How To Deal With A Suicidal Sister.

How do I cope with my sister’s suicide? I’m 13.

I would recommend reaching out to a grief counselor. I am very sorry for your loss by the way. Keep your head up

Sister makes me suicidal?

My older sister 31 (im 27) is just horrible to me I have done nothing but be there for her and help her out but she has this hatred for me. For years has been spreading lies trying to and been suucessful a few times in turning others against me. Now we have a new sister who has popped up on our dads side she is 23 and after I treated her sooo good while with me she treated me badly so I stopped talking to her and now the two sisters are ganging up on me.
Im worried for my mums health too as my older sister is constantly stressing her out causing aruguments etc I honestly feel like if I die she can stop targeting me and peace will be restored.

I dont understand why I have to go through all this im a good person, I ignore those horrible to me and get on with life but its like I cannot win I just really want to die and be gone. Im planning to move overseas in 2yrs but cant wait that long

My sister is making me suicidal help?

This morning my sister started saying how I was miserable when my boyfriend isn't around and just shouting really hurtful things at Me all because the toilet overflowed? She's literally a nasty person sometimes. Constantly bosses her boyfriend around and calls him stupid. I pointed that out (he was tryna help mop up the water) and that's when she attacks me with all these things about how my whole family agrees I'm miserable etc etc. I have severe clinical depression which she definitely doesn't understand. I'm depressed 24/7 (I even take meds) with or without my bf, and I try my hardest to get out of it but it's nearly impossible. I'm 23 and she's 19. Now I'm feeling suicidal and idk what to do. My family doesnt get it. I don't wanna tell my bf and bring him down.

Help me, my sister is suicidal again!?

So 2 years ago I found my sisters diary and it had a lot of suicidal things in it so I showed my mom and she ended up in the hospital for about a year and she hasn't had problems since and I stayed the weekend at my dads house and she was being the biggest b i t c h to me and I noticed she had a bunch of my things from when I moved out so I went snooping cause obviously I want my stuff back and I found a recent book with things like her saying life is pointless and she wants to die and I don't know what to do cause I talked to my boyfriend and he said that I should talk to her about it but I don't think it's such a good idea cause she'd get mad at me for snooping yet if i told my dad nothing would get accomplished but I think she belongs back in the hospital and if i tell my mom that's what she will try to do but she doesn't have custody of her anymore so I don't think that she could put her in the hospital and if i told her she would tell my dad and i would get in trouble and i don't think he would put his precious emily in the hospital so i have no idea what to do. He's all "anti doctors and hospitals" so i'm in a tricky situation.

My sister committed suicide> Help? :/?

I am 17 and my younger sister was supposed to turn 15 next week.. Me and her were really close, even though we did fight a lot. But I cannot help but to blame myself because we got into a fight like 2 days before she did this and we didn't talk. She did leave a note and in the note she stated ''and please understand that this is no ones fault. I'm just not strong enough to go on'' .. i don't know.. i just feel like part of it is my fault, and she didn't say what exactly it was that bothered her and it's annoying me because I need to know. :(

She overdosed on OTC (over the counter) sleeping pills, i don't know how many to be exact. But she also mixed other pills with it. I know she mixed Tylenol, Advil, Aleve, and some kind of cold medicine. Because the bottles were in her room. People keep saying how ''that probably was painful way to go'' and it bothers me. I heard that you just fall asleep and die, but I also heard that it causes liver damage and that it causes excruciating pain. :(

She believes in God also, but I keep hearing you go to hell for suicide.

So, my questions are..

1: Have you ever lost someone to suicide and if so, how did you cope? Or do you know anyways I could cope with it?

2: If you know anything about overdoses, then was it painful when she died? Please be honest.

3: ((IF YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN)) Do you believe that God forgave her? She did believe in him strongly, but does he forgive suicide? PLEASE be honest. :(

thank you!

What do I do if my sister’s having suicidal thoughts?

