How You Can Expand Youthful As Time Move

Is 18 too young to move out of home?

No, but it depends if you have the means and maturity. I moved out at 18 because I lived in a small country town and the only way I would get a decent job was moving to the city. I had no choice, but I handled it fine. I have never regretted it. My parents helped me find some accommodation (I started in a hostel until I could save some money to get an apartment of my own), and helped me work out the transport system, etc.

My parents taught me from my mid-teens how to cook for myself, budget and manage my money, etc, so I was well prepared. They always knew I would have to move out when I finished school and wanted me to be ready.

So, no, it is not too young in age, just decide whether you are ready. ANd remember, you parent will always be there for you if you find you can't handle it and need to move back.

How drastically can your face change through exercise and by getting lean?

I was 330lbs (150kg) when I put this question on my Answer Later list as a wishful-thinking vanity project. I ended up losing about 160lbs (73kg)—enough that I actually wear a smaller size of fitted baseball cap now.I look better of course, but the change in my face isn’t quite as drastic I’d hoped. Once you get so big that you can lose nearly half your body weight, your face is changed forever. I hardly ever smile in pictures now (unless I’m with my kids) because smiling forms deep creases where the extra skin folds in.I had hopes of learning how devastatingly Goslingesque a middle aged man could become, but instead I mainly learned how itty bitty changes in the angle of an iPhone selfie can result in wild, 30lb (14kg) swings to your apparent weight.To me, I don’t look very different until I’d lost about 75 lbs. After that, results still seem non-linear. I stopped the project at -140, having a grid of 16 pictures and plenty of original research for this answer.Here’s -160, but intentionally taken at Flatter Tilt:For what it’s worth, I feel like I look best in the above, but I also tend not to feel as well when I’m that lean—I was around 8% body fat there. Since feeling better was the whole point (I have pretty severe ME/CFS), I currently carry about 30 more pounds, about half of which is lean mass (muscle).

Should I move to Tallahassee?

I'm 19 & was wondering if I should move to tally and go to their community college and then transfer over to FSU orrrrrrr stay where I'm at (St. pete) and become a real estate agent? And go to a CC here and get a couple basic classes done. I just moved here so I don't have friends and I live w my dad and I don't want to live with him much longer. So I'm asking you internet stranger to help me out :(

Developing a cat allergy while pregnant?

Yes it is possible to develop an allergy to your cat while you are pregnant. Just try to avoid contact with the cats dander and under no circumstances what-so-ever should you clean the litter box yourself. You can ask your doctor to have you tested for the allergy and then see about medication that you can take while pregnant. Sometimes these things kind of go away (or seem more subtle) after pregnancy and other times they stay for life. I worked with animals when I was pregnant with my first child and was one of the few people who could sex the younger rabbits. Handling the rabbits all the time while I was pregnant caused me to develop an allergy to them. At first I thought maybe it was Poisen Ivy or something (it was summer time) because I had this rash I had never had. I found out the rabbit fur touching my skin causes me to break out in hives. I then went on to work in a research facility with animals, but found out I would never move up in the company beyond a research tech 1 because to get a "promotion" you had to be able to work with rabbits. Sucky.


Our world moves instant
A blur of perfection
Uniting old ideas
With new invention
Time became a tool
Of youthful intention
So here's our moment
Through rain and shine
To deliver our efforts
To beautiful minds

How to get over a friends with benefits relationship?

Its weird because this sounds a lot like something Im currently going through. It amazes me that after so long this guy could have lead you to believe he likes you or could have slept with you for that long and not have a single feeling? Some guys could do that I suppose, but why give you the impression he liked you if he never wanted things to go further or if that's not how he really felt?
I think you've made a very wise decision to distance yourself from him. Being friends with or without the benefits is going to make things worst for you until you've given yourself time to accept that this may be all you will ever have with this guy.
Only time will tell, but how much time do you need to give someone before they realize they have feelings? Either he never will, or chances are hes scared perhaps because of the previous relationship. Either way, its been a year! In reality you'd both be wasting your time to continue things like this unless he starts to come as far as feelings. If not, you will be the one that gets hurt even more, not him.

Do your balls really have anything to do with the pitch of your voice?

Actually your testicles are responsible for the production of testosterone. For guys, this is the key sex hormone that is responsible for the development of male characteristics - deep voice, facial hair and so forth.

While developing, yes your testicles actually do play a part in how your voice sounds. But once your are an adult and fully grown then no they don't. So say you're an adult and say I cut your jewels off, you don't automatically gain a higher pitch voice because you're already grown up.