How To Say Cat Or Dog In Chinese

Why do people think all chinese eat dog and cat?

Do the chinese eat dog and cat?
My friend says that all chinese people eat dog and cat but I don't think that ALL chinese people eat dog and cat. I think maybe some percent of the culture does but not everyone. I don't know if she is referring to american people with a chinese ethnic background too though. I try to tell her that not all chinese do but she interrupts me and says "yes they do, yes they do" And its really bothering me, i mean i dont even know where she heard this from. But can someone give me the details on the subject please. And please only answer if your really know about this topic.

Do Chinese eat cats?

I had a friend in Shanghai who used to have cats as pets. She adored them but for some reason, they will all go missing. Eventually she found out that her neighbors, whom were Cantonese were eating them. She was upset of course but that story was 4 decades ago.I’ve personally been to China on and off for roughly the last 7 years and haven’t really seen many cat dishes or known friends who eats cats. Grasshoppers, scorpions, jellyfish and even bird’s nests are eaten there for sure - but cats were one of those exotic meats that never seemed all that awfully popular nor widespread in China.In north Chinese provinces, cat meat is very taboo. There’s additionally a group of minorities called the Manchu people whose cultural customs make it very frowned upon to eat either dogs or cats. So, I don’t think Chinese people are likely to eat cats in the north.But I have heard that Cantonese are famous for eating anything with four legs that is not a table ^_^ . So, if you ever go to south eastern Chinese provinces, there’s might be a good chance you would find some people, especially the older generation, who do in fact try cats.However, cats are becoming increasingly popular with Chinese people as pets. And with those attachments, comes fierce opposition to people eating cats and dogs. Many years ago, there was an angry mob of activists who protested at a cat meat restaurant in Shenzhen and managed to shut the restraunt down. Shortly afterwards came the Chinese Animal Protection Network. It’s basically an activist group that fights against cat meat consumption in China and to promote support for them as pets and not food.Despite the old stereotypes, Chinese millenials actually adore cats and think they’re cute so in today’s China, there are much more cat owners and people who don’t eat cats than you would expect.

Do you chinese people really eat dogs ?

It all depends where in China you live !!
Yes,some Chinese do eat dogs.But that's only among minority peoples like Korean in the northeast China and among Cantonese in the South.They are uncivilized,they eat everything,snakes,maggots,birds,the most alarming is placenta ,yes they do eat baby placenta in Canton.It is them who is responsible for transporting their OWN evil practice to USA ,who take it granted that the whole Chinese do the same evil.
I live in North China,people in this areas are well bred, religious ,merciful and civil.In no way will we beat a dog ,which is deemed as our closest pal,let alone eat one!!!!
What i wanna say however is this:there are Chinese and Chinese in China.Some are evil,and I hate them no lesss than you do.BUT some are no less kind than you are !!!So PLEASE,PLEASE,my American brothers ,when you wanna bash China next time,be specific!!!!!!!

Do chinese people really eat cats and dogs?

Yes...oriental peoples (includes chinese, vietnamese, etc...) eat dogs.
In Vietnam. there are certain races of dogs bred especially for food...
In some places in the orient they eat snake, cat, dog, water rats, and even monkeys.
(A delicacy in one asian country is to eat the monkeys' brain... with the animal still alive (that really sounds horrible doesn't it!)...
And how about japanese sharksfin soup & swallows nest soup.

Fried grasshoppers, worms, larvae, spiders and other "delicacies" eaten by the native tribes in Latin America, Africa, and Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, etc.)

How do i tell if chinese food is cat meat?

What's the big deal?

If it tastes good eat it and enjoy.

If it does not taste right, don't eat it.

Cat is red meat, so if you don't want cat meat, go for white meat such as chicken breast or fish.

There was a Chinese resaurant in Indy that got closed up because they found big garbage bags full of cat heads!

So yes, sometimes you are served cat meat thinking it's beef or pork. But cat meat is RED MEAT.

Do you think that saying some Chinese people eat dogs is racist?

Is anti-semitism racist? Not really, it is just hostile discrimination against a certain cultural group. The “Chinese <-> dog eater��� etiquette is just one excuse to relate Chinese with negative things. By putting this kind of labels on “Chinese people”, they want you to build the fear/disgust for Chinese into reflex.According to the most audacious estimation, China consumes 20 million dogs every year, which corresponds to at most 2 million regular dog eaters, i.e. 0.14% of the population. Seriously do you have stats about the percentage of people eat dogs by countries? I bet S.Korea, Vietnam and the Philippines will beat China largely. For example, in Vietnam, 5 million dogs are consumed every year, which correspond to 500,000 regular dog eaters, i.e. 0.5% of the country’s population, tripling the Chinese figure! Even some Swiss people eat dog meat as a tradition. Why aren’t Koreans, Vietnamese, Filipinos, Polynesians more famous for dog eating? If you want to argue that it’s the absolute number that matters, then think about the 99.86% of Chinese people who don’t eat dog regularly! That means at least 1.3 billion non dog meat eaters! China is also the country with the biggest population of non dog meat eaters! Try figure how many people you are hurting when you just emphasize “Chinese eat dogs”!Another example: talking about female rights in the world, many will first picture women in China, N.Korea struggling. But what about the Middle East and African countries? What about the “sex tourism” in Thailand and the Philippines where thousands of white pedophiles from developed countries pay regular visit every year?The toxic stereotypes are already there in the mass media. Many people are deeply influenced and they are in turn perpetuating them by social media.