How To Get Ready For Supreme Court Ruling On Prop 8

I need to know these things about the supreme court...?

What is the supreme court? what does it do? how many people are members of the Supreme Court and how long do they hold their office and how do they recieve office?

please please write back! thanks!! :]

Supreme court case that changed america?

McCullough v Maryland

GIbbons v Ogden

Santa Clara County v Southern Pacific Railroad Co.

Lochner v New York

Shelly v Kraemer

Slochower v Board of Educatrion

Boynton v Virginia

Was i supposed to be read my rights?

i got pulled over by an off duty police officer in his own personal vehicle. he called another police that was on duty to the scene. he then began to search my vehicle and found 4 half burnt marijuana cigarettes. at that time the on duty police placed the handcuffs on me and the off duty cop said hes just being detained. then i was placed in the car without a seatbelt. the cop was on the way to the jail and slammed on the brakes and i hit the cage and plexiglass. Whats up with this??

On what constitutional basis did the supreme court deny korematsu's appeal?

there is no such basis.

Confusing signs about prop 8 seriously can somone explain them?

California prop 8 according to the voter information guide says "ELIMINATES RIGHT OF SAME–SEX COUPLES TO MARRY. INITIATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT.
*Changes the California Constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry in California.
*Provides that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California."

That's the propostion word for word as it will appear on the november ballot. I did not leave anything out so please explain these signs. As I said before these are serious questions not spam or argument.

"Protect Marriage yes on 8"
How does prop 8 protect marriage. All it says it that it eliminates marriage from same-sex couples. A man and a woman can already get married so we don't need a proposition to protect them. So whose marriage does it protect.

"Protect families Vote yes on 8"
Again prop 8 says nothing about families only defining a type of marriage that has never been called into question. Yet it will eliminate the rights of same-sex families so whose families is it protecting?

"Prop 8= parental rights"
What rights are being denied to existing heterosexual couples? Prop 8 will Eliminate same-sex marriage so it sounds like it is hurting parental rights of Same-sex couples raising children. Whose parental rights are affected by prop 8?

"Prop 8 = less government involvement"
A constitution is a governmanet document and prop 8 is calling for a constitutional ammendment to define marriage. If the government is defining marriage how is that less government involvement?

"Protect what our children are taught in schools yes on prop 8"
I see nothing in this proposition about education. So how will prop 8 effect it in any way?

I care about Marriage, Family, Parental rights, Government involvement, and Education so please tell me what prop 8 has to do with any of these things.

Because from what I read on the ballot all propaganda aside it destroys marriages, hurts families, eliminates rights of some parents, allows more government involvement, and has nothing to do with education.

Don't try to delete or report me I asked several questions and I was not vulgar or offensive. I seriously want answers since supporters of prop 8 insist they are not lying.