How To Take Down Senegalese Rope Twists On Black Hair Safely

Rope twists on relaxed hair?

I'm black and I was thinking of getting rope twists and keeping it in for 2 months. I'm getting it this weekend. I have roots and it's about half a inch long (unstretched I think). Should I perm my hair first or just leave the roots in until after having in the rope twists?

How did black people do their hair in Africa before slavery began?

I was born and raised in Lagos, Nigeria and so I will show what I know my grandmother (who lived till she was 102 and had waist long hair) and her ancestors did to their hair as well as the practices maintained by the yoruba tribe in Nigeria.In Yoruba tradition, hair styles were dependent on many factors including gender, royalty status, marital status etc. Taking care of the physical head was seen as important as the spiritual head as your head was seen to keep your destiny and thus, you have to take care of your destiny properly.. Hair is still seen as the crown of a woman and having unhealthy hair is looked down upon. A woman’s hair is her beauty and without well-done hair, a woman is incomplete even if she is well dressed.The Yoruba people were very obsessed with hair that there is even a goddess of beauty associated with hairdressing known as ÒSUN.Tools used: Royal hair pins (used only by the rich and wealthy), Parting comb, Afro comb, beads (mostly used by royalty), cowrie shells, feathers and flowers (used by priestesses and worshippers of ÒSUN)Cleansing: My grandmother used black soap otherwise known as dudu osun to wash her hair at least once a month.Moisturising: she used many oils and butters to moisturise and condition her hair including -palm oil, shea butter, coconut oil, cocoa butter etc.Styling: hair was mostly cornrowed (Irun dídì), threaded (Irun Kíkó) or done in looser braids (Irun Bíba) by someone close to the woman whether the mother, sister or a close friend or hairstylist. Threading stretches the hair and is faster than plaiting. Hair was always done in these styles and was never left out. These styles vary:Scarves: Many women covered their hair as well especially for ceremonies like weddings, funerals etc. This protected the hair from the sun, wind and other environmental elements and finished the outfit.