How Would You Define Superior Customer Service

* How would you define superior customer service?

Superior customer service - customer service that leaves the customer fully satisfied with their experience. A big characteristic of superior customer service is the willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty to please the customer.

How do you define goods and services?

goods are things that you can touch like clothing and groceries, and services are things that someone does for you but you can't touch like your power light, internet service and a phone line.

What is the definition of "world class customer service"? Is there one definition? Does it vary depending on the context?

Customer service is a broad term. It is how you treat your customers, how you service them, and what and how you deliver – and so much more!There are a lot of opinions and thoughts out there on what good customer service is. But the only ones who really can tell you what good customer service is, are the customers!According to this study by Groovehq is the most important thing that your customer service is empathetic.That’s why you have to make sure that everyone at your company has empathy and cares about the customers.Exceed your customers’ expectationsWhile the society accepts blah customer service, it’s not great customer service!Great customer service is something that is better than the norm. Something extra.If you deliever that little extra, your customers will share their great experience with other potential customers because no one expect that little extra. It will work just as an automated process and can be done for little or no money with great effect.How do you get the happiest customers in the world?In this interview with Peter Shankman, serial entrepreneur and founder of Help A Reporter Out (HARO), is giving the customers more than they expect the key to happy customers.It’s all about doing that little bit extra. Reach out to your customers just to say hi, add a small gift in your packages (Stickers, a product sample etc.) or simply just send a small gift for their birthday.Source: How to get the Happiest Ecommerce Customers in the WorldThe future of customer serviceIn the future, customer service will be all about knowing more about your customers and understanding what they want. If you want to make great customer service, you’ll have to ask what your customers want - Speedy answers, Very detailed answers etc.And remember:Happy and loyal customers are the best way to make your company grow!

What does good customer service mean to you?

Finding out exactly what the customer is looking for and doing your best to assist them.

What is the importance of customer service for an organization?

You may have the best of products but they are of no use if you cannot convince people to buy them. Your business is bound to fail if you are unable to meet the expectations of today's customers. Customer service holds a major significance for any business. Let's see how:Encourages return and new business:An exceptional customer service not only helps in retaining the present customers but also helps drive in the new ones. When you provide a quality customer service, your customers tend to trust you more and share their experience further. In other words, an exceptional customer service triggers word-of-mouth marketing which is the most powerful marketing tool today. This is so because people prefer going for something that their knowns suggest rather than what you tell them about your company.Creates a lasting impact:When a customer has a bad experience with your company, he/ she would most probably discontinue using your product or service. On the other hand, if you provide an instant query resolution, best quality products, good customer service or simply live up to their expectations, they are likely to become your long-termed customers. The type of customer service you provide creates a lasting impact on your customers. Whether the impact is a good one or a bad one, totally depends on you!Helps generate revenue:As mentioned above, an exceptional customer service is responsible for developing loyalty in the consumers. When consumers love a brand, they readily market its products. This eventually drives an increasing ability to maximize revenues.Makes customers feel valued:As a matter of fact, customers are the most important aspect of your business. Therefore, you should be honest and strive to meet their expectations. When you go above and beyond to take care of your customer’s issues, it shows you truly care about them.

What is the difference between a customer service executive and a customer service representative?

Customer service executives use their skills and experience to ensure that a company delivers the highest standards of service to customers dealing directly with customers’ inquiries and complaints, to maximize customer satisfaction. Customer service executives are also known as front desk executives.Customer service representatives interact with customers on behalf of an organization. They provide information about products and services, take orders, respond to customer complaints, and process returns mostly done though calls, emails chats and SMS. Many customer service representatives work in customer contact centers.

What is the difference between customer service and technical support?

Well, both focus on customers. Technically, both of these titles focus on helping customers, but in a slightly different way. Support of any type is and will always be about the customer and their needs.Customer service— Answers questions, takes payments, help someone find what they're looking for. Customer service reps are responsible for taking the problem,making it theirs, and fixing it, to make a happy customer, in whatever industry, into a returning customer. Perhaps with friends and family in tow. Shoppers do love to be taken care of.Now, tech support is a different level of customer service. With this role one has to figure out why something isn't working and make it work. Most of this is on the phone, so tech support specializes in walking a customer through a series of tests so the agent can find out what's wrong and then they calmly walk the customer through the fix. This is a roll that mostly deals with electronics, computer software,smart phones, and so on.Both roles are equally important. As I'm in tech support, I still service the customer with my skills , fix their problems, make them happy and they are so grateful when things work again that they brag.Word of mouth helps keep us our jobs. I'm sure these big companies who use robots to help their customers would find that many people aren't happy with the service. Robots over the phones have no emotions, therefore there's the most important thing missing. Empathy and a real person they know will help.