How To Tell If Someone Is Blocking Me From Seein Certain Things On Facebook

How to block certain friends seeing my timeline on facebook?

yes, it's possible

you don't want them to see your friends? go to friends, edit and then you'll have to customize it, meaning you can choose 2, 4, 19 friends(and they won't see them) or just choose "me" and nobody will see your friend list

you don't want them to see your albums? do the same as above, but this time go to photos and choose you privacy setting

don't want a specific person to see what friends post on your timeline? go to "PRIVACY SETTINGS" THEN "HOW YOU CONNECT" AND at the bottom where it says--------Who can see posts by others on your timeline? (Note: Stories about likes, friendships, and some other types of wall content aren't included in these settings.) choose, only me, or the person you don't want to see what others post about you on your timeline by clicking custom

and you can choose who will see your post every time you try to update your status

How can I block someone from seeing my wall on facebook?

Account ---> Privacy settings ----> Sharing on Facebook --->Customize settings ---> Things I share -->
Posts by me ---> Customize ---> Save settings

Things others share ---> Can comment on posts Includes status updates, friends' Wall posts, and photos ---> Customize ---> Save settings

Can see Wall posts by friends ---> Customize ---> Save settings

How can I tell if someone has blocked certain content from me on Facebook?

There are some ways:People’s comments. I’m talking about actually hearing people talk about it. If someone mentions something that a certain person has posted on FB but you didn’t see it and still can’t see it by going directly to their profile, chances are they’ve hidden it from you.Use a different account. You can create an account to check that person’s profile for content that may have been hidden from you. This may not work though if that person has a private profile.Use a friend’s account. If said person has a friend of yours added on FB they probably didn’t hide the content from them as well, so ask that friend to check that person’s profile.Use an old Facebook account. I personally use this method. I’ve had at least three Facebook accounts in the past and I still have access to one of them so I check some people’s profiles through it sometimes since I don’t have them added on my current one and don’t intend to add them either.

Can someone still see my posts if they block me on Facebook?

I really wonder why this question is asked so often.The function of a BLOCK on Facebook is to disconnect in every way the person blocked. So, if an existing friend Blocks you, you mostly cease to exist in their Facebook world.They also mostly cease to exist in your Facebook world.The Block is not an absolute Chinese Wall, however. Blocking someone may not prevent all communications or interactions (example: in apps or groups there may be some visibility between the blocker and the blocked). Blocking only affects your interactions with that person on Facebook.Since they initiated the block, you will not appear in anything on their news feed or timeline and they will not appear in anything on your news feed or timeline.Since their action effected an “unfriend” result, there is no way for them to remain in your Friends list on your profile. That is pretty simple.The only way to remedy this is for them to UNBLOCK you on their account. If they never do that, you will never see them or anything they post, comment, reply.Even if they post, comment on someone who was a mutual friend. You will not see the comment in the mutual friends post or comment stream. You might see their name in the comment or posts by someone else as long as the name is not actually a tag. In other words, not every one with the same name will be blocked from you, only the one with a name that has the connection to their account.Facebook only talks about Blocking as an action YOU do so you have to figure out the flip side when someone blocks you.You can block someone to prevent them from seeing things you post on your profile, starting conversations with you or adding you as a friend. Blocking someone you're friends with will automatically unfriend them.People you block won't be able to:See things you post on your profileTag you in posts, comments or photosInvite you to events or groupsStart a conversation with youAdd you as a friendWhen you block someone, you also won't be able to do things like start a conversation with them or add them as a friend. Keep in mind that blocking someone may not prevent all communications or interactions (ex: in apps or groups) and only affects your interactions with that person on Facebook.Note: When you unblock someone, you won't automatically be friends again. If you block a friend and then unblock them, you'll need to send them a new friend request.

What is a good reason to block someone on Facebook?

General creepiness, rudeness, unwanted advances, unwanted spamming, not comfortable with them looking at your pictures, etc...

How can I view someone's Facebook if they have blocked me?

This is an updated answer regarding all the 23 answers to this question!If you happen to have sent any messages to the person who have blocked you on Facebook, open Messenger and see the details (like school attended, working at) under the profile picture of that person. Because this will help to narrow down the results while doing search. Or, if you already know some details or Facebook username of that person, it’s great!Now, either you ask your friends’ favor or logout. and then search for that person’s name on an app or browser. If there are too many persons under same name, use the information obtained from point no.1 [above]. This will narrow down the search results!Now, you can find and view the person’s Facebook profile even if they have blocked you.CaseClosed™

How can I tell if someone hid their Facebook post?

We are not sure exactly what you are asking. Here are two scenarios.1.Are you asking how to know if someone hides posts on their News Feed? Not posts they create but posts others make and when it comes to their News Feed their posts are hidden. If that is your questions, there is no way to know if someone is doing that.Let’s say, you post a status update. This person, who we will call “Someone” sees it, click on the the little tree dots in the upper right corner and then has the option to save, hide, snooze unfollow, give feedback, turn on/off notificationsThis actions is not reported to the original poster, in this case You. You will not know who might do this to posts you make.2.Are you asking how to tell when Someone hides their own posts? Hiding ones own posts is not and option. What is an option is to customize who will see the post. If you choose Only Me, nobody else will see it. Nobody is notified that it is done. You can choose Public, Friends, Friends of Friends, or any of an unlimited Custom audience groups which you create. Only the people who fit into the selected group will have the ability to see the posts. However, Facebook does not guarantee that the post will be delivered to the news feed of every person in the custom group.Public makes a post available to all but will be seen only by those who view their News Feed at a time that Facebook has delivered it to their account.Friends makes a post available to only the original posting account’s friends. The same condition applies. And so forth.There is no notification how a post’s audience is addressed unless you see it. Then you can see, to an extent whether the post is Public, Friends (if you are a Friend), Friends of Friends (if you are a friend of a friend), or Custom (if your are included in the custom audience grouping). You will not know if it is limited to only the one posting because all are excluded from seeing it.

How can I stop seeing someone's profile and comments on Facebook ?

If he is your FB friend, you can roll over his status and click "dont show" like the other person posted. However, if he is NOT your friend anymore on FB, but you see his postings connected to mutual friends postings, you would have to block his whole profile. It may end up looking confusing if someone responds to his post by addressing him by his name, but you don't see HIS post. That has happened to me. I blocked someone who has many mutual friends as me. He continues to comment on everyone elses posts and when they respond, it is confusing because I MYSELF don't see his postings. Makes for an awkward read!

How do i block all users from seeing my facebook photos?

explained here

not sure why you would want to upload them to a social networking site in the first place tho if you dont want others to see them

you would be better off uploading them to a site like photobucket or something in that case, which is also free