How Would I Move Up In Maths

Should I move up a math class?

Ok so in 5 grade i was in advanced math, meaning i learned 6th grade math. And i got 425 on my SOL so i didn't get in compacted math in 6th grade. And now i'm in 6th grade and its second quarter. In my school 5/6th grade has 5 math classes: 1.Below average 2/3. Normal 6th grade math 4. Advanced 6th grade math 5. Compacted Math 7th grade math
I've already learned the material I'm being taught at the moment and its a review. SO i feel like it's a bit late because I've missed alot of material in compacted math. But i know i could learn it. And I've realized that i can't be in honor in middle school because I'd have to have been in compacted math in 6th grade.So i can't decide if should move up a math class or stay in advanced.

I got moved down in maths?

i got moved down by two classes in maths when the timetable changed, i never got the chance to sit my test. i was in the second top set, and now i'm second from the bottom x[ i'm learning nothing and i'm being taught things i already know! the stuff we're doing is stuff i done like two years ago! i also hate my teacher which doesn't help, she gives me grief and just hates me =[ so i hate her back xD anyways! yes, so! what should i do? i'm not learning anything and i need maths for the career i'm wanting to do! thank you! ><

How can I move up a level in math?

You should speak to your teacher about moving up a level. Getting good grades in one level of math does not necessarily mean that you are ready to change levels. Your teacher may be a good judge of that.

You can also go to free online tutoring sites such as and for free homework help./

I want to move up a Maths group.?

I am in the middle maths set in Year 9 (13-14). I really want to move up to the top set, but I will need some advice to achieve that.
I’m a good student. My test score aren’t as high as some of the other people in my group though. However I’m in the top for every other subject and I think I can do the hard work with some perseverance and hard work. It’s important too, as I have GCSE’s next year, and I want to do the higher tier test. (This is not a guarantee in my current set. I don’t want to take any chances).

So how will I move up? I don’t want to just ask for a move up because that probably won’t work. I need to prove myself as a high scoring student, and a student that could easily fare with harder work. I have come up with some ‘Tactics’.
Fill my book with some really good work I did at home, work that is Higher GCSE level. I will write in my book. “I am doing extra work at home, and will be sticking it into my book as it is relevant to my current module of work”. This might win me a top spot.

Any other tips? Thank you.

I'm scared of moving down in maths?

The thing is I'm moving into yr 10 at the end of the summer hols and I'm terrified. At the end of yr 9 I moved to set 1 for maths and science (they r joined in my scholl) admittedly I did reallyyyyy well in science and like 5 or 6 best in my class for maths maybe 4. So I moved up. I used to be in set 3 then I moved to set two in yr9 an now I'm in set 1 but I feel as if I don't deserve to be there I mean there are SOME REALLY SMART ppl in that class and compared to them I look dumb. Like this one girl everyone calls her the smartest girl in the shool. She is good at everything like everything I mean everything tere hasn't been a single test she has failed and I jut don't feel in place compared to all these smart ppl. What if I move down aghhh I'm terrified my parents would be so disappointed if I mode down and tbh I would be to ;(

Help! I moved down to set 4 in maths!!! :(?

Just try really hard. This happened to me this year. I was in top set the year before, but I got put in bottom set because I missed my exam. Once they saw that the work was too easy they moved me up back to top set. Just try your hardest to show them you deserve to be in a higher set, it might take a bit of time but it will happen eventually if it is right for you.

Help me! The math department chair won’t let me move up in my algebra 2 class and my other class doesn’t cover enough material to get me prepared for SAT. What should I do?

Look for a good SAT revision book/ website or ask to see if you can have extra work sheets etc to see if you can do the higher level work. The teachers may be thinking of your best interest and pushing too much on you may do more harm than good (higher groups tend to work at a faster pace which can sometimes be too fast). The SAT is not a GCSE but it is your chance to show you can do the higher level work. Attempt every question but don't worry if you can't do it, just make sure you show your working. Sometimes this carries a mark. The hardest part in Maths is working out exactly what a question wants you to do.

Is it possible for an IB student to move from Math Studies to Math HL?

There's nothing stopping you, but I implore you: please don't.You say you love math, but a love for math doesn't mean anything in this context as your love will slowly dwindle due to the high pressure nature of the course. I only know one person who took HL Math because he loved it, but he was pretty much Harvard material from the day I met him in primary school (he got accepted).That went off topic but you get what I mean: people take HL Math for three reasons. Either:They love maths so much they want math to constitute a significant part of their career (actuarial sciences and engineering)They love maths so much and they find absorbing new abstract concepts and developing new skills in Math effortless.They're very very foolhardy (me).I didn't have the best time with HL Math and I was predicted a 5/6 (it's alright compared to the world average but in the context of my class where the average was a 6/7 I was underperforming) and it really got me down. So unless you’re absolutely driven about taking HL Math and really like Math to the point of having a willingness to put yourself through two years of possible hell, by all means go for it. Otherwise, do yourself a favour and stay in studies.

Math help? (again)?

Ok im in 7th grade and my teacher has given me a test to see if a qualify to move up to the next math class (algebra)
She gave me a test and i have no idea what to do. I should move up. In the class im in now we are learing how to divide. i know its terriable.

1. Thry pushed and shoved until 2 3/4 as many as were necessary passed through the gates. If 4400 passed through the gates how many were necessary?

2. Jakie hiked 21 miles in seven hours. After a good nights sleep she doubled her speed the next day. How far did she hike in 4 hours the next day?

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