How To Write Poems Using Prepositions Given In The Picture

How do you start writing poetry?

First of all, with poetry there is really no best way. Yes, you could start reading poetry from the greats and from different eras and learn all there is to learn about the technical aspects of stanzas and line lengths and metaphors and what not. Yes, you could go about it like anybody starts learning a new thing, just like a subject at school.However, if you read up on most famous writers and poets, very few actually bothered learning the technical intricacy of writing. Grammar matters of course, and so does your average reading list because what you read eventually forms the linguistic pattern that will decide what you write. Knowing to write well is perhaps the first basic step in writing poetry. Having mastered sentence structures and having developed a decent sized vocabulary, the next step would probably be rather simple. It is just about feeling. FEEL, not the pinterest version of photoshopped feelings but real , concrete yet indescribable feelings. Look at the world as if you loved it desperately or hated it with a vengeance. Extreme emotions are often what trigger poetic thought because then symbolism, similes and personification become not mere definitions but names you can give to the words your mind throws up in the upheaval of an emotional experience.  Fall in love and be rejected. Use your disappointments, even your joys. Poetry is after all symbolic writing that aims to deliver the emotional content of the Poet's thoughts on something particular. If you can feel, you can see the underlying subtleties in something ordinarily banal. Now take those feelings and start writing about them. When you can make these writings rhyme or view your musings not as the written word but as art that you have created without caring for its acceptance or recognition, then perhaps you would be well on your way to becoming that dying rebel called the poet.

Use the poem "The Look" to answer the questions about parts of speech?

"The Look"
by Sara Teasdale
(1)Strephon kissed me in the spring,
(2)Robin in the fall,
(3)But Colin only looked at me
(4)And never kissed at all.

(5)Strephon's kiss was lost in jest,
(6)Robin's lost in play,
(7)But the kiss in Colin's eyes
(8)Haunts me night and day.

"At" is an example of a(n)

A. adverb
B. preposition
C. conjunction
D. interjection

Help me write a Halloween poem!!!?

halloween halloween what a wonderful night
so full of fun, candy, and fright
especially when you go trick-or-treatin
candy is the only thing that you will be eatin'
people dress up as witches and ghost
halloween is the holiday i like the most
all of the spooky deorations, i find cool
but its even better getting fall break off of school
on halloween night, you hear giggles and snickers
from all of the trick-or-treatin' lollipop lickers
you'll also see candy at halloween parties
like snickers, milky way, or most likley, some sweet delicious smarties
don't forget about caramel apples too
or what ever candied apple is appealing to you
dont forget that you are suposse to play a trick
but what ever you do, don't make people sick
halloween halloween the highlight of fall
that is the best holiday of all