How To Have Energy After Work

How to have more energy for a workout after school?

Hello, I'm a college student at a performing arts college in LA.

Before school started in October I had a steady fitness routine, wake up at about 8, do yoga at 9, go for a run at 11, go to work from 1-5, lift for 2 hours go home make dinner and chill until bed at 11 then due it all over agian.

Now that I'm in college I go to school, from 930 to 5, come home, fall on the bed, practically fall asleep making dinner, try to do homework and go to sleep.

My point is, How do I have more energy when I'm done with school? So that way I can at least go for a run, or get in a decent work out? I've gained 5 of the freshman 15, and I dont want the other 10!!!!!


How can you have more energy after work, especially if you are most focused in the morning?

Take a few breaks during the afternoon to breathe deeply, stretch, and make sure you drink a few sips of water.

How do I get the energy to study after a long and tiring day at work?

There are a few things that are needed to help in the process, writing this in general context of extended studying:1. schedule what you are going to work on after coming home. If you do not have a set subject to work on, you may get distracted easily. 2. Portion your work depending on how stressful you get at work. if you dont portion, a large swathe of work stares at you and discourages you3. If you can, try to get a 30 minute quick nap. It reinvigorates you. But its not necessary, many people are able to go for 14 to 16 hour days without naps. 4. Take a small break of no more than 1 hour after returning from work, in case you cannot take a nap. Nothing that commits you to something extensive or distracts you further. For example, watch a rerun of  a show. 5. Eating a small portion of food is very important, it helps you focus. Small portion is important, eating too much will tend to take focus away.. 6. Typically its best to plan work in long intervals, without disturbing yourselves. Once you train your thought on a subject, keep at it. I prefer study slots of 4 to 6 hours at a stretch. May be with a water or tea or coffee break in between.  7. Get serious about study, and place a 'do not disturb' sign on your door. Disconnect your internet on laptops, wireless devices, phones as necessary.. 8. find a comfortable place to work from, where avenues of distraction are less or nonexistent. A corner in a library is a great place to work from. 9. Why do all the above? to keep you motivated. First you need to be interested in the work/study you want to pursue after coming home, and second you need to be motivated by the progress you are making (its a positive feedback loop), the more progress you make, the more focused you are, the more interested you remain10. Discard myths about studying, such as: (a) you cannot study for longer than 4 hours sitting at a place, this is patently wrong. People can go 8 to 10 hours without realizing it (b) I need to take breaks every hour - wrong  don't need to (c) I need to sleep well - wrong, for adults 5 to 6 hours per day is best when focusing on extended study/work. I try to maintain this at 5 hours per day for best results (one of the most important aspect)well hope that helps.

Do you prefer going to the gym before or after work?

I just started to exercise regularly about a month ago and I am trying to get into a routine. It seems like I have the most energy AFTER my work out regardless if I am tired before getting to the gym. It also seems like I have the least amount of energy AFTER work and I either put going to the gym off or I am not able do as much as I like because I am tired.

I have not tried going to the gym before work because I do not want to be dragging when I am there.

What are some ways that I can go to the gym regularly if my work schedule fluctuates and have enough energy for the gym and work? Sometimes, I have to work at night and then I very next day I have to work in the morning.

What do you prefer???

NOTE: If I were to pick the gym before work option I will shower before going to work btw. I like to do weight lifting one day and cardio the next.

Is 5 hour energy bad for you?

It is not bad for you. 5-Hour Energy does not contain any stimulants such as caffeine, so people sensitive to caffeine can safely take one. The active ingredients are basically four B vitamin sources: Niacin, Folic Acid, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12. Since these four ingredients are water soluble, it is impossible to overdose on them. Your body will use whatever it needs of them and flush the rest out of your system.

5-Hour Energy also does not contain any sugar, only a non-nutritive sweetener (aspartame) and has only 4 calories per 2-ounce serving. Some energy drinks are loaded with sugar and caffeine as the main ingredients, resulting in a lot of calories, and after a while you experience a double whammy from them, in the form of a sugar crash and a caffeine overload, which causes anxiety, nervousness and tremors in some people. 5-Hour Energy has neither of them so you don't have to worry about a sugar crash or being crocked on caffeine. The only thing some people may have to worry about is the aspartame in the shot, as some people are sensitive to it.

I take the extra-strength version, which has higher amounts of the B vitamins, and that works fine for me. One shot lasts me for a while.

In short, 5-Hour Energy is safe to use and has only a few calories per 2-ounce shot. Steady yourself, though -- the stuff is not exactly the greatest-tasting stuff in the world!

How do people have any energy left after coming home from work for hobbies, chores or studying?

