How Would These Controls Work

Did gun control work in the UK? Why?

Several answers here seem to believe that the point of gun control is to reduce crime, which hasn't happend, and hence the laws have failed. This is a misapprehension. Gun control measures don't make it that much harder for criminals to get guns, and if they do crimes are still committed. There's not much that can be done about this.Gun control laws are there to prevent mass killings. The 1987 Hungerford Massacre and the 1996 Dunblane Massacre were committed by people using legal, licensed weapons. And laws were immediately passed to outlaw the types of weapons that were used.When handguns were banned in response to Dunblane, did it stop criminals and gang members having them? No, but criminals and gang members don't walk into primary schools and kill 16 children. The law does keep them out of the hands of people who are law-abiding until they become mentally unbalanced, i.e. spree killers.Compare the amount of spree killings in the UK with the amount in countries with looser gun laws. That will tell you if it's worked or not.

Why doesn't gun control work?

Why doesn’t gun control work?Guns aren’t the issue.Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.But people are shooting guns. If there are fewer guns on the street, the incidence of terrorism, mass shootings, and violent crime decrease, right?Wrong.It’ll increase. Look at Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York City. Three cities with strict gun laws in three states with strict gun laws. Violent crime has either remained as is or increased.The laws didn’t work. They’re not going to work.Why?People follow Gun Free Zone Laws…except the criminal. The criminal doesn’t care about Gun Free Zones. Criminals make a living in breaking the law. With each new law usurping individual liberties, the criminal thrives.Most follow the law, the criminal doesn’t. The criminal won’t, but most will. They believe it’s a duty to follow the law of their land, just or unjust.Since the criminal doesn’t follow the law, they see a golden opportunity in carrying out violent acts in states with stricter gun laws or Gun Free Zones. They know people don’t have guns in these areas. They’re not allowed access, but the criminal isn’t going to follow the law.The criminal wants the government to enact gun control. The criminal seeks opportunity where gun control runs rampant. Sure, a mass shooting or violent act will occur in a state with conservative gun laws, but the vast majority? Colorado is a hotbed, a state with liberal gun laws.California has San Bernadino. Remember it?Illinois has one of the highest violent crime rates in the country.Why do many of these mass shootings occur in high schools or college campuses?No one is going to be armed in a Gun Free Zone other than an “authorized citizen.”A concert in Vegas?Security checks for contraband before patrons enter. The criminal knows this.Gun laws don’t work because criminals, those going to go ahead with violent crime, aren’t going to listen to them. The harder one makes it for law abiding citizens to hold a gun, the easier it is for the criminal to thrive on violent crime.

How would gun control work for 3D printed guns?

Commercial 3D printers are becoming increasingly popular. It won't be long until we can 3D print metal. How will gun control laws control 3D printed firearms?

Does cruise control work at 120 mph?

Yes it does, At least in a new impala anyhow. I rented one last September and drove it home from Florida in record setting time. Turned the 27 hour trip into 16 hours and i was amazed to find out the car still got 35 miles per gallon. No wonder the cops use these cars though. It is no race car but handled really well with the speedo buried. Hope I have been helpful