How To Explain To A Person You Lied To

Does lying make you a bad person?

Depends on who you're lying to, and what the lie is. If you're lying to your kids to protect their innocence, like how was I born, or what happened to our dog, or where is grandma? That is just good parenting. You'll tell them when the time is right.If you're lying to protect yourself from consequences or to dodge responsibility, then it is bad. If you had the courage to do a wrong thing, you should have the courage to own up to it. Be it with your parents, your partner, or your boss, doesn't matter. You have to own up to your deeds. People with no conscience get away with anything they do. Since you asked this question, you're not one of them, and you'll end up hurting everyone you know if you don't act fast. It does a lot more harm than you'd think. It destroys relationships and trust, and it would never be the same again.

How do I tell someone I met online I lied about my name?

I have an "online" friend I met online a year ago. I'm a girl, she's a girl. I met her on a messageboard but my nick was not my real name. We now are good "online" friends and we even chat on the phone at times. We have become good friends! But for over a year she hasn't known my real name.. and the longer I wait to tell her.. the more weird it gets.. what should I do? If it was you would you thnk I was weird for using a fake name all this time?

Why people lie even to the person they really love?

because they don't really love them....

Should you lie to someone you love in order to protect their feelings?

Should you lie to someone you love in order to protect their feelings?Well, that depends. What did you do?Of course there are cases where lying is okay. If your significant other asks if an outfit makes them look fat when they’ve already left the house wearing it, you damn well outta say they look great! But let’s say they’re inquiring about your faithfulness- maybe tell the truth.Consider the following guideline:If your opinion is asked, you can lie. If the question has a right answer, give the right answer.If someone asks you about your opinion on their appearance, choices they’ve made, or an art project it is definitely okay to lie in order to spare their feelings! However, if someone asks about the recent terrorist attacks in the UK, don’t sugarcoat your answer to stop them from worrying. Give them the facts straight.Now, a second guideline for an opinion based question.Only point out an imperfection if it can be changed in 10 minutes or less.Someone wrote an awful paper due today and asked your opinion? Tell them it’s great, or give them some pointers for next time if they don’t have time to change it before class. It’s better to give them a confidence boost than make them anxious.Someone has something stuck in their teeth? TELL THEM! This is one that always gets me. Always tell someone if it’s something small like this that they can fix right away!So, should you lie to someone you love to protect their feelings? It really depends. Take these into consideration.

Telling lies and telling truth - what is the question?

In the film "The Labyrinth," the heroine comes across two talking doors. She must choose which door to enter. The real brain-tickler is the preface that one of the talking doors always tells the truth and the other always lies.

The heroine poses the question to door A, "If I asked door B, 'Which door leads to my destination?' what would he say?"

If door A responds, "He would say your destination lies behind me," then she knows the real path is behind door B because no matter who is lying and who is truthful, the lier's response will negate the truthful one's.

If door A responds, "He would say your destination lies behind himself," then it can be deduced that the path is behind door A, again following this logic of reversal.

So, whatever response either door gives will always be incorrect and the heroine should choose the other door.