How Will Humans Respond To Contact From Alien Civilization

If Alien Civilization finally made contact, who would represent Earth?

The only intelligent, civilized creatures on the planet, dolphins.

Actually, the United Nations has a response plan for representing Earth to aliens. Of course, what will probably happen is everyone with a ham radio will start chatting away.

What would happen if an alien civilization made contact with us?

This seems like an exceptionally unlikely scenario. If there was such a civilization so close by we would almost certainly have detected evidence of their existence before now.But anyway ... hypothetically what would happen? It depends on their actions. If they appear peaceful we would be fine. Even so, we wouldn't allow them to land because there's too much risk of biological cross-contamination and inadvertent physical harm. We would most likely try to communicate and set some ground rules for contact. That might happen on the moon or in space. Nothing further could happen until we established that it was safe to interact. Most likely we would always have to be on opposite sides of a glass wall because of the risk of contamination. How would people react here on Earth? Most wouldn't know, or wouldn't believe it if they were told. We can assume the majority would simply go about their business. Some would immediately leap to the typical paranoid alien invasion fantasy and gun up. Others would head for the hills and hide. Most would probably just wait and see. It's not like there would be too many alternatives.  It is implausible that the aliens would represent a military threat (physics and the tyranny of distance), but the world's militaries would go on high alert anyway. Some people would die from accidental itchy trigger fingers. Hopefully we wouldn't end up shooting the visitors. Economically there would be jitters, but there's roughly an equal opportunity involved, so there would be winners and losers as usual. Probably not any general panic unless Faux News and their ilk scare the shit out of people (which, let's face it, they probably would). The more interesting scenario is a truly alien race, not just the kids from down the block. Either way a lot of our cherished "uniqueness" would go out the window, which would be just fine with me.

How would human religions react to contact with an advanced alien race?

Religions, like nearly all phenomena, will adapt to this change. After all, religions evolved and are still evolving.I anticipate our first contact will have as many responses as there are religions on the globe. Some will refuse to accept that the aliens exist, others will ascribe them to God as a divine way to test us, still others will worship our new alien friends as god/gods, and probably most religions will accept their existence yet remain more or less unchanged.But very few religions will survive that choose the first option, as reality has a way of forcing the hand of evolution. Religions will have to take advanced aliens into account, and update themselves accordingly, even if it's not a huge update.

How will humans react to confirmed alien life?

it would kind of depend on the type of life. If we discovered little fish-like forms in the under-ice oceans of Enceladus, we’d marvel at it. Some people would lose it, some would deny it existed, etc, etc, but most people would forget about it in a few weeks. The occasional magazine article might remind them, or they might just turn past it. For most, it would mean absolutely nothing to them.If we discovered ruins of a civilization, there would be more disruption, but only mainly in the scientific communities. Fascination would last longer, it would be featured in movies and TV shows for the next decade, but people would dismiss it from their mind for the most part.If we have motherships hovering over cities, then humanity will lose it’s collective shit. Demonstration of real, close, advanced, thinking beings not like us would turn all society on it’s head. There would be riots, fires, coups, mass suicides, protests, etc, etc.But then, much more gradually, but people would then adjust. You can only remain in a state of agitation for so long. As long as there was not a mothership floating over their city, they’d go back to their daily lives. They’d watch a lot more news. Some would be intensely curious, Some would stay in denial. Militia membership and cult membership would boom.Therapy bills would skyrocket. Religions would gain about as many people as they would lose, then gradually reverse that again. There would be a world-wide sense of general increased anxiety, like post-9/11 NYC writ large. But eventually there would be trade and embassies and tourists.

What aspects of civilizations are common across time and location?

Law. Be it law based on customs or based on written acts.
It is basic way of organizing a human group, a community. It is a fundament of civilization, a necessity for living within human group.

In regards of other answers I have to say two things:
First, trade was not allowed in all civilizations. Spartans had almost had no trade at all (state issued huge iron nuggets that weighted more than 7,8 kg in order to destimulate goods exchange).
Second, great part of religion was (and basically still is) norm based-which means it makes rules. So, religion has in a way same function as seculary made rules (laws), and in ancient time it wasn't really divided from law. Eg. roman emperors (who made laws-edicts) were also supreme priests-pontifex maximus.

