How To Get Rid Of A Loser Friend

How to get rid of my "loser" friend?

ok so i have this friend that is a loser we have been friends for 3 years but i still dont really like her as much as the girls that ive been friends with them for like 4 months.. she always follow me everywhere and want to be with me in everything and she is the only loser between me and my friends they all are popular they dislike her and the problem is that she is annoying but the problem is i know she is still going to sit with us when i ditch her and she will say : (you are not not the only one in the squad i am walking with them not you) and if they all told her to not sit with us she will always be alone and i will feel sorry for her i mean i dont dislike but i feel like shes sooo annoying i wanna get rid of her! duh

Should I get rid of my loser friends?

well,first of all ,ask yourself-are they hindering your development in any way?if yes,then you must get rid of them,if no,then ask yourself-did they ever make you happy when you were sad or stressed out?if no,then get rid of them,if yes then ask yourself-are they jealous of your achievements and talk bad behind your back?if yes,then get rid of them,if no then ask yourself,are you perfect in every aspect of your life?are you happy by yourself?Dear friend,a person who is not a winner in his professional life,may be a winner in his personal life,you cannot determine if someone is a winner or a loser :).Cherish the people who take away the stress from your life,because depression and anxiety are the worst enemies which can only be kept at bay in good company,in people who love you for who you are,sympathize with you and give importance to your presence :).FRIENDS are people who STAY with you in your best and worst times .have a good day :)

My best friend is a loser. What can I do?

Wow, I kind of hope this is fake.Not that long ago, I used to be that “loser” friend and honestly, I just went along with it because that’s what my “friends” called me.Here’s what eventually happened when my friends left me because I was wayyy too uncool for them and I ended up totally alone(socially). I’d be lying if I said it didn’t suck a ton. It did. I was a depressed teenager but here is what happened after: I became incredibly close with my family and dove into my hobbies and basically became super selfish (in a healthy way) in that I took care of myself because in the back of my head, I knew I was the only one who was ever going to be there for me no matter what. I ended up getting better grades than them in middle school, went to the good private prep school in town, moved across the country to New York City for college, I went on to live in different countries and learn all kinds of skills and trades and overall became much more interesting than what I would have been sticking around doing the same things because that’s what my “friends” were doing.So here’s what you should do: if you honestly think they’re a loser, start distancing yourself. You should be proud of your friends, they should bring you some sort of happiness, you should feel the need to stand up for them and support, and so on. By you stating they’re a loser, I don’t believe you feel any of that for your friend. Let them go if possible, don’t waste their time with fake friendship.If it is not possible to do it safely, like you’re concerned they will spiral and put themselves or others in danger, then encourage them to find other activities they enjoy besides hanging out with you. Maybe suggest they join a sports team or a club or something else that is both an activity and social. Looking back, I realized there were much nicer ways my friends could have literally snuck away versus just stop talking to me all together. If you’re not getting what you need out of the friendship and feel like they aren’t either, you both need to go in different directions.I know this all sounds harsh, but it’s the truth. People come and go in life constantly and though sometimes it can be painful, it helps us as individuals evolve and grow. Additionally, by setting yourselves to grow apart naturally, there still may be some sadness, but it doesn’t mean you still can be friends in a different capacity.Good luck with whatever you decide.

My "friend" is a total loser.?

Okay, so me and my friends are the typical "in" crowd. We get invited to the parties. Can have conversations with just about everyone, etc. But there's this really tall anf chunky girl who just decided to tag along. She's always trying to be our friend even though we keep avoiding her and pushing her away. We tried once to tell that we weren't her friend but she just came back!! I REALLY want to get rid of her without being too mean....and ideas? We're in the 7th grade and want 2 get rid of her before the school year is over (june 27). She's really shy and doesn't ever talk and at the lunch table, all she talks about is her babay brother and her dog. She wouldn't have any friends if we kicked her to the curb. And she's all of the "lower" classes if you know what i mean.

I can't get over my loser ex boyfriend?

He had hardly any friends and was always playing WOW and lied to me and almost cheated on me twice and didnt respect me at all, and in the end, he dumped me because he 'got bored' and 'was confused'. although he did tell me he wanted me back, he changed his mind so he wouldn't 'hurt me'. I guess i can understand that, but he kept telling me he stilled loved me and for me not to move on, yet he was moving on himself. so i told him off and havent talked since.
I think I built up a codependece on him for my happiness because whenever i was upset i would go back to him although it just made things worse
and he was my first love so i learned alot about relationships but now im afraid that every guy here out will always hurt me.
although i know i should just get over my ex, i cant because i feel like i cant be happy without him.
what can i do to get over him and realize its over and dont need him to be happy and become a strong willed girl again who doesnt take sh*t from guys??

How do I get over the fact that my only friends consider me a loser?

They are not your friends. With no loyalty they mean nothing. We all deserve appreciation and clearly they can not provide that. Make new friends!

How do I get friends and have people like me if I'm a loser?

Start by changing your attitude; stop thinking you are a loser. Get away from the loser attitude. If you really want to get friends and have people like you, you need to work on it.You must convince yourself that things can change. Take control of your life. By refocusing your actions you can change how your life is going on. You are not better or worse than any other individual. They might be skilled in something you aren’t, you can be skilled in something they aren’t.Get into school if you haven’t, stay in school and complete a degree if you still are at school. Work hard and get good grades. Study a career that is in high demand and where you can get a well paying job. Software development is one.Groom yourself. Dress well, shine your shoes, take a shower regularly so you smell good. Successful people always look presentable. Then go out to meet new friends.Although difficult, leave shyness behind. You need to be able to approach others and start conversations, ask questions or comments. Don’t know what to say? Read next…Read about current events, social events, concerts, movies, and the news. Knowing about what’s going around in the world, in your country, and your city. That will give you material to initiate or get into conversations with other people. It will help you make friends.Surround yourself with good people and get away immediately from bad people. Get a hobby or specialize in something; great friendships can develop between people share a like for the same the things.There are many other things you can do but, following these will redirect where your life is going.

What should I do if my friends are losers and I hate them? Is it bad to just ditch them and move on?

Your friends can lift you up or drag you down.My instructor used to tell us frequently to surround ourselves with friends that would lift us up. I learned several times that this was true.In college, one of my friends from high school stopped hanging around the part of campus where I spent a lot of my social time. Later, I asked him why and he said he needed better friends. I wandered with him and got involved with the group of people in student government and I learned something: He was right, our friends were dragging us down.I had been spending time having intellectual and philosophical debates with educated people who were going no where. When I struggled, they helped me fail.Me: "I didn't get much sleep last night and my paper still isn't done, I'm worried about showing up to class today without it."Them: "It's okay, skip it, finish it tonight and hand it in tomorrow, no big deal, I'm in the same boat." So I missed class. A lot. It was easy to do when I had friends to do it with. I also failed classes and had crap for grades. When I moved up campus, I started hanging out with people who actually knew what it took to be successful. I had the same conversation but it went differently.Me: "I don't know what I'm going to do, I still haven't figured out  what to do with my project and I'm supposed to turn in an outline today..."Them: "Okay, your class is in what, an hour? Let's hash through it and see what we can come up with so you can hand in something, then you can talk to the professor about where to go from there..."And they helped. It turned life around in significant ways for me. By the end of the term I was doing much better and I had made several friends. One of them mentioned a position in student government that would award a year's tuition but it required a GPA I didn't have. They helped. I busted my ass in ways I never had before and I couldn't have done it without them. I pulled a 3.77 my last term that year and qualified for the job. Because I had better friends. If your friends are helping you fail, you owe them very little. Find friends who will help you succeed.