How Would You Graph On Excel Time Which Are At 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Vs Temperature 0 Room

A perfect gas at 27°C is heated at constant pressure till its volume is doubled. What will be its final temperature?

According to ideal gas equation PV=nRTP=pressure of gas,V=volume of gas=volume of container,T=temperaturueV1 =INITIAL VOLUME ,V2 =FINAL VOLUMET1 =INITIAL TEMPERATURE =27+273=300T2 =FINAL TEMPERATUREAccording to question,V2 =2 x V1Therefore,V1/V2 = T1/T2V1/2V1=300/T2T2 =FINAL TEMPERATURE=600KVidyanchal Academythank you

If 10 g of ice at - 10° C is added to 50 g of water at 15° C, what is the temperature of the mixture?

You need to understand 3 concepts to solve this answer.Firstly, You have to use the principle of calorimetry (measuring heat content of a system) to get the answer for this question.The principle goes like this:heat gained by a system(ice) = heat given by a system (water).That means the heat absorbed by ice will be equal to the heat given by the water.Secondly,now since you know the principle, next step is to know the formula of heat given or taken, that isQ= m*c*(t2-t1)where,m=mass of the substancec=heat capacity of substance (ice=2.1kJ/kgK, water=4.2kJ/kgK)t2-t1=change in temperature of the substanceNow the last but not the least concept, you must know what is latent heat, you see while there is a change of state that is when solid converts to liquid or liquid to water there is no change in temperature with the absorption of heat and that value for ice to water is 336kJ/kg.So this is the process is which is gonna happen, as the ice comes in contact with water, its temperature will rise upto 0 deg celsius. At that temperature which is the melting point of ice, it converts into water without any change in temperature. After complete conversion it again absorbs heat to reach a state where the converted ice and the water are at same temperatures (thermal equillibrium).So your final formula would be:Heat given by water = heat absorbed by ice + latent heat + heat absorbed by water (melted ice)mw*cw*(tw-T) = mice*cice*(tice-0) +336 +mmw*cmw*(T-0)The only unknown here is T =mixture temperature.Hope you got the science. :)

How do I create or draw a flowchart to find the average of three input integer numbers?

To draw any flowchart it is necessary to make algorithm for the sameAlgorithm : To calculate average of three numbers.Step1 : Read three values a, b, c. //(int or float or double any but dont write datatype in flowchart)Step2 : initialize avg to 0Step3 : avg <- (a+b+c)/3Step4 : print avgThen to draw flowchart for same. First we need to understand what are the symbols for each statement.Now to draw flowchart of finding the average of three numbers, we use above symols and make a flowchart like thisIn this way we can draw flowchart of finding the average of three numbers. One thing which is important is here that name of variables should be in caps ie here AVG, A, B, C. Thats it.

How do I calculate the quantity of heat required to convert 2.5 kg of water at 25 degrees Celsius to steam at 100 degrees Celsius?

To convert 2.5 kg of water at 25°C to steam at 100 °C, first we need to convert water at 25 °C to water at 100 °C and then water at 100 °C to steam at 100 °C.For first step,Q1= m*c*ΔΦQ1= 2500*1*75 calQ1=1,87,500 calFor second step,Q2= m*LQ2= 2500*540 calQ2=13,50,000 calThus total heat,Q= Q1 + Q2Q= 1,87,500 + 13,50,000Q= 15,37,500 calQ= 1537.5 kcalQ= 1537.5*4.184 kJQ= 6432.9 kJ

A gas expands from 2 liters to 6 liters against a constant pressure of 0.5 ATM on absorbing 200J of heat. What is change in internal energy?

ΔH = ΔU + PΔV... (Definition of Enthalpy change)At constant pressure (for isobaric process)ΔH = q….Hence, ΔU = q - PΔV (1st law of thermodynamics)ΔU = 200 - 0.5*101325 *(0.006–0.002)ΔU = -2.65 JAll the sign conventions were considered and pressure and volume were converted to their respective SI units.1 atm pressure = 101325 Pa1 liter volume = 0.001 cubic m.

What does the presence of pus cells and epithelial cells in urine mean? Why does this occur?

Epithelial cells are shed by your skin. In a urinalysis the lack of epi's are a good indicator of a well collected sample.If you clean properly prior to sample collection the number of epithelial cells should be less than about 8-10/HPF. Higher numbers may indicate that you did not clean well and have contaminated your urine with not only cells shed by your skin but potentially any bacteria on the skin as well.Urine is considered sterile and should be bacteria free. You do not want to take antibiotics for an “infection” you may not really have. So clean well and collect a good sample. Don't think you can “trick” your doc into prescribing antibiotics you don't really need by providing a “dirty” sample. The epithelial cells will give it away.For a good clean catch urine you should clean the area well with a wipe (like a benalkonium wipe), begin urinating, then introduce the sterile urine cup mid-stream. After collecting 10-30 ml of urine remove the cup from the stream and finish urinating. Please remember to wash your hands when you are done.Pus or white blood cells (WBC's) in small numbers (less than 8/HPF) are normal in the average person. Higher numbers are indicative of a urinary tract infection. Absence of WBC's does not necessarily mean no infection. Immunocompromised patients may not be making enough WBC's to fight the infection and therefore may not show enough cells to typically indicate infection. There may also be an infection higher up the urinary tract like in the kidneys and the WBC's are not making it out of the kidneys and into the urine for evaluation. This is why providers are always encouraged to evaluate lab results in conjunction with all clinical signs and symptoms.

How much heat is required to make one kg of steam?

To answer this question we need to make several assmptions.To make one kg of steam we need one kg of water.Let water be at room temperature of say 20° C.No loss of heat in heating the water from 20°C to its boiling point 100° C or converting water at 100° C to steam at 100° C.Heat required to heat 1000 g of water (specific heat 1 calorie per gm per 1°C rise of temperature= 1000 g. 1 calorie/g, °C * (rise of temperature of 80° C from 20° C to 100° C =1000*1*80 calorie=80,000 calorieEach gram of water at 100° C requires 540 calorie of heat to convert to steam at 100°CSo heat required to change 1000g of water at 100° C to steam at 100° C° = 1000 g* 540 calorie/g= 540,000 calorie.So total heat required = 80, 000 calorie +5,40,000 calorie= 6,20,000 calorie= 0.62*10^6 calorie of heat.So we would require 0.620 million calorie of heat.

Martin luther king jr?

Communist, plagiarist, drug abuser, wife beater, fraud.