How To Get Relay Sick In Minimum Time

How to get relay sick in minimum time?

don't ask me why or what ever i want to get relay relay sick with high temperature and other symbols of high illness as soon as as possible. 1 day at maximum. nd plez don't suggest foolish ways like take a cold shower nd sat under A.C or anything i want a realy huge sickness. if i have to take a tablet or sth i m ready to just tel me the name plez help i m in need of it

oh. nd dont tell me its not a good thing to get sick or blah,blah,blah (like my granny would)

How to make myself really sick in a short amount of time?

wadup im realy bord and really cant be boderd to go to school the next few days (im not geting bullied if thats what your thinking or have any tests coming up)
im just fuckingsick of shool a lot more since i was made change after getting expelled.
so long story short help me help me really endaner myself if i have to or tell me how to make myself sick for 2-3 days.
im just after drinking a lot of mouthwash so am very dizzy at the mo and took all kinds of tablets and looked at warning signs and used them to my advantage like taking 2-3 tabs when only reccomended one ortake only if have stomach ache or horrible headach(exceeded them doses too)
so please give me more ideas be4 my folkss get home and by the way i have adhd and am very pssychotic and is up for any idea except bulimea i hate bulimics so please help.
i also through down a full glass of whiskey that done a great job and i have a fading cough at the mo if that helps thanks.

How can i get really sick for a long time?

i think you need to sit down and really think hard about why you would want to do this to your self. you could die from something like this. if losing weight is that important to you, you should look into diet and exersize. i hear a diabetic diet can make you lose weight fast. my aunt lost 30 lbs. in a month and a half.

Of you are contageous, don’t. Find another wat to communicate necessary information to work, like Skype.Of you feel sick, but are sure nobody else would het sick from you being there, you could consider going, though i would clearly communicate that you are in fact sick and will probably need Some additional help.Make sure that if you do, it will be appreciated. Otherwise, don’t bother with the effort and stay at home.

Keep getting sick...?

Ever since this past February I've been getting very sick a lot Idk why and doctors don't either.... I'm a smoker and Back in February I had bronchitis and I let it go for about a month before I went to the doctor. After seeing the doctor I found out I also have asthma. After anit-biotics and an inhaler I was good for a while but the past couple months I've been getting sick a lot. It started out with a cough. I never thought anything of it. Than the coughing turned into wheezing. A few days after these symptoms started they just went away ( I never quit smoking during this illness either ) So I was feeling good for a couple days than I caught a cold. Same thing coughing wheezing I also had a fever but it went away after a couple hours. Anyhow I got over the cold in a few days. About a week after that the same symptoms came back but worse than again went away. Now about 2 days ago the same again except this time its much worse. I can barely breathe or hold a breath for that matter. I've been taking my prescribed emergency inhaler and it doesn't help at all. Just keeps getting worse. The wheezing is persistent and the cough doesn't seem to let up. I just don't understand is there something wrong with me? I'm only 18 years old I shouldn't have poor heath like this. Any ideas on whats going on?? Maybe just 1 asthma attack after another?? Idk

IDMT relays are protection relays. They are used on transmission lines to see to that the line current doesn't exceed safe values and if it does, triggers the circuit breaker. IDMT means inverse definite minimum time. So as the current keeps increases, the relay takes minimum time to trip the circuit.Inverse means "higher the current value, lesser the time taken for the relay to trip the circuit". Current in the line and the time taken for the realy to trip the CB follow an inverse proportonality.

Hello,Yes you can become very sick from anxiety and worry, it's very hard on the body more so than most would like to know. I won't go into detail but suffice it to say it probably is the leading cause of many really serious health issue. From heart to cancer and the gamut in between. I would maybe see a professional if at all possible.. they can better fill you in on things to help overcome this debilitating Illness. Remember it takes a bit of time to get these things into a place where we are able to manage them. It becomes a vicious circle if you don't get things straightened out and learn coping skills. Lots become depressed and turn to alcohol or drugs to cope with the stress. Which I'm turn magnifies it later on. It might work for a brief or even a long while but trust me it will turn on you and cut you to ribbons. Hope you get some relief it's hell being under the stress your experiencing. Remember it isn't ever as bad as we perceive it to be. Or rarely anyway. I now think and get away to think about the actual realty of the source and ask myself the same question that my poor father would ask me time after time for years. “ Son is this gonna matter in say a year from now if you believe it is then we will try and get a solution if not it's probably not near as treacherous as you think. He was right 100% of the time. I would usually forget about it within days of the huge end of my world saga!

In Australia you generally have a provision in your industry award or workplace enterprise agreement for what is known as “personal leave”. It varies from workplace to workplace but the minimum amounts are set by a national body - the Fair Work Commission see Fair Work CommissionMost agreements have a provision for ten days per year or more. Personal leave accumulates if unused so you can end up with a large balance - I retired after 37 years and had in excess to 3,000 hours (about eighteen months) of personal leave. Some employees see personal leave as an entitlement to be used up, although normally there is only access to two days per year (often not Fridays or Mondays) without a medical certificate. When I worked in HR the first thing we checked when a manager called about an employee was their personal leave history - you may not always be correct but you can infer a lot from their use of personal leave over the years.Accumulated personal leave is not paid out when you leave work. There have been attempts to change this but the leave is there for when an employee is sick or injured and unable to go to work, there should be no reason for someone to consider not accessing personal leave just to build up a retirement payment.If you have more specific questions please ask.

How to get really sick fast?

You poor thing...

Hmmm... I know how you feel. Get as hot as you can. Like literally. BLANKETS AFTER BLANKETS AFTER BLANKETS AFTER BLANKETS. And a bunch of long sleeves and sweatshirts. It'll make it seem like you have a fever (I had the swine flu for 11 days straight without moving off the couch, I know these things). My your voice sound crappy if you can (scream into a bunch of pillows until it's sore) it'll make you have a sore throat and sound bad. Hmmm... If you possibly can, you could attempt to really make yourself sick (throwing up). I heard if you mix yellow mustard, salt, and water together and drink it, that'll do (or something close to that involving mustard) or drinking a bunch of soda and sticking a finger/ toothbrush down your throat. Make sure she hears/is near. I know I'm probably going to get like a bunch of thumbs down for this answer because I'm literally telling you to get yourself sick, but I'm a teenager too, I know how stressful it is. When you get up tomorrow (with the throat and fever/hotness) go to your mom holding your stomach, sounding crappy, and be all like "i...don' think I'm going to throw up." and add in some funky faces and moans/groans *make sure its not like *UHH. RGGG. HMMM. UHHH.* but more like every few minutes or so, doubling over. Staying up late can also work (make you look tired with skin and everything) and you'd REALLY feel like CRAP. But, it'll really suck if you stayed up all night and had to go to school the next day. I swear I'm going to get like ripped for answering this.

Good luck, and I hope the bullies leave you alone!