How To Grow Taller At 17 Almost 18

I'm 17 and still 5'6". Can I grow taller?

you can grow yes, but u didnt say if u were a girl or boy, if boy.. then u have plenty of time. doesnt matter if ur parents are short. you will still grow as long as you have a healthy diet.
look at the comment above me, (i know he has copied that Message and pasted it on random-growth questions, but it makes sense. he's just trying to get easy points,) i on the other hand am trying to help.
cos u see.. im also 17 and i have short parents. i hope to grow another 4 inches or so.
your dad is tall, so yes u will get taller. u might hit 6'2 or higher idk.
check this out, this was from some friend that i spoke to the other night about growth. this was his life:
"13th birthday: 4'11-5'0
14th birthday: 5'1
15th birthday: 5'3
16th birthday: 5'6-5'7
17th birthday: 5'10
18th birthday: 5'11
19th birthday: 6'0
20th birthday: 6'0
21st birthday: 6'0
22nd birthday: 6'0.5??? Haven't measured in awhile but I think I've grown slightly. "
so u have a great chance!! :D

Will I grow taller? I'm almost 18?

Well .. I AM 20 years old and the same height .
And i Still hope that i would grow . . but it wont happen if you just sit and wait for growing at this age
you can grow 2,3 inches believe me but what you have to do it exercise
do stretching exercise daily that would help i am sure.
Google for stretching exercises dear.

Will I grow taller?I'm almost 18?

We might not like it, but the fact is that our height is determined mostly by our genetic inheritance but also by what we eat, what illnesses we have had, and the type and amount of exercise that we get. This makes it absolutely impossible to accurately predict someone's final height, no matter how tall or short their ancestors, siblings and cousins are or were.

A very complex interaction of behavioural and genetic processes is involved in growing. Should you wish to gain a better understanding of the genetic process, read about "dominant" and "recessive" genes by doing a Google search. I suspect that you will get taller but I cannot guess by how much and nor can anyone else. To give your genes their best chance to make you taller, and to get healthier for the sake of getting healthier, do the following:-

1. Get plenty of sleep, for example, eight hours every day, between 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM.
2. Get plenty of moderate exercise such as cycling, walking, swimming, judo, yoga and tai chi.
3. Eat only fresh food and a wide variety of it but no food with added sugar or fat.
4. Avoid smoking, taking drugs or drinking alcohol.
5. Avoid fretting over things that you probably cannot change.
6. Ask your doctor to refer you to an endocrinologist (puberty doctor) who would do blood tests to see if you have a correctable hormonal abnormality but this would be totally inappropriate, unless you are extremely short for your age. You are not anywhere near short for your age.
7. Remember that the average height of all 25 year old men in the world, is 5'9" and since many boys continue to grow until they are 25 years old, you could grow taller.
8. Remember that being too tall has serious disadvantages, especially when you are older.
9. Remember that it is far more important to walk tall than it is to be tall.
10. Remember that plenty of boys grow almost 14 inches after their fourteenth birthday.
11. Remember that there is no evidence that short people are unable to make friends or have successful lives.

If I'm a 17 year old male can I still grow taller Mom is 5'5 and my dad is 5'9 while I'm 5'6. Is there any hope for me to become normal?

You’d be surprised at how many changes you can create in your body with the right exercises. Basketball and volleyball players were never “normal” which, by the way, you ALREADY ARE. You won’t stop growing until you are about 21. If you are stunted in a height that you do not like, seek HGH therapy or join an exercise program like swimming, basketball, volleyball and even yoga to stretch your muscles and your entire body.Hey, my son and my entire family are considered short. We all got amazing better halves. There is a market out there for everybody. Don’t sweat it.

Can I still grow taller at 17 years old? (male)

Hmm… that’s a tough question. May I ask what age you’ve hit puberty, your growth rate and your sleeping and eating habits? Whether you smoke and drink can affect as well. Alright, if you’re a late bloomer (I’d expect so, seeing as your dad is 6′5) you have around 1–3 years of rapid growth (my estimation of course). Rapid growth is 5–10cm of growth a year, and is what occurs in most boys from 12–17. It usually lasts for 2–5 years depending on the individual. If you are a late bloomer, I’d expect a decent height of at least 178cm/5′10. To a probably maximum of 202cm/6′7 (with your genetics, it’s the maximum I estimate). If you are a slightly late bloomer, I’d expect a decent height of at least 5′10 again, but a maximum of probably 185cm/6′1. If you are an average grower I’d predict almost no growth at all, with a base height of at least 173cm/5′8 to around 180cm/5′11. Also, 172cm is closer to 5′8. If you are an early bloomer, you’ll still grow, but sideways.

Will i still grow tall. im 17 male.?

most women stop developing at about 18-20, males at about 18-22, so theres a good chance you will. I was a little bit shorter than you when i was 17 and now im 19 and 6'2''

Can i still grow taller im 17 year old male almost 18 5"7 in height what can i do to grow taller?

You will probably peak at 5'8 at 18 when most males stop growing although the absolute deadline is actually 25. Any further height growth after 18 is, in most cases, very slow.

Normal healthy eating will help to reach your potential height.

Im 17 years old and Im 5'7. Will I grow any taller??

You're almost at full height bro. My family isn't too different, just shorter.

Mom and Dad 5'2. Sister 5'3 and I'm 5'10. I stopped growing around 18 - 19 (heightwise that is).

A good sign that you will stop growing height wise is you'll start to thicken and put on a lot more weight/ muscle. Start going to the gym a lot around then. You'll thank me in 2 - 3 years when you're a tank.