How Would You Describe Ulysses

What is the meaning of " As wily as Ulysses."?

It means very very wily, or tricky, or clever. Ulysses, remember, is the guy who invented the Trojan Horse, who tricked the Cyclops into letting him escape, who hacked the Sirens so that he got to hear their song without dying, etc., etc., etc.

Describe the conflict faced by the speaker in "Ulysses."?

Does Tennyson see Ulysses as heroic or as selfish and self-justifying? Explain your answers using examples from the poem

Yes I know this is my homework and I should do it but i am hopeless in english and its the last essay for my senior year so im trying to get a good grade but i jsut cant understand this poem....Please anyone feeling generous enough to help me out!!!!
Thanks in advance!!

Describe Ulysses S. Grant.?

Ulysses S. Grant was a Born in Point Pleasant Ohio on April 27th, 1822 to a modest middle class family. He graduated in 1843 ranking 21st out of 39 graduating students. Grant then served in the Mexican War. Although he served effectively with Zachary Taylor's army at Monterey and with Winfeild Scott's army in the campaign for Mexico city, where he won two brevets for meritorious conduct, he detested the war.
Grant Married Julia Grant after the war.
On October 25th, 1862, Grant was again restored to a command post of prominence, with his appointment to the Army of Tennessee. He was soon ordered to take Vicksburg, Mississippi. The Vicksburg campaign started off on the wrong foot, with the capture of his base camp at Holly Springs, which caused his retreat in December. However in the spring of 1863, he executed a largely effective campaign and crossed the Mississippi south of Vicksburg. He defeated the forces of Pemberton, leading to the surrender of 20,000 troops. After a fierce 42 day siege, Vicksburg fell on July 4th 1863.
After the war, he was advanced to General in Chief, and served momentarily as Secretary of War under Andrew Johnson. Grant's attempts to protect the southern occupational army soon earned him a presidential candidacy in the radical Republican party. In 1868 he won the election and served for 2 terms. After his terms in office, he went on a two year cruise, and returned to fail to receive the Republican party nomination. After years of cigars, Grant was finally stricken with throat cancer, and during this time, he wrote the Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant, which netted his family $450,000, and became an American classic. Grant died at Mount McGregor, New York on July 23, 1885.

Hope that Helps ya out :D

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Scansion for Tennyson's Ulysses?

I need a little help finding the scansion for this poem.

It little profits that an idle king,
By this still hearth, among these barren crags,
Matched with an aged wife, I mete and dole
Unequal laws unto a savage race,
That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me.

I cannot rest from travel: I will drink
Life to the lees: all times I have enjoyed
Greatly, have suffered greatly, both with those
That loved me, and alone; on shore, and when
Through scudding drifts the rainy Hyades
Vest the dim sea: I am become a name;
For always roaming with a hungry heart
Much have I seen and known; cities of men
And manners, climates, councils, governments,
Myself not least, but honoured of them all;
And drunk delight of battle with my peers;
Far on the ringing plains of windy Troy.
I am part of all that I have met;
Yet all experience is an arch wherethrough
Gleams that untravelled world, whose margin fades
For ever and for ever when I move.

What did Ulysses S. Grant do in the civil War?

Grant was an aggressive relentless Union general, who commanded all Union forces at the end of the war. His aggressive offensive tactics earned him the nickname "Butcher" as the casualty figures climbed.
Grant lost so many killed at Cold Harbor, that his army lost its will to fight for several months.

Grant shutdown the prisoner of war exchange program, leading to the construction of concentration camps. That's right! They were invented in the U.S.

By today's standards of conduct, Grant would be a war criminal for his conduct. He was there at the burning of Jackson, Mississippi, and his soldiers had little prohibition against theft, arson and in some cases rape. They even shot or bayoneted the dogs!