The older I get, the more this becomes an issue for me. I work in retail and spend at least 8 hours a day 5 days a week walking on an unforgiving concrete surface dealing with customers that are occasionally somewhat less than pleasant. While I like what I do as it affords me the opportunity to help people, I am an introvert and feel drained at the end of my shift; all I want is to plop down on the couch, watch a movie, putter around on Quora, or sip a glass of wine while my energy level slowly recovers.The exigencies of life outside of work, however, are ever present and must be dealt with. Attempting to tackle all of the tasks in one go is counterproductive and ill advised, so I have learned to prioritize and to break chores into smaller, more manageable chunks. Does the bathroom need to be cleaned? Yes, of course, but 5 minutes spent scouring the toilet bowl and wiping down the outside surface is nothing compared to the time it would take to scrub the tub, wipe the walls, sanitize the sink, freshen the floor, and groom the grout. (Can you tell I love a good thesaurus?) Cooking is another area that lends itself to compartmentalization. Will I use this stirring spoon to complete the meal? No? Rinse it, wash it, put it in the rack to dry. Letting everything pile up in the sink becomes a far more daunting task and could easily be put off till tomorrow rather than done today. There are very few duties that cannot be parsed into smaller, more easily accomplished bits and, in this manner, I’ve found my energy level is minimally impacted while the jobs get done.

How do we find the energy to run a side business after work?

What you really need to ask yourself is: How bad do you want it?To run a business outside of normal working hours, means you need to be excited about it. Which begs the question, Do you really want it or do you just want to want it?Starting a side business is always fun, however running and growing it has its challenges. I assume you in this very unromantic phase.I suggest the following to help you through it:Stroke the your burning pain.There was a reason you started this side business, whether it be for extra income, to no longer work for a boss. Whatever it may be revisit that reason and think intensely about WHY you started it the first place - This always gets me fired up.2. Set Deadlines and mean itDeadlines have a funny way of kicking us in the ass and forcing us into action. The key with deadlines is to be strict about it. So when you set a deadline, honour and respect it.Entrepreneurs, including myself really struggle with this because there is no one to tell us what to do (Its a blessing and a curse) so you need to build this muscle and practice discipline.3. Ruthlessly cut the fatMaybe you don’t need to find the energy. It could be the case that you just spending it ineffectively. My advice here is to focus on your core business components and put a hold on everything else. Pareto’s 80/20 rule will help you here.4. Do more of what works for youSchedule you side business activities when you are most active. So test out your productivity in the morning compared to when you work in the evening. Once you identified when you work best - do more of it.5. Quick WinsResults inspire action. Getting out of a energy-slump is easier to escape than you think. The key here is to get a quick win. This will help you build momentum

I constantly feel tired after work. How do I get energized again for a productive evening?

Okay. I had the same issue. If you were to follow my advise properly, a good result will be likely.Take vitamins. Revital, vit A, B complex, C, D, K and omega 3 oils. Stagger the usage. Aim for 3-4 doses of each spread over a week. Available on eBay.Take prebiotic and probiotic mix. You can find capsules of that on eBay. Include yogurt, sauerkraut, yakult, and other fermented food in your diet. Aim for 5-6 fermented servings a week.Take nuts. Walnut, pecan, Brazil, macadamia, peanuts(technically not a nut), pistachio, almonds etc. Prepare a mixture and take like 200g a week. I like mine with some honey spread over it.Take eggs. They are good source of choline and protein. Atleast 10 eggs a week if you don't eat meat. If can't take egg, drink 5 liters of milk in a week.Find a gym. You are going to do just one exercise. Deadlift. And that too just 6-7 reps 3 days a week. That will not cause tiredness beyond the first few days. Be careful though. Be VERY VERY careful here. Have an expert teach you how to do it properly or you may get injured. Once ready, thats the only exercise you will do, for now. When you can lift about 100 kilos, then decide whether to go further etc. If you get time, try the stationary bike or running for 15 minutes to get your heart rate up. You can also do kettlebell swing and Turkish get up. Those are safer exercises.Avoid liquid calories. No drinks containing sugar. No coke, no Pepsi, no fruit juice, no alcohol. Eat whole fruit if you wish to. Mix a teaspoon of psyllium husk in milk to feel full faster and to help the bowel movements. I eat carrots when hungry before meal timeDon't make any tough resolutions that you won't be able to keep. Keep easy goals and deliver them. You'll see results in. 2-3 weeks or less. Just try to keep a healthy body and mind will follow.Good luck.

How do people have energy after work to start a business or study complex subjects?

Small steps. There is an old parable that asks “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.”Don’t start out trying to do everything at once, break it down into small manageable chunks that you can achieve in an hour or two.If you are starting a business, start by making a business model canvas. Give your self a night to do each of the 9 steps. If you don’t understand what one is, take that night to read about it and then try again tomorrow.Keep taking small steps towards your bigger goal one day at a time and learn to fail (we all make mistakes). Just make sure your don’t fail to learn.I would add more business related details, but I wanted to make a more generalized answer for people who never start things out of a fear of failing. The easiest way to fail is to never have tried at all. Even if you miss your goal in starting something new, you learn a little something more about yourself and your capabilities each time. I have failed ALOT in life and business, but that gives me a unique perspective on attacking new problems that most people don’t have.Swing for the fences and try something new TODAY. Because sometimes tomorrow is too late.