How To Do Cardio If You`re Out Of Shape

Is cardio really a waste of time?

that is crap. i lost the first thirty some pounds cycling (cardio with no weights) i added weights later as i started getting in shape, mainly because i wanted some mass and didnt want to be skinny. you can lose weight on weights alone, if you do them right. they raise your hearrate, and burn more calories when you are at rest as they grow.

How do I stay in shape while I can't do cardio?

Cardio is not the end all be all, nutrition is KEY.There’s a popular saying,“You can’t out exercise a bad diet” -and this is indeed true.  What you put in your body, to fuel it is the number one thing.The proper ratio of protein, fats and carbs will give you energy and keeping your calorie down will help keep you from gaining weight.BUT beyond all that, you can do strength building workouts in the meantime.Incorporating strength building workouts into your routine will help too - it’s a fact that by adding weight training you can actually burn more calories over time.  Meaning over the course of 24–36 hours.  If you’re able to do at least 20–30 minutes of strength building while you can’t do cardio I believe you’ll see great results.Want more tips, tricks and ideas on how to conquer your diet and gain more energy?Join our Facebook Group, Leverage Your Brilliance - and be part of the community!Brandi

What are the risks of doing an extreme workout if you're out of shape?

it can damage your muscles and can give extra load to heart. So it is advisable to go for workout with consent of gym trainer

Is cardio alone enough to lose weight?

I'm a 19 year old male and I'm 6'1ft and around 210-215 lbs. So yea I'm a little overweight. I lose and gain weight pretty fast so I was wondering if I can just do cardio to lose about 30 pounds.

My goal is 180-190 and last summer I was about the same weight I am now and lost about 30 pounds and got to 180 pounds. Long story short, I got lazy over the winter and didn't work out and ate a lot of crap. Back then, I mostly did 45 min of cardio after a good weight lifting session. But now that I'm out of shape from being lazy and smoking butts, I feel like I can only do cardio and that it takes every fiber in my body to lift.

So what I'm asking is if I can lose 30 pounds by just doing 30-45 min on an elliptical trainer 3-4 times a week until I get in better shape. Last year when I lost the weight I just did cardio in the beginning and gradually transitioned into weight lifting. So what do you think?

Can one rebuild their cardio/stamina after they been smoking cannabis for many years?

You exercise.No, seriously. Just because you smoke pot doesn't mean you can't have at least above average cardiovascular health. I have smoked fairly consistently for the better part of 2 decades now. In that time, I've been a fat, lazy, out of breath 240 lbs. I've also been a lean, motivated, long-distance runner of 200 lbs.It took me less than a month of semi-regular running to go from "wow, that was a tiring 1/2 mile jog" to "5k in under 30 minutes several days in a row". It's winter right now, so I've fallen back into hibernation mode. But based on my improved lung capacity from the last couple of years of running, given a month to train, I'm confident I could run 10k (that's 6.2 miles) at ~9 minutes/mile.Just get off your ass and start moving. Every single day. If you're super out of shape, then start by walking a mile each day. Eventually, you'll reach a point where you can jog. From there, it's simply a matter of adding distance slowly until you can run as far as you really feel like running. Don't worry about speed. That will come with time. And it's irrelevant to your cardiovascular health. Your body doesn't care how far you ran, just that you ran for X minutes.Need help/ideas? Google "couch to 5k" and start today...

Should you drink water when your doing cardio?

Yeah, dude, you absolutely should. Standard answer is about 1 cup for every 15 minutes, so in your case that would about 4 cups

Can I do cardio twice a day without seeing a loss in strength? If so, how?

Your question is rather ambiguous. You cannot SEE a loss in strength. If you mean decrease in muscle size and not as strong as you are now then yes and no.Whatever happens to your body when you exercise is caused by adaptation. If you do something negative like just sitting on your butt for days on end then your body adapts to that state. When you exercise it adapts to accommodate that level of exercise.BUT there is something I wish to point out here. You were born with certain genes and have a base level of muscular development. Having reached that level by training through adaptation it is not easy to lose it. Your body will stubbornly refuse to let go of your gains as that is what it is meant to do, retain your muscles as long as it can.Now to your question. If all things remain the same and you do cardio alone you will start to lose whatever gains ABOVE your genetic level first. When that is lost then only will the body allow your genetic muscles to degrade. That is SARCOPENIA and a very slow process. So that deals with the yes part.The no part is if you continue your training. You will just be maintaining or improve depending on the intensity and effort. So just do both for heart health and strength gains and you have the best for your body.The how is any cardio exercise will do at an intensity and duration you are comfortable with first. Then increasing intensity and/or duration to reach your peak.