How To Stop Being A Sore Loser

How can I stop being a sore loser?

I hate losing. When I play, I play to win, not to have fun. I am very serious. Thisis why I hate group work or joining teams, because I feel that many people are a huge burden and are not as passionate and driven as I am to win and place first. My best friend, during a race we did for our sports team, made our entire team lose due to her carelessness. I was so upset that I did not speak to her for about four months. I know. It's bad. But I hate losing. I want quality people on my team at all times if I am forced to do team work. I am more of a silent sore loser.. I wont yell or fight people. But I will sulk quietly and just have a mental tormenting dialogue about it.
I also highly competitive. I set very high standards for myself. I compete with my sister especially. With, who will get into university first, who will get the higher average, who will get home the fastest, who will go to sleep the earliest. I have to be first, always. I'm not sure why. I hate when she or anyone I know thinks of something first before I do.

Growing up I was a lot worse. I couldn't accept defeat. Losing made me upset. The one time my soccer team lost, we had to shake the opponents hands. I did no such thing. I walked off the court and sat on the bench, and got into trouble for it. When I join a sportsteam, I see the desire to win and place first. I will not and do not accept anything less. Mentally, I strategically place myself as winning, and it usually works. I can't stand when I lose. Second place is not OK with me. I critique myself a lot about this.

I just want to know what about losing deems unacceptable to me? I can take criticism and all of that.. but I don't like losing. It's just a personal thing for me. I have high standards, and to not meet those standards crushes me in some way, internally.

How can I stop being a sore loser?

Stop losing.

Sorry, I just couldn't resist it :-)

The best way to stop yourself from that is to look at how you can come out a winner in the end. What I have done (which is of course a complete lack of empirical evidence and is therefore a guess as to whether or not it really worked for me, or if I just overcame it myself) is to realize that being a 'good loser' makes me look good in front of everyone around (including the person who beat me). So, at first I just faked it, congratulating people and telling them how amazing a job they did. Hard as can be at first, but eventually it becomes second nature, and then when you lose... you just have this automatic fall-back you do to smile and congratulate them. In the end, more people respect you as a result of how nice a person you are, which feels good enough to compensate for how bad losing feels.

How to stop being a loser?

You are not a loser AT ALL!!! Speaking two languages fluently, being proficient in piano, good artist, and a good dancer are great accomplishments. It doesn't matter if people don't praise you outside of these classes, I've never been praised for being 4th in the state in swimming! Just get more involved in stuff. I know that sounds like a major cliche but its true. Get more into dance and join that friendship or join a club or something that interests you. No one will kick you out if you just act friendly. Not bold and confident, just friendly. I haven't gone over one of my friends houses since 3rd grade and I'm a junior but I have a good in school relationship with people. If you make friends within your school, you'll find you may not even want to hang out after school because your around them so much. If you mope in the corner I can guarantee you will never have any friends. GET INVOLVED I promise it helps so much. I was a huge "nerd" and "loser" in middle school but I changed to a friendly outgoing person and almost everyone is my friend in school and I can just drift between social groups.

Don't look at all the negative. If you do then the positive will never matter and you'll become an even bigger loser than you think you are now. Focus on improving yourself in what YOU think matters and becoming a more well rounded person. If you use these skills to meet people you will have closer friends because they share common interests with you BUT YOU CANNOT WAIT FOR SOMEONE TO COME AND MEET YOU!!! You have to be the person to go up to someone and say hi!!

I hope this helped you!! Trust me, if you let people know what talents you have and what you like everyone, including yourself, will see that you are not a loser; that you are an amazingly talented person.

How can I stop being such a sore loser?

There are many. many hierarchies that exist for people. It is almost impossible to be the best in all, or even many, hierarchies.Similarly, it is almost impossible to be a “loser” in all human hierarchies.In some, we are great. In some, we are OK or average. In some, we are terrible.What hierarchies do we have access to? Financial is a significant one. Social. Education. Individual sports. Writing. Oratory. Playing a musical instrument. Travel. Food and being a good cook. Master of a trade or profession. A good family person. A good parent. A good child. A good friend. and probably many, many more, that I can’t even think of.Are any of us “losers” in all? No way.Are any of us the champ in all? Impossible.Be the best that you can be, in whatever you do fairly well. Not necessarily #1 in the world, just be the absolute best that you can be.Ignore the hierarchies, that are just not cut out for you. Maybe you don’t even like cooking.We are all “winners” and we are all “losers”, just in different skills, traits and categories.Explore more areas, and find out what you are good at. Be curious. Bust out of the box. Good Luck.

