How Was Slavery Introduced Did Anglos Go Hunting For Them Or Did Africans Capture Their Fellows

Is it true that more than 60% of African slaves were captured and sold by other Africans like the Ashanti?

The Ashantis of Ghana were a very war like people, similar to the Zulus of South Africa though they never met in combat and probably did not even know of the existence of each other. The Ashantis used to raid all the tribes around them and then sell the captives to the Europeans for guns.(Photos of later day Ashanti warriors. The Ashanti used to raid their neighbours and then would sell any captives they took to the Europeans for guns.)with these guns the Ashantis were able to spread out further and defeat tribe after tribe. They were widely feared and respected by their tribes of west Africa. With the end of the slave trade the Ashanti traded ivory for guns but did not let up on their war like ways. Eventually they clashed with another warrior people, that being the British, and were defeated in a series of five wars, the fourth Anglo-Ashanti War of 1895- 1896 seeing the end of Ashanti power and independence as their lands were annexed into the British Empire. The Fifth War, known as the War of the Golden Stool was a rebellion.(In 1896 The Ashanti Kingdom was declared a British Protectorate. Yet Still there would be one more war to fight against these fierce warriors, the War of the Golden Stool of 1900.)(Victorian match box card.{Probably Players cards} Showing a British soldier advancing through heavy jungle during the 3rd Anglo-Ashantie War that saw the power of the Ashantie crushed once and for all Though two more wars were to follow the Ashanties were never able to come close to the past glory after the 3rd.The fourth war was therefore brief and the fifth was a rebellion against British rule that failed)(Ashanties buying muskets, possibly with money obtained from the sale of slaves to Europeans.)(Sir Garnet Wolseley who led the British to victory against the Ashanties in the 1894 fourth Anglo-Ashantie. He was so good a general and organizer that when ever something went according to plan it was called “all Sir Garnet.”

Were the Native Americans treated fairly by the first settlers in America?

no they were not. you know what disgusts me? Christopher Columbus Day, my niece comes home from school talking about how great he was because he discovered America. i think this holiday is a slap in the face to every Native American alive today (and those already passed). we grow uo hearing how wonderful he was, and then i got to highschool and i had a teacher that taught us the truth. because that is the beginning of the story, is it not? so then it becomes a slap in the face to the rest of us who have been brain washed since we were children.

my town has a trail that has one of the ugliest, bloodiest stories behind it. when they came and took all the Natives from here and marched them across the state, many of them died.. people go hiking and biking on those trails. the history of our country makes me seriously sick.

and yeah, people can say that it is the past, that it is going on other places too.. but that doesn't change the fact that we came here looking for freedom, and decided to enslave the natives. our country is tainted with this history.

yes people should be able to choose their own relgion, and their own beliefs. in that i think our country has come a long way, but it still has a long way to go.

"Can we ever atone for our sins against our fellow human beings?"

yes i hope so. we can choose to be better and learn from the mistakes made. we can choose to reach out to those who need it, love our neighbor and our enemies. we can pray for these things. if we choose to be better than our history, then we can make up for it a bit. but there is a lot to be done. like someone mentioned, Native American's have alcohol and drug problems that have been passed down through the generations. how can we ever begin to right that wrong?

Those hated Americans......?

I'm not at all surprised at the fact that so many people of other cultures despise Americans. I am American but I agree, our government needs to keep it's nose in it's own business.

I want to know WHY everyone thinks that all Americans represent what they see in our government. Do other people realize that just because our government does something, it doesn't mean that we all support it?

What if the powers that be (in the US) turned on it's own citizens? Would the rest of the world be happy? Or would anyone jump in and try to help?