Robert E. Lee is one of my icons. He was a magnificent man.But I also have respect for Ulysses for he revered Lee and gave him respect at a most difficult time for Lee.Lee was an outstanding cadet at West Point. A young man of stern nature who did not participate in frivolity as others did. He was known for his excellent reputation. He gave respect and earned it.Grant was a young cadet who watched and admired Lee from afar. He was bigger than life to Grant.When they met Grant knew that for Lee to be in the position of surrender was not a ideal situation for him and he gave Lee all the command and respect of one soldier to a superior officer. It was the situation of being right about the outcome of a fight but Grant chose to be a gentleman fighter and extend his respect of and in some situations a far superior opponent.Grant further receives a special place in my heart for the refusal to allow his men to celebrate the outcome of the war as long as Lee was present. This marks Grant as a fine man as well as a fair one.Understand Lee, was the immediate thought of Abraham Lincoln and others to lead the Northern cause but when Lee refused because of his love of Virginia, they were disappointed but held him in respect for his loyalty. They knew of all decisions Lee would suffer from having to make it. He was too great a man for what history would try and do to his honor.Grant wanted to visit with Lee after all he was finally on equal footing as man to man also the victorious winner over that man’s decision to stay Southern. Lee on the other hand was gracious and polite but he was there for not surrender but to make sure that his Southern Army was not mis-treated or unfairly judged in returning to civilization. He knew the men would need the weapons and horses for getting home, there were other conditions Lee asked for and received. He conceded to the demands he thought were reasonable but his thoughts never touched the ones history recorded as a Surrender.Grant’s leadership of the Northern Armies was what got him elected to President with less than stellar accomplishments. Grant was a wardog and knew his star rose because of it, an alcoholic, who was not accustomed to protocol or the need of it.Both men to be honored and revered despite the stupidity of removing Lee’s and other historical statues.

Because when he (Ulysses) came up with the idea of the Trojan horse, he committed fraud according to Dante's (in this regard) mediaeval thinking.

Joyce's ULYSSES can give the reader a visceral feeling of being in Dublin.Partly, I believe, this is because of his use of recursion (or more accurately) reentry.He describes.He describes describing.He describes describing describing.I don't know how many recursive levels he reaches, but the effect is an immersion in a place and time.He also uses multiple literary, philosophical, theatrical, etc. themes or tropes. Thus, he draws the reader in by the use of devices for which she is already primed.

What were some accomplishments & failures of Ulysses s grant?

Ulysses S. Grant got popular only before his presidency during the Civil War mostly. He was one of the most respected general and soldier in the Civil War which led to the winning of the Civil War and the end of it. During his presidency, his presidency led to his many little failures as president.

-Under Grant's command, the Union Army defeated the Confederate military and ended the Confederate States of America.
-In 1862, he fought a series of major battles and captured a Confederate army, earning a reputation as an aggressive general who seized control of most of Kentucky and Tennessee at the Battle of Shiloh.
- In July 1863, after a long, complex campaign, he defeated five Confederate armies (capturing one of them) and seized Vicksburg.
-President Abraham Lincoln promoted him to the rank of lieutenant general and gave him charge of all of the Union Armies.
-Reelected in 1872, he became the first president to serve two full terms since Andrew Jackson did so forty years earlier.
-As president, he led Reconstruction by signing and enforcing civil rights laws and fighting Ku Klux Klan violence.
-He helped rebuild the Republican Party in the South.

-His response to the Panic of 1873 and the severe depression that followed was heavily criticized.
-In addition, his image as a war hero was tarnished by corruption scandals during his presidency. He left office at the low point of his popularity.

Thanks for asking.Odysseus' encounter with and escape from the Cyclops, Polyphemus, in Book 9 is considered to be his most significant achievement because he not only saves himself but also a number of his men through his cunning and intelligence--with one exception. Initially, he tells Polyphemus that his name is Nobody or Noman because he needs to remain anonymous in order not to evoke any retribution from any of the gods, like Poseidon, who are already trying to destroy the man known as Odysseus. When he finally tricks Polyphemus into letting him and his men, disguised as sheep, escape from Polyphemus's cave, Odysseus cannot keep from telling Polyphemus who has actually defeated him:'Cyclops, if any one asks you who it was that put your eye out and spoiled your beauty, say it was the valiant warrior Ulysses, son of Laertes, who lives in Ithaca.' (Book IX)This disclosure has been roundly criticized by readers and critics as an example of Odysseus' pride, and it is surely an instance in which Odysseus' pride overcomes common sense. As several critics have pointed out, however, disclosing his real name is an act of heroism and defiance--Odysseus, as one of the leading warrior-kings in the Trojan War, could not let his triumph over Polyphemus be a mystery. Fame and honor are an essential part of a warrior-king's being, and Odysseus' defeat of such a formidable opponent as Polyphemus had to become part of Odysseus' recorded achievements even if the disclosure of his name put him and his men at risk.However, Odysseus demonstrates his heroic nature throughout the Odyssey in both significant and insignificant episodes, and personifies the virtues of a Bronze Age warrior king, with the addition of intelligence and endurance, attributes that allow him to survive long enough to retake his kingdom.