How To Convert This Polynomial Equation To Slope Intercept Form To Find X-value From Graph Y =

How to write the slope intercept form of the equation of the line described; (-2,4) parallel to y=3/5x+2?

Given the line y = (3/5)x+2

[parentheses MINE, to remove any possible ambiguity to what I'm answering. The "x" factor is really a part of the numerator of the fraction. If you mean the x to be a factor of the denominator, AS YOU HAVE TYPED IT, then ignore my answer.]

has slope 3/5. Any line parallel to the given line must also have this same slope.

Proposed new parallel line: y = (3/5) x + (b, the y-intercept), but we don't know what b is, YET.

The given point (-2, 4) is supposed to "fit" the new line so...

4 = (3/5) (-2) + b which means b = 4 + 6/5 or 26/5

Your requested parallel line thru (-2, 4) is therefore y = (3/5)x + (26/5).

How to convert this polynomial equation to slope intercept form?

y =−5.1x ² + 34.4x−3.0
Slope intercept form applies to straight line graphs and
this is a quadratic associated with an inverted parabola.

Slope is given by dy/dx = −10.2x + 34.4 (a variable slope)

y axis intercept is given by x = 0 so this is y = -3

Roots, (x-axis intercepts), are given by the quadratic formula
x = [-b ± √(b² - 4ac) ]/2a by substituting
a = −5.1, b =34.4, c= −3

Position of vertex is -b/2a
You can work out the details from this

I hope this is what you need for this question,
Regards - Ian

Change the equation to slope-intercept form.?

Well, there are two ways you can do this.

1) Plot two points on your line and then plug them in to the slope formula. This will provide you with the slope.

2) Look at the graph on your calculator. 7/2 graphs a straight horizontal line, right? So the slope is zero. I recommend using the first method though to doublecheck.

How do you convert polynomial quadratic form to vertex form?

You can use a method sometimes called "completing the square." In general, it is as follows:

Suppose you are given a quadratic polynomial f(x) in the form
f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c,
and you want to convert it to the vertex form that you described.

First, factor the a out of the first two terms to give
f(x) = a[ x^2 + (b/a)x ] + c.

Now, inside the set of square parentheses, add and subtract (b/(2a))^2, which still gives the same expression because this is just adding 0:

f(x) = a[ x^2+ (b/a)x + (b/(2a))^2 - (b/(2a))^2 ] + c.

The first three terms inside the square parentheses are now a quadratic polynomial that is a square of a degree 1 polynomial:

f(x) = a[ (x + b/(2a))^2 - (b/(2a))^2 ] + c.

Finally, expand it out by multiplying through the a:

f(x) = a(x + b/(2a))^2 + c - a(b/(2a))^2
= a(x + b/(2a))^2 + c - b^2/(4a),

and it's now in the form that you wanted; it just looks a bit messy because of the general coefficients.

So in general, a polynomial
f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c
in vertex form is
f(x) = a(x + b/(2a))^2 + c - b^2/(4a).

You can work it out manually every time with the method above, or you can just memorize the above formula which will give you the answer very quickly. :)

An example:

Suppose f(x) = 4x^2 + 3x + 7.
Working this out the long way using the method I described:
f(x) = 4x^2 + 3x + 7
= 4[ x^2 + (3/4)x ] + 7
= 4[ x^2 + (3/4)x + (3/(2*4))^2 - (3/(2*4))^2 ] + 7
= 4[ x^2 + (3/4)x + 9/64 - 9/64 ] + 7
= 4[ (x + 3/8)^2 - 9/64 ] + 7
= 4(x+ 3/8)^2 + 7 - 36/64
= 4(x + 3/8)^2 + 103/16.
Or you can use the formula, f(x) = a(x + b/(2a))^2 + c - b^2/(4a), and you get this result almost immediately.

How to convert to slope y intercept form? (y=Mx+b)?

slope intercept form is y=mx+b
m is slope, b is y-intercept.

let's convert -2x - 3y = -7 into slope intercept form.

-2x - 3y = -7

-2x - 3y + 3y = -7 + 3y
-2x = 3y - 7

-2x + 7 = 3y - 7 + 7
-2x + 7 = 3y

3y = -2x + 7
(divide by 3)
3y/3 = -2x/3 + 7/3

y = -2/3x + 7/3
(the slope is -2/3, y-intercept is 7/3)

if you are still confused, i want you to follow the link below that explains the concept of slope intercept form clearly.

How to find x and y intercepts using a Standard Form equation?

To find the y-intercept, you can just convert the standard form equation into slope-y-intercept form.

For example:
y + 2x - 12 = 0 <-- This is in standard form
y = -2x + 12 <-- This is in slope-y-intercept form. Just isolate y and you can tell that the slope is -2, and the y-intercept is 12.

As for the x-intercept, since the definition of an x-intercept is the point on the line where it intersects with the x-axis (or y=0), substitute y with 0.

Back to the example:
0 = -2x + 12
-12 = -2x
x = 6

Therefore, the x-intercept would be 6.

Of course, you could also substitute x=0 to find the y-intercept, but I find using slope-y-intercept form easier.

Slope-intercept form is y = m*x + b. To get an equation of this form from your equation:Pick any two values of x.Plug them into the equation. Calculate and save the values of y.With your two (x,y) pairs, calculate m. m is the ‘slope’, which is basically the “rise” of the line over its “run”. Rise is the change in the y values. Run is the change in the x values. Be aware that either of these can be positive or negative.Ignoring what your initial equation was, lets take an example of two points you’ve calculated:(-2, -1) and (2, 7)The rise is 8 (-1…7)The run is 4 (-2…2)This makes the slope, or m, 8/4 or 2.So now you’ve got the slope part of the slope-intercept form:y = 2*x + bFinding the intercept is a matter of plugging in 0 for x into your original equation. In fact you can use x=0 as one of your two points to save time, if you want. In our case, for x=0, y = 3.So now you’ve got the y-intercept:y = 2*x + 3

Standard form is… ax+by+c=0To convert it into slope intercept form… Transfer all the terms to the R.H.S except ‘y'That will = -ax-cy= (-a/b)x-(c/b)Here, slope m= -a/band y intercept c= -c/bHence the slope intercept form is,y = mx+c

5x +2y +7=0to find the slope of the line , we convert this equation in to the form Y= m X + Cso, Y= -(5/2)x -7/2m= -5/2 is the find x intercept put Y=0 and find the value of x which will be x interceptx=-7/5similarly put x=0y=-7/2