How To Make A Meal Chooser

Is it okay to stare at someone's food while they are eating, and also inquiring how much it costs and then passing comments that it's portion looks plenty? How do I tell them that it's really weird to do that?

"You should try this, it's great and stop staring!"That's all.

Do Dream11 cheat people in mega contests by forming top teams by theirselves?

***….. A Biggg Bigggg YES…..!TEY CHEAT PEOPLE…THEY LOOT YOUR MONEY…****READ COMPLETELY***SEE PROOFS BELOW…..***IN GRAND LEAGUES…. *****They cheat people putting their computer generated teams…***in leagues***THEY program team names in order…***SUPPOSE THE TEAM NAME IS***KIRAN69338MN. ******KIRAN - 69338- MN******(Name) - (Numbering) -(Alphabetic order) ***.***They program their teams like this…***adding 1–2 lakhs teams in grand leaguesthey had winnging chances high…EXAMPLE:- A GRAND LEAGUE HAS 6 TO 8 LAKH TEAMS… DREAM 11 GUYS ADDS THEIR 2 LAKH COMPUTER GENERATED TEAMS…SO IT HAS 5 LAKH PEOPLE JOINED WITH THEIR OWN MONEY IF THE JOINING MONEY IS 49RS…THEN 500000x49 its approx 2CRORE 45 LAKHS….W T F… THIS PEOPLE LOOT 2 - 3 CRORES MONEY WITHIN ONE HOUR…EVEN VIJAY MALYA.. NIRAV MODI…SHOCKS AFTER SEEING THIS…So here comes your questions…1- why government shouldn't care this…answer :- Because they get 30% of the winning money…approx 20 - 30 lakhs per match…2- Why dhoni advertising if it's a scam…answer:- Because he doesn't know about these cheating like you…HE ALREADY REGRET ABOUT HIS PAST ADVERTISING… GOOGLE IT…3- THERE IS A OPTION CALLED VIEW TEAMS…HOW THEY CHEAT.. U R MISLEADING PEOPLE?ANS:- SORRY MY FRIEND…They don't cheat in that way..they add 1 to 2 lakh computer programmed generated teams and takes all probability of winning…… dream 11 pays maximum 10 k to hardly 20 k…they never gives you lakhs of money my friend…many people loose their money in fantasy leagues…because it is addictive business…humans have hope..they cash your hope…OPEN YOUR EYES.. SPREAD IT AS MUCH AS YOU CAN…UNTILL GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT…THEY LOOTING MANY INNOCENT PEOPLE MONEY…CRORES OF CRORES…NOW IM STILL A STUDENT.. I DON'T WANT TO RISK MT STUDIES…A ALREADY SHARING THIS TO MY FRIENDS AND MANY PEOPLE…I KNOW THE VALUE OF 50 RS…. IT GIVES 1 MEAL FOR 1 POOR PERSON…THINK HOW MANY MEAL THEY ARE STOLEN…IT IS THE BIGGEST SCAM I NEVER SEEN IN MY LIFE…THESE CHEATING PEOPLE WILL LEAVE ONE DAY WITH ALL OUR MONEY…WE DONT WANT TO SEE ANOTHER VIJAY MALYA, ANOTHER NIRAV MODI…EVEN THEY TOO CHEATED BANKS…THESE MORONS EATING INNOCENT PEOPLE MONEY WHOSE DREAMS TO EARN LOTS OF MONEY PLAYING DREAM 11…SORRY FOR THE long answer…but it needed…THEY CHEAT U..THEY CHEAT PEOPLE…THEY CHEAT INDIA…I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE THEM…PLEASE SHARE IT FRIENDS…***so they had probability to win 100%…***

Asshole Boyfriend- Does he not care or does he just have it too good? He lies, tries to cheat and is abusive..?

1. Your story is too long, it gets cut off at the end
2. Your feelings might tell you otherwise, but look for someone who you know will actually love you, treat you right.
I mean Wtf? You used to pay for everything? He hits you?

I'm going to be honest, and tell you that almost everything that can go wrong has gone wrong in your relationship, and you should look for someone who you don't have to beg for love, it should just come naturally.
I'm not an expert but that's how I think you should handle this.

The real problem is him, he sounds really damaged psychologically, and truth be told, I don't know how he will fare if you leave him. Just remember that it is not your fault, nothing can be your fault as this guy continually abuses you, doesn't even show his love for you, and leeches off your income. I don't know who he has to blame, but it definitely isn't you.

