How To Decide If I Did The Right Thing

How do you know what the right thing to do is?

Right thing, a tricky question to answer because right thing is subjective it changes from person to person but still there are times in our lives when the most difficult things are right thing and we do it just because they are right.Let me enumerate the factors that give a clear idea that what we are doing is right.You will always have “ Peace of mind”, right thing always yield positive energy that will help you restore your strength even in adverse circumstances,You will feel “fearless”, no matter whether people are against you, verbally slam you,backbiting about you these things will not deviate you,it may cause stress but always remember that greatest lessons are learnt the hardest way.You will “never regret” your decisions or conversations if it was the right thing to be discussed or told.You will have deaf ears to how and what people talk about you because its common that when you are right you often get rivals, and they work together to shatter you, thats the time when you sheild your esteem by being deaf to badmouthing that goes around about you.Thus whenever you feel the adrenaline rush or an intense mood to decide what is right or wrong may be above points will be of help, its what I treasured through life experience. A skill to define “right”.

How can we say that we have done the right thing?

If you know your honor and integrity are intact you have done the right thing…. and you, and you alone, are the only one in the world who knows that. Explaining that to another person, with a different perspective and different experiences and perhaps different goals in their life… that can be challenging.You never have to say, “I did the right thing” or “we did the right thing” if you can demonstrate that the decision made or the action taken were in fact the right thing to do at the time, with the information you had, in the time-frame that was required in which to act or decide.I generally ‘flip’ the question when challenged on whether something was the right thing to do or not. When asked, “Chris, do you think you did the right thing?” I reply by asking, “With the information I had at the time, what decision (or action) would you have chosen and why?” If they cannot answer then you need not debate them at all or justify yourself.If you know you did the right thing, let the person questioning you make your argument for you. This gives you far more information about their perspective, their experiences, their intentions and their goals AND allows you to fill in the knowledge gap(s) they may have in questioning your decision action.If you have to defend your action or decision (as in a work environment) be methodical and logical with your reasoning and keep emotions out of the report. Do not state, ‘in my opinion’ or ‘ I believed’ or any statement of feeling… use the facts you had and when you had them. Then state, I did or I decided X because of A, B and C.People will always attack you for the actions you take and the decisions you make in this life because they are human (specifically a different human) with different emotions, thoughts, ideas and morals and ethics. Always demonstrate with logic and reasoning why the right choice was the right choice at the time, with the information at hand.~Chris

I dont know if i did the right thing DID I ?

the other day there was a party at a friends house and i really wanted to go i got all ready and stuff but all the sudden i got sick
and i felt really bad telling my friend that i cant come and she said its ok
but for some reason i feel guilty i dont know why
but i did the right thing right
i just dunno i dont feel good about not going
ughh i dunno did i do the right thing

If I have to choose between "the right thing" and "the thing which I want" in life, what should I do?

I will tell you upfront that there is no perfect answer to this question. Most people try to do the "right thing" all the time, but sooner or later they choose what they "want in life". You can only struggle for so long. At some point, you take small defeats; you take the easier road; you get tired of doing "right" and you want the easy way out. I haven't met a person who has been with "right" every time. A lot of people "claim" to have always done right. Their claim is never a proof. At some point, you always do what is easy. And what is easy is taking the thing that you 'want'.But, I think that choosing what you "want in life" over the "right thing" won't make your life restful. In the long run, it will make you extremely uneasy if not worse.And choosing what you 'want' too many times is how people create their own "personal" hell. I have met people like that. People who became rotten on the inside because they chose wrong and now, its too late to change it back. Hell, I think I have even been such a person at one point or another.So, I would do my best to choose the "right" thing every time. And I would advice you to do the same. The apparent sacrifice in giving up 'what you want' for 'what's right' is nothing compared to the trauma in store for you if you don't. Even if you somehow protect yourself from the trauma, there will be someone who will pay for your choices because if you don't do right, you do wrong to someone.P.S. I apologize if I sound too preachy. This is one question that I am too close to.

What makes things right or wrong?

Use the Golden Rule. This is what people should do, instead of getting hooked into religious dogma.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That will guide you all the way through life.

Did I do the right thing by telling my crush I like her?

I told her how I have felt for over a year for her. Should I have done it? I am 15 and was 14 when I first met her and had a crush on her. She said that she liked me but not in that way but im not that bothered cos I just wanted to get it off my chest. She said that we can be friends still. Did I do the right thing? I have also read that she might be doing this to test me to see if I go for another girl. This happened to my friend, she said she didn't feel that way about him but now they are going out and have being for 2 years.

Can doing the right thing still feel so wrong?

Does it feel wrong? Or just feel bad? Because:1 - Doing the right thing can feel badEveryone pretends that doing the right thing will feel good.But that is not true. Doing the right thing will often feel bad.This is because you do the right thing despite how it feels - not because of it.There is a lovely poem about that.None of the books have timeTo say how being selfless feels,They make it sound a superior wayOf getting what you want. It isn’t at all.Selflessness is like waiting in a hospitalIn a badly-fitting suit on a cold wet morning.Selfishness is like listening to good jazzWith drinks for further orders and a huge fire.But also…2 - Doing the right thing can feel wrongPeople are programmed to feel guilty about things.This is different to having a conscience.So, for example, girls may feel like it is wrong to be sexual.But this is a mistake - they have been wrongly programmed to feel wrong.So how do you tell whether to trust the feeling?Well, one good way is this.Imagine it is not you, but someone else who you love and respect.Then think whether it feels wrong for them to do it.If not, feeling wrong when you do it is just self-doubt and self-blame.You know it is right really - you are just being mean to yourself.