How To Use Unsubtance In A Sentence

How is density used in a sentence?

Singapore has a population density of 7,698 people per square kilometer. While this seems crowded, the people make efficient use of their limited space by building high rise buildings for housing.The high saline levels in the Red Sea increase the water density, thus making it particularly easy for swimmers to float.The density of gold is 19.3 times greater than water. Most of us can easily lift a 1 gallon jug of water, as it weights only 8.3 pounds. But if you filled the jug with gold, it would weigh 160 pounds.The high pixel density of modern computer displays allow us to view images in vivid detail.definition of density in English from the Oxford dictionary1 The degree of compactness of a substance: a reduction in bone density1.1 (also packing density) Computing A measure of the amount of information on a storage medium: [as modifier, in combination]: a low-density floppy disk1.2 Physics The quantity of mass per unit volume of a substance.1.3 The opacity of a photographic image.2 The quantity of people or things in a given area or space: areas of low population density [count noun]: a density of 10,000 per square mile

How to use those words in the sentence?

Please help me with those words:
1) Infallible --------> (free from or incapable of error; absolutely reliable and dependable) AND
2) Stimulant ------> (something that excites or activates; a substance or an agent that quickens body activity temporarily)

P.S. They should not be in one sentence together.
Thank you so much! =)

Can you use these words in a sentence?

I just need examples so I can write my own. I'm trying to expand my vocabulary.

Abominable - repugnantly hateful; detestable; loathsome.

Quintessence - the pure and concentrated essence of a substance. The most perfect embodiment of something.

Embody - to give a concrete form to; express, personify, or exemplify in concrete form.

Sensitize - to render sensitive.

Raconteur - a person who is skilled in relating stories and anecdotes interestingly.

Just do the ones you want...I just need examples. This is the hardest part for me. I can't figure out how to use new words in sentences. Each word in a separate sentence, please.

How do I use the word "substantiality" in a sentence?

the substantiality of the book was questioned when it became apparent it was missing half the pages.

Is this sentence correct? "the sum and substance of this poem is as follows"?

No, it's fine as is.

"is" being singular is correct when used with the singular "sum" and "substance".

"are" would be used if your sentence read:
"The sums and substances of this poem are as follows..."

How do use pithy in a sentence?

How do you use pithy in a sentence???
Pithy= adj. consisting of or resembling pith which is soft, sponge like substance in the center of plant stems / branches.

How to use tenuous in a sentence?

The air is tenuous at high altitudes.

1. Long and thin; slender: tenuous strands.
2. Having a thin consistency; dilute.
3. Having little substance; flimsy: a tenuous argument.

How do you use precipitate in a sentence?

His carelessness in driving precipitated a disastrous accident.

What does grawlix mean and how would I use it in a sentence?

Do people on Quora not have Google? Grawlix is a nonsense word used to describe the act of replacing obscenities with symbols: $@%#Because of this definition, the only proper way I can think of to use it in a sentence would be to refer to its intended usage. Ex: “The obscenity was replaced by grawlix”. Because of its obscurity, it will certainly evoke follow up questions. However, due to the adaptive nature of English, I can see this becoming an alternative obscenity. Ex: “Oh, grawlix! I stubbed my toe.”

How would you use the word "viscous" in a sentence?

Nasal mucus may seem gross, appearing white, yellow and green, but really it is a viscous clean-up material which soaks up pollen, dust and bacteria, helping you stay healthy.The oil in your car is a viscous substance that keeps the engine running smoothly, allaying friction among parts. It is thick and sticky in texture. Motor oil comes in a number of different viscosities depending on its dedicated purpose.The cinema’s floor was sticky with some unnamed viscous substance that made my shoes stick to it unpleasantly.Agar is a viscous substance used in labs to culture a variety of fungi, viruses or bacteria inside a petri dish.