On Earth, contact with a superior civilization turns out badly for the inferior one. Why do people delude themselves that contact with a superior alien civilization will be different?

Because travelling interstellar distances to rape a planet of resources doesn’t make a great deal of sense when you consider the energy spent to travel those distances.If an alien species is intelligent enough to have interstellar travel, there literally is no reason they would be travelling that distance to destroy us because any resources they needed, they could likely get from planets much nearer to them.Theres a world of difference travelling across an ocean and interacting with the same species and travelling across space to do what?What have we got that isn’t available elsewhere in the universe?

Do you believe that there are other alien civilizations in the universe? Also, will humans be able to contact them?

My understanding is that every planet in our own Solar System is inhabited but that Earth is the only planet which has life in dense physical matter and all the others have advanced life in etheric physical matter which we simply can not perceive at that level.The closest we can get to understanding this is with our research into dark matter at present.Contactees since the 1950s have said that our ET visitors dwell at a much higher level of matter and must lower the frequency of vibration to our level to interact with us. Our ET visitors will work only through chosen contactees until the world is ready to comprehend that they mean us no harm and consider us their younger brothers and sisters.We will in effect have to officially invite/welcome them to our planet in order that they may appear openly and publicly.Have a read of Adamskis book and see what you think Our Elder Brothers Return . The previous book was called Flying Saucers have Landed from 1953.

How Can I Make Contact With Aliens?

You cant and it will not happen while we are on this planet, at least not while we(life) is in the evolutionary stage of being a "Human".

I am obsessed with space/universe and even went to school for aerospace engineering(65% done). Don't think I am one of those people who assumes UFOs are fake and god is real. I believe microbial life does exist in our solar system and galaxy. I also believe that highly intelligent life exists in the Universe and that they have exceeded earth life evolutionarily by billions of years. But, I do not believe that intelligent has evolved anywhere else in our solar system or the milkyway. There is intelligent life in our universe, but it is to far away.

I was fascinated with UFOs, aliens, and all of the other stuff. I always thought the government was hiding UFOs or possibly aliens. The more I learned about space and the physics behind stuff, the more I started to doubt my own believes. Most people have no clue how large our solar system is or how much space is in the universe. We cant even get passed the moon, and Earth can't financially or technically get us out of our own solar system(and return back to earth). There is most definitely a smarter life form out there and they too will have to overcome the same obstacles as us.

Every star you see in the night sky is in our galaxy the milky way, and we are only 1 star in that galaxy out of the 400,000,000,000 stars in it. Think about how many stars you see at night, and picture our galaxy being only the size of a tennis ball. If the universe was the size of the Earth, that tennis ball would be the size of our galaxy in it. Nobody even knows how big the universe is. That vast size makes it even more possible for intelligent life to be out there, but even further away from us.

SETI scans the sky every night looking for radio waves that are from other intelligent life. They have never found anything and probably never will. The distances are unfathomable to smartest people on this planet. Interstellar and time travel is something that we or anyone else will never be able to do. Traveling threw wormholes and "the time space continuum" is the only way to go faster than the speed of light. Unfortunately they do not exist and are only in the minds of writers and theoretical scientists who are called theoretical for a reason. None of their proposals are based off of scientific evidence or findings.

What would be the realistic reaction of humanity if an alien civilization contact us?

For the purpose of this answer I assume the scenario of peaceful contact.The reaction would run the full gamut of possibilities. A handful of people will kill themselves thinking the world is coming to an end. Some will advocate attacking the aliens. Some people will go into hiding, expecting the aliens to attack.Some people will have a crisis of religious faith, while others will see the aliens as prospects for conversion. Still others will want to convert to the religion (if any) espoused by the aliens.Some people will see the aliens as proof their conspiracy theories were correct, while others will declare the news a hoax and build conspiracy theories around that notion.The stock market will take a dive, then boom.Some people will send proposals of marriage to the aliens regardless of their sex, if any.In short, any response you can imagine (and some you can't) will appear all at once. The news media will show all of it, concentrating on the most outrageous.For the great majority however, I expect a period of intense interest and excitement followed by acceptance and return to the concerns of daily life.