How To Make A Conversation In Sinhala . And A Website To Refer

What is the best way to withdraw money from in indian currency?

Sorry this is not the answer for your question. But this answer will do good to a lot of people.Never ever go for freelancer .com. I’m a student who did web designing on freelancer .com in my free times. You can see it is the biggest market place and all. But it is the biggest scam. Please google for freelacer .com scams. You will find a lot of scams about freelancer .com. It is not the employers or the freelancers who does the scam. It is the platform. I’m writing this post because I was also cheated by freelancer .com today.About my experience:I was awarded 3 separate projects by a client from uk. I did the job and received payment for all the 3. It was 20GBP + 60GBP + 100GBP =180GBP. After about 30 minutes I requested for cash withdrawal to my bank account. When I looked to my transaction history, the freelancer has taken all this money back. When I contacted freelancer support, they told that the clients account was closed and they have taken my hard earned money according to the terms and conditions I accepted when registered on the platform.I’m a person who believes we should not tell something like this without proofs. I’m attaching my transaction details and the chat with freelancer support along with this post. Click on the image. You can read it easily.

What does CC mean in email I received from someone?

CC stands for Carbon Copy.When you write an email addressing to a primary recipient you address him/her as “TO”. But when you have other recipients who you want to copy that email to then a duplicate is created addressing the other recipients as “CC”.Here, both the primary recipient as well as secondary recipient will know who is addressed as “TO” and who is addressed as “CC”. Also, it is done publicly meaning everyone CCed in the email will know everyone to whom the email is CCed.There is other term “BCC” which stands for Blind Carbon Copy. When an email is BCCed it is rather done privately which means that the email is a copy but none of the recipients will know who else the email is copied to.