How To Tell Step Dad I Had My Period

How do I tell my step mom I got my 1st period?

Okay so ummm...I am staying with my dad for the next month (my parents are divorced). I don't really like my stepmom all that much. She's okay, I guess..I don't know I just really haven't bonded with her or got a chance to really know her. About a half an hour ago, I went to the bathroom and there was blood all over my underwear. This is the first time I've ever had my period. I don't have any pads or anything. I keep bleeding through the toilet paper. All my step mom has is tampons, and I tried to use one, but it hurt too much. What do you think..? Should I just tell her I got my period or what? I am really embarrassed and I don't know what to say? How do I start this conversation out???

Also, my tummy hurts a lot...I think I am cramping. Should I tell that to my step mom too?

How to Tell Step Dad I had my period?

I have been living with my step dad for eleven years and I think he knows about me having my period because he bought teen pads from always infinity and my mom only uses tampons. I think he knows I had it

My mom is mad at me because i didn't tell her that i got my period?

Yesterday my mom found out that i got my period because i guess she saw the pad in the garbage. I started my period quite a few months ago and told my step dad because at the time i just felt more comfortable telling him. But i never thought to tell my mom. When she found out she was furious and she yelled at me. I told her that i told my step dad and now she's mad at him too. I feel really upset and i wish that i would have told him. I understand that this is the type of things that most mothers would find exciting and stuff but she was never really the type that seemed open to talking about stuff like that so i just felt it was easier to tell my step dad. Is there something i can do to calm her down? She won't even talk to me, that's how upset she is. I get that she's upset, but i didn't think that she would be THAT upset!

Started my period today, and stepdad is in and I have no pads. -Read below ?

For a purely temporary fix to last until your sister gets home, you can try making a pad out of materials you already have. Some of those tampons you said you have may roll apart and if so, then do that and then wrap the rolled out cotton in toilet paper. My advice would be to stick close to the bathroom, so when you feel as though you're about to leak (sorry if it sounds gross, but there isn't really a delicate way to explain it) then go to the bathroom and try to let as much of it go there instead. Also, each time you use the bathroom you can rinse down there to help cut down on any mess. This should hold you over til someone gets there to help you. **I completely understand not wanting to ask your step-dad to help you with your feminine needs.

Hope this helps. Good Luck! =)

My stepdad knows I have had my period!?

Dont panic! Periods are totally normal and even though your stepdad is a guy, he will know about them. Chances are he would be more embarrassed than you anyway (a lot of guys are!). Its normal and natural and sometimes these accidents happen. You're not the first and you wont be the last! Dont worry - I can guarantee that you'll be laughing about his with your friends soon enough. Maybe talk to your mum or sister or female friend about it. But mostly, DONT WORRY!!

Step dad hit me what to do?

Whatever else you do, be sure to document everything. Keep a secret diary and write in it. Be very specific. This is called evidence and it's extremely important. Don't tell your mother about your diary but tell your mum about the abuse each time it happens. Then write in your diary every time you told your mum about the abuse and describe what she did about it. It's not uncommon for a mother to cover up for an abusive husband. DOCUMENT DOCUMENT DOCUMENT. Every time something happens; every time your step father does something mean to you; every time you tell your mum and she does nothing about it. Write it down and hide it from both of them. But always tell your mum about the abuse. A good way to hide your diary it is to send a daily log as an email to a trusted friend, or to a teacher, or to a counselor, or to a child welfare officer.

My daughter got her period for the first time, as a dad what should I do or say to her? … thanks

I have a nine year old daughter and I have taught hundreds of girls aged 8 to 13. Out of all of them maybe one or two might have said something in passing about her period. Not only is it embarrassing for girls, many of them think that guys don’t know about it. It’s as if they aren’t just uncomfortable saying anything, they don’t want their dads to know periods even exist.My wife and I are very big on not making body things taboo. “Nothing about your body is bad at all, but somethings are more private and personal.” Yes, she’ll probably be embarrassed and self-conscious, but I’ll do what I can to let her know thatYes, I know what a period is and how it works and happens.It’s just a body thing, normal biology even though it can be embarrassing and painful.I’ll never try to make you talk about it with me, but I need you to understand that you can, and I’ll never try to say anything to make you feel uncomfortable. If you need help getting through an emergency or need me to get you some kind of feminine product, I’m happy to do it, because I’m your dad and I always feel good when I can help you.I’m happy for you. We change all through our lives and this is one of the bigger ones for you. It’s special because it’s one sign that you are changing from a girl into a woman.I wish society didn’t turn things like farts, shitting, periods, weren’t such taboo subjects, but what can you do?