How To See Various .net Data Types Description And Usage

How many data types are there in Java?

Selenium is an open-source tool that is used for test automation. It is licensed under Apache License 2.0. Selenium is a suite of tools that helps in automating only web applications. This tutorial will give you an in-depth understanding of Data Types in Java with example.Here we go;What is Data Type?A data type, in programming, is a classification that specifies which type of value a variable has and what type of mathematical, relational or logical operations can be applied to it without causing an error. A string, for example, is a data type that is used to classify text and an integer is a data type used to classify whole numbers.Lets dig a little deeper;What is Data Type in Java?Data type specifies the size and type of values that can be stored in an identifier. The Java language is rich in its data types. Different data types allow you to select the type appropriate to the needs of the application.Data types in Java are classified into two types:1. Primitive—which include Integer, Character, Boolean, and Floating Point.2. Non-primitive—which include Classes, Interfaces, and Arrays.Check here the complete Data Types in Java with ExamplesFollow my blog to learn more Sherlin Jones

In Visual C++ how do I parse through a CString data type?

Simple, use the conversion macro "CT2CA." I believe this will work with no wchar libs.

your function:
htoi( CT2CA(m_sDisplay) );

Question about the microsoft foundation class library?

what kind of data structures are supported by the library? what types of data are reccommended for use with each data structure object? Which classes contain which data structures, and what methods do they provide?