How To Respond To Compliments Online

How does one respond to compliments?

I get perplexed and frozen when someone compliments. I just don't know how to respond. How would you respond, in the context of online communication, when someone says "wow!" to one of your comments (a wisdom comment on self-development) you shared. Is it better to let it go, or answer? Thanks guys. These moments are so awkward.

Another context was when someone said "you are great". now, how does one respond to that? :-)

Please share your response for both situations. Thank u guys!!

How should I respond to compliments?

"Thank you" is always the best response to compliments. Perhaps you're sick of hearing them but remember that the next person that compliments you wasn't there for all the other times you were being complimented and for that person it's just another compliment they are giving to a total stranger.

You may want to ask yourself why it bothers you. Most girls want to be beautiful and to be recognized for their beauty. It really does bring something nice to an otherwise dull day when a guy gets to see a girl that is beautiful. Of course the other thing is that there are girls out there that don't see themselves as being beautiful. They are very critical of their own appearance so they can't see themselves that way. I'm not saying that's what you're doing, just giving you something to think about.

Now on facebook one of the things you can do is limit your exposure by using the controls that they have that allow only certain people to see your pictures. You can limit who sees your pictures and that would limit the number of responses to your photos.

How do you respond to compliments in Japanese?

It depends on how you want to go about replying.1. Deny it politely - This is considered quite polite in japan, and is what most Japanese would do if you complimented them.そんなことないです (so-nn-na-ko-to-na-i-de-su) - That’s not true, but more politeいえいえ (i-e-i-e) - no no2. Thank them - This is also quite polite, especially when it your the compliment is quite obviously true.そうですか?ありがとうございます (so-u-de-su-ka? a-ri-ga-to-u-go-za-i-ma-su) - Really? Thank you so muchそんな!うれしいです (so-nn-na! u-re-shi-i-de-su) - Oh, I don’t believe you. But I’m happy.そんな風に言われてうれしいです。(so-nn-na-fu-u-ni-i-wa-re-te u-re-shi-i-de-su) - I’m happy you think that way.You can replace the bold/italic words with other positive words such as ありがたい、歓迎、幸せ etc.The words in italic you don’t have to say.3. Compliment back - You can always make a combination of 1 2 and 3そんな!あなたこそ! (so-nn-na! a-na-ta-ko-so!) - Really? You too!私よりあなたの方が上手ですよ (wa-ta-shi-yo-ri-a-na-ta-no-ho-u-ga-jo-u-zu-de-su-yo) - You are better than meThe second one is slightly negative thoughHope this helped :)

How do you respond to compliments?

On April 15, 2019, I turned 38. My day began with a short karaoke video from my brother-in-law where his family sang happy birthday song to me, along with the kids. It was very heartfelt. And an email from a dear friend who penned her gratitude for our friendship.Two days later, I received another email. This time from a dear friend and a school junior.She told me how “I had always inspired her and continue to do so..” along with many other things.I haven’t responded to her email yet. I haven’t also called my brother-in-law. Although I said thank you and acknowledged the receipt in brief. Why?Because I am taking the time to feel gratitude for these compliments, which aren’t the usual compliments-on-the-go. These people took the time and efforts to send something special to me.I want to respect their thoughts and gestures by giving time to myself to understand what they said and to respond in a deeper manner.This is how I respond to some compliments - I feel gratitude for them. And I take time to see if I deserve them. And in the meantime, I promise to live up to those compliments in the future too. That’s my way.

How do I respond when someone gives me a compliment?

Humble:"I'm glad you feel that way.""Thanks! Very nice to hear it.""That's nice of you to say.""I'm not worthy of such praise, but thanks anyway.""Thanks a lot, I appreciate that."Witty/humorous (not recommended if you're normally not a witty person):"That's true, but did you also know I can hold my breath for ten minutes?""Yeah, I know, I'm too great for my own good.""Thanks, I love you too.""Oh yes, but enough about me... let's talk about me instead!"Rude (never recommended):"Just stop sucking up, will ya?""Are you asking me out on a date, or something?""Uhmm, nope, I still don't care about you.""I'm just doing my job, I'm not performing miracles here!"

How to respond to a compliment in Arabic?

Salam/hey all,

I was just wondering if someone complimented me about my looks or my intelligence in Arabic, what would be a polite way to respond (apart from just saying thanks)?

For example, if someone Egyptian said to me, "yaa enti gamila geddan!" ...should I say "barak Allahu feek(i)" or is there another way I can show my appreciation?

Thanks everyone :)

How do you respond to compliments on facebook?

like if you havent seen some of the people in 3-4 years but occasionally talk online. its like HS friends, and now ur in college. "wow, beautiful!" or "stunning as always" -what are some nice things to say back?

How to respond to a compliment in Chinese (Cantonese)?

I admire the fact that you know the differences between Cantonese and Mandarin, and as your friend is from Hong Kong, it would only be more appropriate (and respectful to their culture) to respond to him or her in their native language.

What you have read is wrong indeed. "nalee nalee (那裡 那裡)" would be correct in Mandarin, but this is never used in Cantonese. It's something that they would understand by context since Mandarin is so widespread, but rightfully speaking it would be "incorrect" in Cantonese. In this case you may respond with these examples:

唔敢當,唔敢當 - This one is usually repeated (typed twice), as I typed out. Saying it only once may come off as a little arrogant, or you may type it once and throw in a cute smiley or a laugh. It may be defined as "I don't deserve it (your praise)" or "I dare not assume to be so".

邊係呢 - This is somewhat similar to the Mandarin "nalee nalee", in a sense that it's more casual by nature (less formal than my other examples). Anytime you would respond with "oh not really", you may replace that with this instead.

過獎,過獎 - Repeated for the same reason in the first example. This means "overpraise", as in "oh you overpraise me".

乜説話吖 - This one is a little hard to use as it's a very Cantonese specific and collaqual term. Over the internet, it's always best to accompany this word with a cute smiley or a bit of laughter. It may somewhat be defined as (but not literally) "oh don't say such things".