How To Vomit How To Purge

How to PURGE? (vomit, trhow up etc.) please help 10 points?!?

Purding would not be a safe way to get rid of it.
You could tear you're espohougus leading into bigger problems.
- Plus, it get's highly addictive, one purdge come's to another when you feel bloated, ... or rotten in you're case.

Try a laxative, or having some bran/ fiber product's consumed with water. In about an hour you should have a bowel movement. Then you'll be cleaned out.
If you're really worried. Flush you'reslef with water, fruit juice's, and natural fresh fruit's.

~ Hope this helps.

How can i vomit quietly?

Listen...i already know i have a problem and its too cant talk me out of it ok...
and thanks for calling me dumb...did it every occur to you why I have an eating disorder? i've been bullied, called fat, and abused my whole life. you should think twice and not judge people. people with eating disorders and sensitive and your words hurt more than help

Purging after eating. vomit is now completely brown?

i posted this in the health board also but since more people come HERE i thought i would try here too in case anyone here might know anything

okay, so, a couple years ago for about a month i threw up always after eating (on purpose) but then towards the end it wasnt even anything resembling vomit coming out, it was just pure brown substance. didnt look at all like vomit i had ever seen before. it freaked me out so i stopped

now in the past week or so ive been throwing up my meals again, and just now i got the brown vomit stuff.

is this something really serious. i dont wanna throw up my food anymore. if i stop will i be okay or is there something wrong?

How do you make yourself vomit if you have no gag reflex?

I have this problem. I have always had a diminished gag reflex. While it's definitely not easy you can make it happen.Syrup of Ipecac is my go-to. I'd keep some in the medicine cabinet for when you need it. If this is because of poison ingestion, check label on said poison to make sure that inducing vomiting is advised, and obviously seek medical help. I personally only have to induce vomiting when my stomach is churning from sickness, or I' ve drank too much sugary alcohol, etc. Also comes in handy when my eyes were bigger than my stomach and Im terribly full and can't stand it. A couple of heaves and the “bowling ball in my abdomen” feeling is gone and I can digest the rest of my dinner comfortably.

Does Purging (making your self vomit) actually make you lose weight?

Actually purging isn't very effective for losing weight, but could prevent you from gaining weight. But the other answerers are correct. Every time you throw up, you damage your esophagus and it eats the enamel off of your teeth. My best friend purged for just a year or so without me knowing it and now she has severe acid reflux and has to sleep sitting up. She also has tons of cavities and huge dental bills. She can't eat ice cream or drink coffee anymore. Her teeth hurt her so badly that she cries any time she tries to drink something cold or hot. Everything she drinks and eats has to be room-temperature.

You will also become malnourished very quickly and taking vitamins won't help. Try talking to your doctor or a councilor or another really smart adult friend that you trust. Maybe they can help you come up with a better alternative that will actually work for losing weight and won't also make you sick and rot your teeth.