My Dear friends and family members the entire life is good for mankind but some people don't think it might be helpful so This message from my Master's Mouth and may be helpful for some people ,There is a deep desire in everyone to commit suicide for the simple reason, that life seems to be meaningless. People go on living, not because they love life, they go on living just because they are afraid to commit suicide. There is a desire to; and in many ways they do commit suicide. Monks and nuns have committed psychological suicide, they have renounced life. And these suicidal people have dominated humanity for centuries. They have condemned everything that is beautiful. They have praised something imaginary and they have condemned the real; the real is mundane and the imaginary is sacred. My whole effort here is to help you see that the real is sacred, that this very world is sacred, that this very life is divine. But the way to see it is first to enquire within. Unless you start feeling the source of light within yourself, you will not be able to see that light anywhere else. First it has to be experienced within one’s own being, then it is found everywhere. Then the whole existence becomes so full of light, so full of joy, so full of meaning and poetry, that each moment one feels grateful for all that god has given, for all that he goes on giving. Sannyas is simply a decision to turn in, to look in. The most primary thing is to find your own center. Once it is found, once you are centered, once you are bathed in your own light you have a different vision, a different perspective, and the whole of life becomes golden. Then even dust is divine. Then life is so rich, so abundantly rich that one can only feel a tremendous gratitude towards existence. That gratitude becomes prayer. Before that, all prayer is false.Osho

How do I deal with indirect threat of suicide by my sister?

From the line of your questioning it sounds like this person has what she wants. She wants you to feel responsible, wants you to feel upset, wants  you focusing and paying attention to her. The legitimate suicider says nothing. They simply want to die. The  controller is the one who has no intention of doing so whatsoever,  simply uses suicide threats as a tool- manipulation towards whatever  goal it is they set for themselves, be it simple attention or to repair a  failed relationship, tie the other back in. That is not to say all people who broadcast their intents are never  serious about it, just that the majority of the serious suiciders don't  use it as leverage. In fact they would prefer others NOT know they plan  to attempt- they want to succeed, and intervention is not helpful toward  that goal. In short, you can never fully know another's intentions. We often don't  even completely comprehend our OWN intentions, so how good do you think  your odds will be with another? The only real way to approach this is through realism. This person will  do what this person will do. Free will. We all possess it. We can use it  for acts of greater good, we can use it for evil, or just use it for  random acts of blatant stupidity. YOU do not control this person. Her actions are her own, her consequences are her own responsibility.

My sister died yesterday after commiting suicide,And i found a suicidal note and this is what it said....?

“Dear Mom,dad and sister, I love you with all my heart. I just wasn’t meant for this world! I hope I can find a place of peace and happiness, a place I am child enough to live, . I love you! I hope you can truly believe me. Maybe on my journey I’ll find Jesus. Pray for me mom. Pray I will find happiness. I hurt so bad inside! I want it all to go away. I want a new beginning. I am not afraid to die mom. I’m just so afraid of tomorrow!

I hate my school and i hate all the people in it, Least i wont have to go through all the name calling againg.

you all though i was ok,well you were wrong, my soul has beeen blackend and shatterd into a million pieces,im scared!
making holes and slashing into my tiny arms,The trickling of the blood running down my arm just for that second made my life a bit better.

everyone hates me at school no one likes me,but why? i havent done anything to them,I smile at them and they just laugh,

I wasnt meant to be born i was a mistake,The kids at school are making me feel like s h i t. There making my life a living HELL!
Your so pretty sis why cant i be like you? Maybe jesus can change me,how i would like to look,

I Want to be free of this pain,school i will no longer have to bare the bullys,my shatterd soul is a piece of ****.! dont cry for me please,theres no need to feel sorry for me im in such a better place now!

To my fellow classmates who made me feel like s h i t when they should of focused on there education,
To those who never spoke to me,probably never knew my name!

Just remember my family didnt make my life a mysery but school did,my life would be awsome if i didnt have to go to school im just a stupid 13 year old girl who needs to die,i love you mom,
I love you dad,I love you sis<333

This is me now! me my mom and dad never knew she self harmed and got bullied i feel so bad now not knowing, what can i do?