How To Enhance Dramatic Mood In

How is movie music able to closely match changes in mood or suspense in a scene?

TL;DR: The music is composed taking into consideration the visual "cues" specific to the scene. In some rare cases, the scene is edited to match the musical composition.The film score comprises a number of orchestral, instrumental or choral pieces called "cues" which are timed to begin and end at specific points during the film in order to enhance the dramatic narrative and the emotional impact of the scene in question. What you have identified and listed in the question description above are the cues to the scene.Identification of cues and the style and tone of music required for different scenes is known as Spotting in background score composition parlance. The composer then creates the background score taking the cues into consideration.In a few rare cases, the film maker will carefully edit his film to fit the flow of music. For example, composer Ennio Morricone had prepared the soundtracks for the finale of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) and the films Once Upon a Time in the West (1968) and Once Upon a Time in America (1984) months earlier and director Sergio Leone were edited to fit it.In some circumstances, a composer will be asked to write music based on his or her impressions of the script or storyboards, without seeing the film itself, and is given more freedom to create music without the need to adhere to specific cue lengths or mirror the emotional arc of a particular scene. This approach is usually taken by a director who does not wish to have the music comment specifically on a particular scene or nuance of a film, and which can instead be inserted into the film at any point the director wishes during the post-production process. Composer Hans Zimmer was asked to write music in this way in 2010 for director Christopher Nolan's film Inception (2010); composer Gustavo Santaolalla did the same thing when he wrote his Oscar-winning score for Brokeback Mountain (2005).

Should I do my comedic or dramatic monologue first in an audition?

I have auditions in 2 days and I have to present 2 contrasting monologues. I'm doing a monologue from Lee Blessings Patient A (the character is Matthew it's a rant on AIDS) and one of Neil Simon's monologues entitled Veal: A Marital Aid ( A story telling monologue in which a husband is telling the story of one of he and his wife's first fights wherein she throws a frozen veal chop at his head). I'm not sure which to do first. Does it just depend on the monologues and how they will flow or is one better to do before the other just based on the fact that it's comedy and drama. Thanks.

How to be more dramatic?

watch movies with GOOD ACTORS! lol, historical films and BBC tend to focus on this. also watch Tim Burton films to get you in a dramatic mood, take notes on there movements and facial gestures, there always very good :)
whatever you do, DONT WATCH AND TAKE NOTES OFF TWILIGHT, that is the movie with the WORST acting

hope this helps

How do I handle a girlfriend with mood swings? She’s been acting crazy lately and I don't know how to act in front of her anymore. I feel like my patience is exhausted just to make her calm. It's like a cat baptism you know!

All women have those crazy days where they make no sense. We are angry. We are depressed for no reason at all. Trust me, we can't help. But it is not everyday. It usually stays for 3 days to a week in a month. Not more than that.Why does it happen?There is a sudden change in the levels of hormones. Your estrogen increases and progesterone decreases. Few symptoms are extreme mood swings, eating binge (I once had one and a half plate of boneless chicken biryani in a single go. I still get teased), sugar cravings (because of sudden drop in sugar levels), bloating. The symptoms may vary from person to person.How do you know?It usually happens in a pattern. Keep a track of her monthly cycle and check the days she acts completely unreasonable. You will find a pattern. It happens for a few girls before their periods, for a few during their periods, and for a few in the mid cycle while ovulating. Find out what her pattern is. Sometimes the crazy moody days decide to skip that month. Consider yourself lucky if that happens. :DWhat can you do?Have some patience, please! It is just for a few days, and trust me, she is going to realize that she has been completely unreasonable after she gets back to normal. Women don't do this on purpose. It just happens. So everytime she is moody, is it her hormones?No. Sometimes we are really pissed off and angry. It is not the hormones. It is the circumstances. As if the war inside us is not enough, we women have to struggle with the war outside too. Try to find out why she is upset. Sometimes, she really has a reason. What can you possibly do to help her?I heard chocolate helps. It triggers the feel good chemicals in the brain. But I don't know how helpful it is going to be. Other than that all you can do is endure the suffering. She will realize that she was unreasonable when she gets back to normal and is going to thank you for being there for her during that difficult time. Word of caution:I have a friend who is extremely moody and her boy friend had a tough time every single day!If your girlfriend is something like this, I would suggest you to get out of the relationship before it is too late. This kind of relationship is toxic. I don't believe in "I love her so much that I can go through all the suffering just for her". That is BS! That is what people say when they are delusional and call it love.

