How To Make Friends On The Second Day Of School

How to make friends on the first day of high school?

Be yourself. And give yourself time to find the right friends. My first semester of HS sucked because I wound up in classes with the same kind of people I knew in middle school. I had maybe one friend.

But I decided I deserved better than that, and second semester I started to find people who were more fun and were more in tune with me. Then it takes time. You meet their friends, and more people, and slowly you build those relationships and by about sophomore year I had a good group to hang out with.

Guys are pretty easy to get to know actually even if you're shy. Guys like to show off, like to tell stories, like people who listen to them, and like people who stand by them. You don't have to BE like them (and you shouldn't be if you don't want to be), you just kind of have to listen to them and put up with them and appreciate them for who they are.

You just kind of have to give it time for guys to trust you and open up to you. And if they know youre a little bit adventurous and easy to get along with you should have no probs making friends.

Its a great thing to have good friends and it'll make high school a lot more fun and easier to get through. So good for you dude for breaking out of your shell. I went through the same thing and it led to a lot of good things.


I just moved from egypt (no im not egyptian) to california. Im going to a public highschool for the first time. I am a freshman. My school has like over 3000 students which is a CRAZY amount to me. Anyways thats not the point. The point is that its been the second day of school and still i have no one to hang out with or talk to. I dont know how but all of the freshmen have their friends already so i dont know how im going to make friends if they wont even pay attention to me. Im a crazy shy girl when i am new. i would normally not talk to anyone but ive actually talked to atleast 1 person in each of my classes. Its really frustrating because i cant live with out my friends :( its so sad :( another thing is that during lunch, i have no one to sit with so i stupidly walk around the school like 50 times and stay in the bathroom for like 10 mins untill the 1hr lunch is over.. its sad because people stare at me like im crazy because they see me walking around like 50 times :( what do i do?? I would love you to pieces if you could give me useful help <3 thanks <3

Is it a bad thing to miss the second day of school?

If your so stressed you woke up crying, it might be a good idea to take a "mental health day", but don't make it a habit. Missing the second (well first) day of school might make it a little harder for you when you go back though. If you could get through it I would, but if you think you're going to have a anxiety attack then just stay home.

You have to learn to not let these things bother you though, or else you'll always be home. Drama and stess are all part of life, especially during school. It sucks, but you just have to deal.

(And if he did cheat on you, please beat his ***. I've seen so many of my friends hurt by stupid guys that can't stick to one girl. If he cheated on you, he's not even remotely worth your time.)

Good luck dear.

I can't make new friends in high-school. What should I do?

You know what, I was the same way.Quick story time!Flashback to my freshman year…I had no friends freshman year. My only “friend” I had in 8th grade had found a new best friend and replaced me. I was all alone.I'm a friendly person, but for some reason, nobody liked me. Everyone was too busy with their own problems to even think of my existence. It's kind of pathetic how invisible I was to everyone.So- then there's a new kid. His name is Nick. He went to a private school nearby and was the only one from his private school to come to my public school.I see him in choir, but don't think much of him. Then, everyone in my choir introduces themselves and talks about what they did all summer…“Uh, hi. My name is Nick. I basically wasted my life watching anime all summer.”Oh! I watch a little anime too! That's cool.So after class, I walk up to him and introduce myself. I ask about what animes he watches and if he has any recommendations.He was friendly, but nothing more.Turns out the only other person he knew at school was my only other friend at school. So, he sat near me at lunch because he didn't know where else to sit.We became friends… and eventually, best friends.Fast forward to junior year…Me and nick have been best friends since freshman year. I don't have much more friends than him however.Anyways, the reason I tried to befriend him was because…He was new, and didn't know any judgements said about me.However, not everyone is as lucky as me. I know not everyone can make friends as quickly as I can (I'm not very shy).But what I recommend you do, is pick someone.Pick someone who you like, and tolerate.Talk to them (maybe stalk their Facebook page a little and find something you have in common).You can also try to strike conversation with people who sit near you in classes.And hey, not everyone in your school is rude and immature. TRUST ME. Everyone at your school has the potential to be a good person… That doesn't mean you're compatible as friends, but it does mean you can get along.Try and find someone you click with, as a friend. Don't be afraid to be outgoing, everyone's too busy thinking about their own problems, then to think how weird you are.

How can I make friends on the first day of my junior year of high school, when everyone already has their cliques and knows me as a shy and quiet one?

I know how you feel. I was the shy one too, but to the extent, because I was really picky with who I wanted to talk to. If I found someone really nice in my classroom I would talk to them.If you sit there in a chair and stay quiet you won't find anyone to talk to unless they ask you something.You got to start talking with people that you like. Like this for example:So how was your summer? What did you do for your summer break. Oh yeah, you went to Colorado hiking? Wow how was it? Did you see something interesting?……….Just start talking about the topics that interest you. I wish you the best of luck.

Making friends in High School?

I'm 13 and starting High School tomorrow. (I had a late Enrollment. I'm going to Brisbane State High School) I'm afraid I won't make any friends. First of all, I'm a different race from them, I'm a Chinese, and they are Aussie people. I'm sure they're pretty nice, but they are really outgoing, and I'm really shy. I'm also really short for my age, I'm turning 13 soon and I'm only around 138 cm. And also, my parents won't even accompany me to my first day of High School, coz my mum will be at work and my dad will be fetching my lil sis to school. So, my mum is asking her friend to take a bus with me to school. I just moved to Australia so it's gonna be my first day of school in Australia so I really want my parents to be there... :(

I didn't make friends the first two days of high school? Will i be a loner?

Before you start writing rude stuff i'm transferring from private to public school for high school right? so i don't know like anyone. Of course I talked to a couple people but its like everyone already has their cliques from middle school! I did make like a couple friends but they STILL have their own clique that they ditch me for. How do i avoid this? Im just so nervous that i'll be a loner through out highschool. Im a freshman btw

How do I make friends on my first day in college?

thanks for a2aFirst day of college can be as interesting as you want or can be a very dull day.It’s totally up to you what to do you want.Basically, on the first day of college, in most colleges many people are from different schools and don’t know each other.If you remain quiet and do not interact no one will come to you and try to interact with you. Everybody wants to make friends, but most of them are shy and cannot take that initiative of talking to different people.The guy or girl which takes the initiative and goes and interact with people, wins it.You can start by asking them about their school, where do they live. there favourite sport and TV serial etc. Once the conversation starts you get a link and you mostly don’t fall short of topics as no one know’s each other and there is so much to explore about and know about each other.So go for it maybe everyone will not like to open up or talk it’s ok, move on to another group or person.HOPE MY ANSWER HELPED.