How To Not Make Myself Cry

How can I get myself to cry?

Unfair things happens with everyone. It is a cycle of time that will change surily. Dont be so much upset.If you want to cry jaught down everything in a paper and read it.   If would relieve your pain.Do believe in god, he can never be too bad with his children, cry in front of him.If u r worried because of your career, change your line, career is a way to earn to live not bigger then life.If u r worried because of family or friends or anyone else, make sure y r u worried, do they also in same condition like you.Only cring is not a solution, if u want the salution dont ran away from your problem but try to face it.If a i tell you about me i am an MBA and unemployed from last two years, last year i was so much in depression that even think to commit suicide but then i think again and again. Now i m teaching small kids. Now i m understanding myself. Feels happy when they learn things because of me.If u want to be happy Make yourself necessity to somebody.All the best :)

How can I make myself cry? Sometimes I am sad, and know that if I had that release by crying I’d feel better. There are already sad or difficult things on my mind, so that strategy wouldn’t work.

The mind is quite fascinating and an annoying dickhead who you want to beat the shit out of, all at the same time!You feel the sadness that is on your mind, this is called your concious mind and it is your best friend because it gives you everything straight, it doesn’t make you guess!However, the concious mind is like a trusting spy,it will tell you what it found out. Yet, it believes a lot of lies. and sometimes comes up completely short of any intelligence. You will be fumbling around in a dark submarine if you always listen to this guy.The subconcious is like the better KGB spy, a fucker who will only tell you something unless they want to or if they are forced to.The way you intterrogate this bitch is to start writing down how you feel at that given moment, write what is troubling you, write what is confusing you, and notice how new thoughts appear and write about those to.The new thoughts that pop up are the lost secrets of the KGB spy and the trusting concious can use them in it’s battle against darkness and confusion!I supressed a traumatic event for 2 years, becuase i couldn’t let “weakness” prevail. I could have killed myself if i let that out and even admitted it happened to me.I kept forcing the trusting spy to pass his intelligence to the KGB agent to store in his files.The problems was that the KGB agent only has so many filing cabinets and that intelligence will errupt out and into your subconcious.The avalanch hit my mind and it was surreal, i felt like a part my life had been a dream but actually it was reality!I had a breakdown and started to drink heavily to forget the trauma, it worked until it didn’t! I am 26 months sober now and i go to AA weekly.Your concious and subconcious supress painful emotions to protect you from emotions that are to great for you to deal with. However, the files are studied again and new information is wanted by your concious.People will push away this request for more truth, because attached to it is a painful feeling but also emotional release.Vent your emotions, spill your subconcious onto paper, before an explosive event does it for you without you being ready!Your subconcious can be your friend, if you can water board that fucker well.

Why do i like to make myself cry?

it feels good to cry. i myself can't cry that easily though i try, but it does feel good when you let all these raw emotions in you and just let them out all at once.

I want to cry but I am not able to. How can I make myself cry and release all my emotions?

As a therapist I was asked at times to teach people to cry. A simple exercise is to Identify what it is you need to cry about and then say it out loud to somebody you trust while looking at them.The shortest session I ever did was with someone who needed to cry because their child had a severe illness that was ultimately going to be fatal. I asked her to look at me and say “I can’t bear the fact that my son is going to die”.Even years later she occasionally tells me how grateful she is that I taught her to cry. In truth there was nothing to teach. She just needed to give voice to the truth to make it real for herself.Depending on your situation you may need the support of somebody experienced as you open yourself to the pain you are feeling. Go thoughtfully and treat yourself gently.

I know I need to cry, but I won't let myself. How can I make myself cry?

I've had a lot thrown at me the past few weeks... My fish died and my sister moved two states away... (and a lot more too) And I haven't cried at all. I just wont let myself cry, even though I know I'll feel better if I do. People have been noticing a difference in me- and I'm scared it will just get worse...
How do I make myself cry so I can just feel better??
Thanks to anyone who answers...

How can I make myself cry on command?

There are many different types of crying. Some tears express sorrow, others joy, or anger! None of these will appear genuine if you are smushing onion into your eyes or thinking of dying puppies (unless that's what the scene is actually about).

You cannot think of anything else other than the situation at hand! If you are in character and the scene itself does not bring you to tears, then maybe your character does not need to cry.

Crying also doesn't happen on "command." Take your time, on stage/camera or off, to think about what you been through and what you need to do. You need to approach your character intellectually before you can hit a scene emotionally.

I use a "trigger word" when I have to cry. Imagine you are playing somebody desperately in love with another person, but this feeling is not reciprocated.
Your line is, "You don't love me?"
In this example, use the word "don't." Try releasing all your pain and frustration on that one word. You should feel a tickle in your throat and your eyes might start welling. Then rehearse, rehearse, REHEARSE!

Good luck!

How to make myself cry (acting)?

dont get any sleep, that will make your emotions come to the surface , then think of something horrible,,, the worst case scenario,, you just had a baby , and someone killed it! or pick anything from history,,, the childrens burning skin after we bombed Japan,, the natives on the trail of tears,,,,,,, the little abused girl at 5 who has been raped,,,,,,,,,,,,,,there is so much tragedy in life to draw from

How to make yourself cry?

no, no, no, no, no. forget the movies, and sad experiences and all that. that's all wrong - here's how you do it, and i learned from someone who does it really well (she taught me, and now i'll teach you):

1) master the art of chin quivering. i don't know what it is, but you will just feel like crying if you can get your chin to quiver rapidly. i dont know if it's the sensitivity in there (your mouth and lips, cheeks etc. have very sensitive pressure points. so if you quiver them rapidly, you're gonna feel it).

2) know how to produce tears. easy way to do that (without splasing Visine or water in your eyes) is, don't blink. keep those eyes wide open. when we blink, our eyelids are providing moisture to our eyes. ergo, if we don't blink for a lengthy period of time, our eyes will begin to manipulate the moisture that they are missing because you're not blinking; whereby producing tears (which incidentally is why Visine exists for dry eyes).

and i'm sure you can get a couple sobs in there to boot. and there you have it.

caution: please don't make a regular habit of this. be real with yourself and others. cry because your body is telling you to, not because you're forcing it. i have known two people (one of course who taught me how to do this) who really use this for entertainment value only (really good for the talent shows).