more in. But you have to put solution in it to take the chemicals out of the water. If you put it in then you have to have it sit a while before you put the animals back in. If you have a bigger tank, like me, you still do the same thing with the gravel, but you have to take the water out in a more difficult way. You can bring a cut hose and bucket over to your tank. Then you put one end into your tank and the other end into your mouth.(This might sound strange ,but it works really well) After that you suck into the tube starting a vacuum like flow. Then you put the tube down into the bucket and it should not take the water that long to empty out. Then just fill the tank back up and put the solution into it. You should do this every year or so depending on how fast your tank gets dirty. This sound kind of difficult and time consuming ,but it really isn't. I hope I helped you out or at least just a little bit!

How to clean a dirty turtle tank?

someone i know has an extremely dirty turtle tank
but i understnad because they have no time at all to take care of it, and no one else would take it
but there has been bacteria of some sort grwoing in the tank
and the bacteria is clearly visible
its like 1 cm long and it sticks to the surface of the water from under the water
does anyone know how to get rid of this??
ive considered taking out the turtle and placing it in a clean bowl
and pouring some kind of cleaning solution such as rubbing alcohol or bleach to kill the living bacteria in the water
its looking pretty bad.
any one know what to do??

Turtle tank cleaning?

ok i have a HUGE! problem! ok this is my first turtle so im not gonna lie im kinda slow when it comes to him....i cleaned the tank with ajax cuz i didnt know what else to is it goin to die?!?!?! i didnt put him in the tank yet cuz i wasnt sure if i had done the right if i messed up on cleaning it with AJAX......could you tell me how to clean out the AJAX so my turtle wont die.....please it would help ALOT! and hurry!!!!

How do you clean a turtle tank?

Here are the things you need for cleaning a turtle tank:A temporary container for keeping your turtle when you are cleaning the tank.A couple of buckets or similar containers for keeping the items of your turtle tank.A garden hose or bathtub faucetVinegar, chlorine or bleach for making a cleaning solutionA sponge or rough rag to scrub the tankA water test kit to check if the water parameters are okay. API master test kit is great for this purpose.Some type of water conditioner to make the tap water safe for your turtle. I recommend using Reptisafe for turtle tanks.Non-iodized salt for killing harmful bacteriaTo learn completely how to clean their tank, click here.

How to keep a 75 gallon turtle tank clean?

How often do you do filter maintenance on the canister filter? You have to change the media and scrub the filter system out more often than you would for a fish tank. I change my media every two or three weeks, depending on what I am feeding and how much waste he is producing.

Do you have substrate on the bottom of the tank, like aquarium gravel? If you do, remove it. The gravel holds and traps poo and uneaten food particles, making the filter system less effective.

Do you use a waste degrader? Using this on a weekly basis will help to break down the organic waste the turtle produces faster, making it easier for the filter system to pick it up.

Is you tank large enough for the turtle you are keeping? A general rule of thumb is 10 gallons of tank space per inch of turtle length. If the tank is too small, there is not enough space for the massive waste the turtle is producing to go and it quickly accumulates in the tank and places too much strain on the filter system.

Do you own and use an aquarium vacuum? This can be an invaluable tool to help keep waste off the bottom of the tank without having to break the entire tank down. Using one of these regularly will also help your filter system out.

Can you use windex to clean a turtle tank?

No, tonic salts are the only safe thing to use on equipment for turtles, unless you want to spend a little more on actual turtle tank cleaner. Tonic salts (bought in a pet shop) are inexpensive and easy to use, just ad a table spoon to a bowl of warm water and clean the tank, dry it off with a tea towel or whatever..streak and toxic free!
Good luck :)

What cleaner fish can I get for my turtle tank?

Hey James,
You'd be looking at a very big pleco or loach. First you want to select a fish that is larger than your turtle. Remember that most semi-aquatic turtles can grow very large very quickly. I would recommend getting the largest size fish that you can find at the pet store. Introduce the fish into the turtle tank and watch it carefully. See if the turtle reacts to the fish's presence. If there is no reaction, you may be okay having the sucker fish in the tank with the turtle. If the turtle swims up to the fish and nips at it or keeps bothering it, you should remove the fish and find it a new home (or return it to the store). Lots of adult semi-aquatic turtles (like red ear sliders) eat more vegetables as adults. You may be better off waiting until the turtle has reached adulthood before introducing any fish. Don't feed the turtle feeder guppies or feeder fish. If you feed the turtle this he (or she) may be more inclined to try to eat any other fish that might be in the tank.
If you are getting fish to eat algae, consider buying apple snails instead. Get the largest ones possible and they should be okay, unless you have a 2 foot long turtle.
A Plecostomus, the most common algae eater, black colored, will grow to be a foot long in a large tank. And they have armor, so most turtles, even adults, cannot bother them.

What to use when cleaning a turtle tank?

when i clean mine i use aquarium wipes. fish are more sensitive then turtles, so they are safe. if you wanted to you could use dawn dish soap, just make sure you get it all out... but i would stick with the wipes