What can cause a sudden and drastic increase in female libido?

In the last few weeks, I've had a drastic increase in sex drive. Around the same time this started, I noticed the onset of some bizarre neurological symptoms as well (I'm waiting to have an EEG and MRI). Basically, the increase in libido is interfering with my life. I am always horny and anytime I'm doing anything remotely sedentary, I can't focus AT ALL. It's interfering with my every thought and my day-to-day activities. It's not a positive thing, so please don't tell me it's not a problem. Also, I do act healthily on my sexual desires, so advising me to just go out and "get laid" or masturbate is not okay. It's far beyond that. It's not really a desire to be promiscuous, or anything like that (I've seen psychiatrists in the recent past and have done extensive work with a counselor. I do not have Bipolar or a mood disorder). What can cause this?

FYI: I'm not on any drugs; prescription, illicit, or otherwise. I am not on the pill and there is no chance of pregnancy. The symptoms have lasted longer than typical PMS/ovulation symptoms and it has been constant. I am 22.

Spaced out mood swings?

I'm currently sixteen years old going on seventeen, for the past 2 years I have being worried over my mental health.

I visited the doctor last year and she sent me for three therapy sessions, They helped a lot but the women I worked with didn't ever really tell me what was wrong and a few months after I stopped the sessions, the feelings came back or perhaps they never went away.

I can go for weeks, months feeling great. My social life is full of things, I do well and school, and I feel a real sense of pride. I feel i'm over confident during these periods, and can become a bit of a *****. Then quickly, as if over night, I fall into this void. I feel nothing, Im super tiered all the and I become antisocial, rather than cause argument I just lock myself away from the world and I cry for no reason.

The worst bit is when im inbetween these 'happy' and 'sad' moments, My mind rushes from one thing to the next and at times Ive had very threatening thoughts.

My family has a history of depressive, both my mother and grand mother have being on medication since they were young. I dont know much on the subject myself, I dont think I am depressed because I feel great at times.

Does anybody know whats wrong with me? These swings are really un-predictable and my friends get pretty sick of me because they never know how long im going to be in one state of mind.

Ive never taken any drugs if that helps.

Sorry if I sound pathetic, I just, I want to know if this is normal or If I should see my doctor again.

Aristotle's Six Elements of Drama?

1 - plot - there has to be a story that unfolds - Oedipus meets a man who challenges him- he kills him - it's his father - he takes that man's place, marries his wife - it's his mother - this crime (incest), even though committed in ignorance, must be paid for because the laws of the God's are inviolate - this involves the fates - the denouement, and the setting for it, is established -
2 character - the protagonist (and remember, all Gk drama is first and foremost, religious and part of religious ritual, ceremony, and festivity), has some tragic flaw - as above, how he and the others respond to the circumstances establishes their character - noble, base, venal etc.
3 Theme - the theme is set to demonstrate the righteousness of the god's dicta - and to show the virtues (as in Oediipus' daughter) relevant to the tale - triumph of good, inevitability of fate, etc.
4 diction - remembering that the actors are on elevated shoes (buskins), and usually in masks to indicate emotion, and in a theatre with astounding acoustics -the choice by the dramatists of language, the speaking of the parts, must enhance the drama (or comedy) - the noble character must speak nobly, the base characters must use slyness, or colloquial speech etc. And, there must be a choice of vocabulary wherein the consonants make projected speech both poetic and clear.
5. music - occurs often with the accompaniment of the lyre for the chorus which speaks the lines, and is used to enhance and create mood appropriate to the emotions
6.spectacle - visualizing the Greek theatre, truly dramatic action, such as murder, or Oedipus gouging out his eyes, takes place off stage and then is rolled on stage on platform as a tableau (nobody gets his throat cut in church) - but it is done on a broad and grand scale - when the god's intervene, they are swung in a basket from a crane on the side of the stage (deus ex machina) at the critical moment - and there must me sufficient people to populate the action of the moment.
Grand themes, require grand action.

hope this helps - best thing to do is to grab a tragedy and a comedy, and get some people together, and do it.