I like my friend who friend zoned me... Am i wasting my time being stupid?

TRUST ME I AM RIGHT. I READ THE ENTIRE QUESTION. I HAVE F*CKED OVER 40 GIRLS AND IM NOT EVEN ATTRACTIVE. (The reason I get laid so much is, I know the signs of when a girl wants you).

This girl was stalling in the car because she wanted you to MAKE OUT WITH HER. Not a peck on the cheek. What kind of 2nd grade p*ssy sh*t is that? Thats all you let her do? You should have gone in for the kiss, gently grabbed her cheek, started making out, hand on her side, moved up her body to her arm, then boob, then leg, etc etc as you make out.

You messed up.

The good news is, youve known her for awhile. You will get another chance

invite her to the movies this weekend. tell her "trust me youll be glad you did". she will get super extremely excited. then make a move in your car. she WILL go for it

ALSO YOU ARE MOVING ALONG TOO SLOW. THIS GIRL WANTS YOU TO MOVE FASTER. THE GIRL IS 29 YEARS OLD. SHE HAS F*CKED HER FAIR SHARE OF GUYS, MOST LIKELY. not trying to give you a bad image haha just being REALISTIC with you. she knows how to kiss, knows how to have sex, so go for the make out already. invite her inside your house sometime soon.

thank me later my dude

best answer

Also the reason that she didnt like you, then did, is this:

Girls naturally are the choosers. Women choose who they want to date. Its the way of the world. You saying you liked her? Made YOU the chooser. It also turned her off- it made her feel you werent WORTHY to be chosen. (Women usually chase after guys who act like they dont like them, or genuinely dont like them, in case you havent noticed.)

Then when you found a girl, however, it showed PRESELECTION- that other women wanted you. This made her realize that, despite her stereotypical assumption that you WERENT DATING MATERIAL since you chased her, she assumed that you must actually be a worthy partner- since this other girl clearly liked you and YOU dumped HER. (thus making you look like an alpha male). So now your friend sees your value, plus you guys click, so she wants you pretty damn bad. make a move buddy. women dont keep feelings forever. if you dont make a move SOON she will LOSE those feelings fast

What is the best college in Durham University, UK?

It really depends on what you're looking for. I applied to Chads, but was allocated Mildert. While I still think my original choice suits me more as a college, I've probably made better friends at Mildert than I would have at Chads, so it's not the end of the world wherever you go (except Stockton colleges, but you'll know if your course is based there). Basically, Bailey colleges (Castle, Hatfield, Chads, Johns and Cuths) are the old ones, closer to Elvet Riverside/classics/theology etc. They tend to have a higher proportion of private/boarding school kids, are smaller and are closer to town. They normally have more formals, and are gowned.Hill colleges are mostly newer, and are all within 15 minutes of the science site. From Mildert, I could reach chemistry (far side of the science site) in ten minutes, Elvet in fifteen and market square in twenty. It's not a long walk, but keep in mind the hill on the way back, the weather, and the fact that it gets dark early for most of the year. A few of them are also a bit run down, and Mildert, Trevs and Aidens are known for being 'reallocation' colleges - most people didn't choose to go there! As far as the JCR, most colleges have a similar range of sports, theatre groups, outreach etc, thought if there something you're particularly interested in its worth investigating. Having said that, if your college doesn't have it, the DSU will, or you can start a new society. Don't listen to the food argument, everyone gets the same (lots of potatoes)! Jobo and Cuths are self catered (Cuths has some catered). Obviously every college thinks they're the best, and stereotypes the others. Hatfield is equated to Slytherin, Hild Bede is miles away, Trevs is a maze, and Stockton... Mildert has rivalries with Aidens and Trevs, etc etc, you get the point! They really have to be visited for you to pick which one you think is best.

Can rice be made sous-vide, and if so, what does it taste like?

As far as I knew ( quite a few years back), in sous-vide process, one major objective is to cook in lowest possible heat to retain original aspects of a food item. It is very close to , if not below, pasteurization temperature ( 145 F or about 64 C) for long time under vacuum. This will kill pathogens and inhibit growth of spoilage bacteria.Rice needs to be cooked close to 95 to 100 C. Below that temperature , the grains will not boil/soften.All methods are not for the preparation of all foods. You can not make a roast by sous vide, unless you make a twist of the original objectives to get a market.