How To Get The Most Out Of References In A Social Media World

Can you imagine world without facebook? Or other social media?

The world wouldn't been so hidden, And by that, what I mean is that most people on social media just chat publicly and theres really no more face to face kind of thing. The world without YouTube however would defiently be a better place. All those hate comments and such would really exist, and no one would argue about how many followers this person has compared to themselves. However, It would be a bit boring, but I just went Inactive for a while on Instagram because its really addictive. Just become inactive for like 30weeks thats what I did on social media. Life felt so much better!

Should Social Media be banned?

I think so. Reasons below support my claim.
1.It makes more people more misinformed about more things.
2. It allows too many people to publish idiotic, uninformed comments.
3. It promotes a "Sedentary Life" and discourages people from getting physical exercise.
4. Things that are not important are mentioned or have no business on the news.
5. It makes it too easy to be stalked.
6. Children are exposed to garbage and vulgar language and bad habits.
7. It replaces real thinking with rapid overthought constant knowledge.
8. It interferes with being truly creative by demanding and encouraging rapid reactions.
9. It's a driving distraction.
10. It distracts you from developing real skills (ie. playing guitar, getting better at chess, learning about astronomy).
11. People on social media think that every little thing they do or say is of the utmost importance.
12. It makes you obsess over sharing instead of living in the here and now.
13. It distracts you from living in the moment.
14. It makes it too easy to "fall in love" with someone whom you really shouldn't meet and replaces authentic (offline) relationships.
15. It's an easy distraction from your family and work. It's both unprofessional and aggravating.
16. It promotes improper writing by abbreviating and talking slang and not talking with sense.
17. We get way too much exposure to stupid ideas, especially about politics and religion.
18. It's a cyber-bully haven which causes depression, anxiety, and lasting effects.

I want to take break from social media, help ?!?

So I've been thinking about taking a break from social media because I feel like I would be more productive without it and i won't feel all my energy drained out .. It might be hard, so any ideas/motivation to help ? Or anything I could do with the time I will be having ?? Thanks in advance

Is social media making us more anti social?

According to me - Yes. Social media IS making us a little less social.Social networking is making us antisocial in many indirect and not so obvious ways. Yes it is true that it has given us ways to reach out to a larger set of people and redefined the way we interact with each other. It helped us to know about how different people think. Infact I could go on writing the good things about it but that's not the point. All these points look good only in writing. Ideally we should have become more and more socially connected as a result of social media but in reality I don't see that happening. Atleast not anywhere around myself.People are getting more and more addicted to screens. They are starting to believe that being 24x7 on the internet makes them connected to the outside world. Little do they realise that it only is consuming them and it's just their screens that is connected to other screens and not people. Wishing someone on their birthday has been reduced to just doing so on their Facebook walls or messaging them on Whatsapp. Gone are the days of wishing them in person let alone calling them on phone. This practice has become so common that its ridiculousness is hardly noticed. And this is just one of the examples of how socially disconnected it is making us.I think one of the reasons that people get easily glued to online social networking is the level of their openness on this platform. People are quite open and free to express their thoughts when it comes to doing it online. For instance it's easy for a guy to compliment a stranger of her beauty on the internet. But how many have the balls to step up and do that in person? Not even me to be frank. This is the difference between a real society and a virtual online society. I would like to quote a sentence that I had recently read in a blog:Get off social media. You can do without continuous pings about how perfect others’ fake lives are goingAnd this photo from 9gag sums it all:​​​Finally, as I had already said in the beginning, the social media is supossed to make us more and more connected but it's for us to decide which connections really do matter.P.S. please read my first post in my blog which is somewhat related to this context: Cut yourself off from the virtual world by Kunal Kishore on My blogThanks!