How To De Stress After Toxic Person

Is my Mother a toxic person?

Ever since I have been home recovering from a stroke She has been very helpful but equally damaging. These are some of the ways She claims to be "helping," me.
1) Seems to enjoy pointing out all my mistakes or faults from the stroke.
2) Often tells me I'm mean and will push people away when I stand up for myself or disagree with Her.
3) She often limits me by either not letting me try to do things or controlling me, which I feel is detrimental to recovery.
4) She has an overall poor me attitude.
5) She is needy and gets mad when She doesn't get enough attention.

How do you handle the stress of toxic teammates?

If they are toxic, determine whether they are integral to the success of the project. If they aren’t vital to the success (and why would they be…they’re TOXIC) then jettison them. Or walk away and find a job/project that has cooperative, success-motivated teammates.

Can you describe a toxic person you dealt with?

Yes - a girlfriend I had for about 4 years. She was simply an angry person, finding fault and complaining about 80% of everyday encounters with people and situations. The barista at Starbucks NEVER making her coffee hot enough, and loudly exclaiming her complaint so others became aware and watched the “scene”. Complaining consistently about her job and the stress (strange but the PREVIOUS job she had caused her the same exact stress). Picking me to death about small things eventually making me self-conscious about things I would say to her. I found most of the time I had to be careful how I worded something for fear of her criticism and judgment. Gosh, writing this brings it all back. Just prior to the end, and what became the last straw was we were in the movie line for tickets, and when we found out it was sold out, she walked away swearing while I had a friendly conversation with the young girl at the counter. She yelled at me across the crowd “why are you talking to her, she doesn’t give a shit”. Later - she suggested going to the matinee the next day instead. I agreed. The next day, she texted me saying she was going to stay home and work instead. I told her no problem, I would just go on my own. When I was in the movie I took a photo inside the movie theater and texted her with a “goofy face” emoji saying “eat your heart out”…she replied “I don’t know what you mean by that”. I said (again with a goofy face emoji), “well your home working and I’m watching the movie”. Her reply was “that’s a shitty fucking thing to say”. I replied “It was a JOKE, lighten up”.That’s the last I spoke with her. About a month later, she called me wanting to “talk” because she valued my friendship too much. That was the message she left. I emailed hee back the next day telling her we needed to take a break.I won’t go into the time she had a young girl crying at the checkout in a fast food place because there was a mix up about her change, and caused the manager to come to the table to ask what was the problem. Or about the time she got so upset with her sister over next to nothing, she took her hands to her sister’s neck throttling and screaming at her.THAT is a toxic person and I don’t know how I stood so long!

How would you define a Toxic Relationship?

My sister tells me all the time that I need to get away from my girlfriend, she says that she's a "Toxic Person" that does nothing but depress, and stress me out.

When you’re around a negative or stressful person, how do you stop yourself from absorbing their energy?

While such people are around, try to avoid them as much as possible. If you can, stuff in your earphones even if you are not listening to anything. If this is at your workplace then show that you are busy with something very critical. If he/she is someone who is a neighbour or a distant relative, tell them to F.O. politely.You can read about lots of ways to reduce your stress in my book “Distress to De-Stress”. You can search for “Vikas Kakwani” in Amazon/Flipkart or simply click the link provided in my profile. On buying the book, you also get a personalized action plan for your causes of stress thru a complimentary “My Stress Profile” questionnaire. Wish you a stress free life.

How do you deal with toxic people?

This is a hard situation--and I respect the people I have known who are able to treat a toxic person with love while setting and keeping limits at the same time.

Half the battle is realizing that they are toxic, but that they need love too. I try to be patient and calmly point out other points of views to them. Most of all, I realize that I must have time and relationships apart from the toxic individual.

I guess it helps to begin by trying to understand what makes them the way that they are and praying for strength and wisdom to support them while not losing your own faith, sanity and perspective.

How do you avoid or deal with a toxic person when you absolutely must work with them?

I'm in grad school in a small cohort. This classmate of mine is super competitive with me and is demeaning with me also so I think of her as toxic and not a friend I can trust. Actually...not a friend at all but even though I tell her how talented she is in this program, she still tries to compete with me and tells me things like, "I don't live in a fancy house like you do!" or "How did YOU qualify for financial aid?" or "I think your project looks better than mine" (While she fixes hers up to be really really good and I tell her too.) So, we have to work with each do I deal with this?

What do you understand by the term 'stress'? Discuss.?

load per area is stress as per engineering
mental and physical load over a person can be defined as stress
when these stress exceeds the tollerence level of a person his mind blows off and he naturally went in sane

stress is avoidable by making proper plan and execute it with caution. being cautios is different from fear. fear catalizes stress. before involving in a work, get the full knowledge about the work and related to the work