Is my friend being a sore loser?

Ok so were online playing gaia pool
an i keep winning at every game we play
she keeps saying im cheating and shes gettin mad cause i get all of them in
i keep tellin her i just practice alot an shes doing good,but she keeps calling me a mean cheater!
how do i fix this!? please help

I'm a sore loser?

Firstly, go over your priorities. Does this really matter? Secondly, before you're involved ask yourself - is this going to make me feel better or worse and in what ways? If it'll make you feel worse, don't do it. And lastly if you pass the first two questions okay then take the required steps to ensure that you'll win. Study strategy, get on the team with other good players, figure it out. There's a way to ensure success with nearly anything if you put enough planning into it. Once you have all your pieces protected, or once you have a way to ensure that you have a counter for anything that could go wrong, you'll win no matter what and you'll always be happy.

How to stop being a sore loser, with low self esteem?

ok, I've been dealing with this problem ever since I've started playing LoL. When I lose a game that (from my point of view) felt impossible to beat, I blame it on others, refuse to say "gg" (In fact its become my trigger word in these type of situations), and Its very rare for me to congratulate my opponent for outplaying me (except in the case of a 1v1 game like P4A where it IS entirely on me). And whenever someone bluntly gives me constructive criticism, I either tell them to piss off, or swallow it as if it were rancid Donkey meat. And the worst part about it is.. I realize these errors, but I've done so little to fix them. Whenever one of these things happen, I feel stressed, I feel enraged, sometimes I go as far as to thinking about committing murder (which I obviously dont want to do, and it is very immature to think about murder just because of a loss in a fictional game).But then at the end of all that.. these things keep coming to my mind, ("Oh my god, I'm so bad", "I will never get out of silver", "I might aswell stop playing all together", "I'm a piece of ****, and I will never get better at this, or get better at anything else." "I suck". Mentally, I'm my own worst bully. In LoL, I lack the attention to the game and I'm very bad at being decisive. And in Epicmafia, I lack the same things. I cant seem to want to talk enough if I'm the cop (Detective.) and I could never talk enough in general, and I never know what to say. I know in life, there is always going to be somebody better than me.But I don't want to be the worst, and I want to be at least one of the greats one day. I want to be the best at these games. Probably the only thing that I've usually always blamed that isn't a person, is my ADHD , but I cant even use that as an excuse because I have to deal with it right? Because I can never seem to want to grow a pair, get over it, and get better. But I can never stop getting stomped, weather its LoL, Epicmafia, and even sometimes Minecraft. Again, I want to be one of the greats, and be respected, and I want to be better. However, my emotions keep getting in the way, I want to stop this, and accept constructive criticism with open arms and an open mind; instead of denying criticism with a narrow mind and hostile attitude. How can I stop this, once and for all; and finally have the weight of a tough loss feel much lighter?

How do you deal with sore losers?

Sore losers are just big babies. As much as possible don't compete with them. My ex was a sore loser. We'd play raquet ball with another couple and we always lost. He blamed it on me(true) but he wasn't that great either. I really started to think I married a jerk and I did. So stay away or ignore them. They are really the losers.Oh I just saw the details in your question. These losers are really taking it too far. You know you beat them fair and square. Let them file their little complaints. Whoever reads it is going to think, what a big baby, can't stand to lose and probably tear up the complaint.

My dog is a very sore loser! Help!?

I have a 1 year pit named Justice. He's normally very sweet and friendly except when a toy is involved and it seems he's only interested in toys when another dog is around. He will rub the toy in other dog's faces and tease them with it. If they take the toy he gets really aggressive and tries to fight the dog. I tried to not give him any toys at all but he will bully and steal toys from other dog which also causes a fight. I also have a 11 week pit. Any suggestions?