How To Shorten This Paragraph

How do I shorten space between paragraphs in Word?

In my version of word (2007 (I stick with what works)):Go to the ribbon. To the right of “paragraph” is a small arrow square thing. Click that.Go to spacing. It will read “Before 0pt, After 10pt”Change that to 0 and 0.To the right is “Line spacing: Multiple”. Change that to “Single”.It’s a source of constant annoyance to me that 0,0 Single is not the default for Word documents. I’m sure there’s a way of changing the default, one day I hope to find out what it is.EDIT: These changes are applied from where the carat is, down. To apply the changes to the entire document, select all with CTRL+A *before* making your changes in the paragraph settings box.

How long or short can you make a 42 word paragraph?

Well, the question has insufficient data to generate a meaningful answer.But what the hell … let’s still answer it in a general way.Do you want it long or short?Decide on one or the other, not both. This is practical life, not theoretical physics or experimental surrealism, thankyouverymuch.How to shorten or lengthenBy the rubberband of wordsmithing, which is the textual version of ‘swordsmithing.’If you keep the numbers of words constant, then the variability must be on two things — use of synonyms and the spelling.For instance, a sentence must have (say) three words:—“I love money” (10 letters)The variation must then be something like:—“Me dig cash” (9 letters) or“Adulate currency myself” (21 letters)So it depends on the sword/word-smithing.

How do you write a paragraph longer?

PARAGRAPH DEVELOPMENT (Study this Paragraph Burger.)Most people want some conventional or traditional form of organization such as the paragraph. A paragraph is simply a chunk of information about one aspect (and only one) of your essay. The rule is discuss only one idea per paragraph. Paragraphs must also have coherence--that is one idea must logically follow another. In a typical paragraph arrangement, you should start with a topic sentence, which introduces the subject of that particular paragraph. Next, you will follow up with explanations, examples, evidence, illustrations, or personal/ professional testimony or some other proof for your topic sentence. This follow-up is part of what we call development.NOW. . .”Development” is the way to increase paragraph length. To develop a paragraph means offering readers a reasonably full discussion of the you wrote about in the topic sentence. Doing these things will ensure that your reader is not disappointed. You delivered what you promised.There is no prescribed length for a paragraph. Newspapers and magazines often print “one-sentence” paragraphs. Sometimes, such as in this answer, I shorten paragraphs to make for easier and quicker reading.   Hope this helps.

Write me a paragraph on rosa parks?

Google Rosa'll find one

I Need Someone To Cut This Short Paragraph Down!?

Original paragraph--- 115 words
The Social Darwinists would have disapproved of anything the government did to help protect the weak. They would have disapproved of measures meant to help the poor and measures meant to prevent small businesses from being swallowed up by monopolies. So, they would have disliked minimum wage and maximum hours laws. They would have disliked Theodore Roosevelt's trust-busting and other things like that. The Social Gospel argued that people should act to help the less fortunate. People who adhered to this belief tended to push for political reforms such as those that the Social Darwinists didn't like. They also did things such as creating church-run hospitals and setting up the YWCA to help poor women.

Shorten paragraph:--- 99 words
The Social Darwinists would have disapproved of anything the government did to help protect the weak. They would have disapproved of measures meant to help the poor and measures meant to prevent small businesses from assimilation by monopolies. They would have disliked minimum wage, maximum hours laws, and Theodore Roosevelt's trust-busting to name a few. The Social Gospel argued that people should act to help the less fortunate. People who adhered to this belief pushed for political reforms like those the Social Darwinists disliked, as well as, creating church-operated hospitals and setting up the YWCA to help poor women.

Can you finish this Chemistry paragraph?

Whenever quantities of two or more reactants are given in a stoichiometry problem, you must identify the 1) . This is the reasgent that is completely 2) in the reaction. The amount of limiting reagent determines the amount of 3) that is formed.
When an equation is used to calculate the amount of product that will form during a reaction, the value obtained is the 4) . This is the 5) amount of a product that could be formed from a given amount of reactant. The amount of product that forms when the reaction is carried out in the labratory is called the 6) .

Help answering 1-6 please. This is a branch of chemistry called Stoicheometry. Thanks for your time.


OH and i need help with my last sentence for the paragraph, but this essay isnt one where your going against or for a statement, its just an essay on mental illness and later on in the essay i talk about a specific mental illness i have chosen, called dissociative identity disorder

How do I reword and shorten this sentence?

Every 28 minutes, a patent for an invention is written

I found that the sentence is in passive but I can't seem to reword it to be shorter and be in the active voice. So I would like at least a rewrite. Much kudos to anyone who makes the sentence SHORTER!