How To Loose Weight Quick

What foods can help me to lose weight quickly?

This may not count as a food but…WATER!!!Water is pretty much the only thing you can consume that will have a thermic effect greater than the energy intake (more calories expended to digest it than gained).Also, what do you mean by “quick” weight loss. If you mean lose 10 pounds in month, you’re just barely in the safe levels for weight loss. If you mean anything more than that then it’ll probably hurt you more than benefit you. People who lose weight really quick (e.g. The Biggest Loser competitors) usually gain it back. And while those people are incredibly obese, it will still apply to people trying to lose only 20–50 lbs. The healthy levels of weight loss are going to be about 2 lbs/week.The only healthy way to lose weight (or in particular, fat mass) is by eating a high protein diet while cutting down on carbs (especially sugars) and fats (but keep these above 40g a day AT LEAST). Keep in mind to be in a caloric deficit (around 300–500 kcals below maintenance). Whether you do this on some fad diet or by tracking what you eat, keep these factors in mind. Once you hop on a diet you’ll notice faster weight loss at first due to water weight being lost, but eventually you’ll be more around that 2 lbs/week rate.Here’s a good way to calculate your caloric needs.Calculate Your Caloric Intake!These are some foods that won’t help you lose weight “quickly” but will make you feel more full and crave eating less.Lean meatsPoultryEggsOatsWhole grain/wheat breadsVegetables (especially high fiber)Essentially you want a colorful diet. Now good luck on your weight loss journey!

How quick does throwing up make you lose weight?

Is it like instantly loosing weight or does it take a hour, day etc. please tell me how long it takes till you lose weight if you make yourself throw up?
Taaaa xo

How to lose weight quickly for Military.?

I am a female. 5 9. I weigh 260. I am a fairly active individual and I do HIIT twice a week and yoga for 45 minutes every day. I am interested in joining the military, however I haven t met with a recruiter because I know I will likely get turned down due to obesity. According to the website for the Air Force , it says I should be around 180 for height. How do I loose this weight quickly? im hoping to lose a lot of it in the next 5 months.

How can I lose weight fast? Im 14?

Hey my names Megan. Uhmm well Im 14 and I wanna lose weight? Im 5'9" and I weigh 201 pounds.. I know I know Im WAY over weight and I know that its very unhealthy. Ive tried to lose weight before but I just kinda gave up. I started high school this year and Ive seen all of the stick skinny girls always get all the guys and stuff. All of my friends are skinny. Im going to an arts school so Im supposed to be auditioning for plays and things. And Ive seen all of the girls who get lead rolls are skinny. Im not comfortable with my body at all. I never wear shorts or skirts. I always just wear jeans. I have an audition for a play called Learned Ladies next week and I wanna lose maybe a couple pounds? But by the end of the year I wanna be down to 150. If thats possible. I know that Im gonna have to eat healthy and exercise. Im up for it. Please tell me exactly what I have to do?
