How Young Is Too Young To Drink Coffee

Is 13 too young to drink coffee?

No, I dont see why it would be. If it was bad then there would be an age limit on it like beer. But I heard it could stop you from growing from the caffine but soda has the same thing and kids drink it and they dont stop growing so I dont see what the problem is.

Is 9th grade too young to drink coffee?


Is 14 too young to drink coffee?

There are no known major problems from caffeine, but at your age any drug (caffeine is a drug) can have larger impact. Experts say you should consume less than 100 mg of caffeine. The problem is almost everything aimed at teens has caffeine, so the odds are you're already getting more than that. I would recommend a good decaf. It tastes like regular, but without the additional caffeine.

Drinking coffee at young age?

I'm 15 and I really thing coffee taste good! Plus, it keeps me awake when I lack sleep at night and then go to school in the morning. Is it bad for my age to drink coffee? Because lately, I've been drinking coffee as often as I wanted to, even at night! And no, I don't like those expensive starbucks coffee which tasted good, but not worth the price for me. Is it really bad?

Is drinking coffee bad for young people?

It's really not the greatest thing for you to drink, but it's not TERRIBLE in moderation. You can get addicted to the caffeine that is in the coffee, and not be able to function comfortably without it. There is no scientific proof that drinking coffee will increase blood pressure or anything like that, but that doesn't mean that drinking too much of something won't have some sort of side effects. Just don't drink too much. You're not necessarily too young, and I think you are wise enough to know when you've had enough.

Ami too young to drink cappunchino and coffee?

my gowth spurt was likefrom 5 to begining of 7 grade i wentfrom being 4'7 to being what i am now 5'1 and havent grown since tats als whn i got my period 6th grade now im going into 9t

Is 19 years old too young to start drinking coffee?

I like the taste of coffee esp the low sugar one but I am scared and worried something bad will happen to me. My mum says wait til I reach the age of 30 to start drinking coffee...

What age is too young to begin drinking coffee?

Yes, but I would not recommend it espresso. (unless you don’t mind your young ones running on the roof)In my family you are given coffee the moment you can start drinking it on your own. Kids don’t normally drink it black, unless they specifically ask for it and I have seen them do this. Normally they are given coffee with milk, but more milk than coffee. As you grow up you develop your own taste and go from there. I have memories of my mother giving me a bottle filled with cafe con leche. (coffee+milk)If you are worried about hyperactivity, ADD and so on. My family is a big one and we only have one case and it was triggered by asthma therapies.I’ve had people looking at me crazy for this. Maybe is a cultural/family thing. But I have never seen any reaction of side effects to drinking coffee at a young age. Actually it gives me great memories, because we would have coffee at breakfast, then always at 3pm. This second one was spent talking and enjoying the family around, even if it was to unwind from a bad day.

My dad says i'm too young to have coffee?

Well, I have been drinking coffee since last year, im currently 16 years old, and lots of people at my school drink coffee. My teachers, my friends, I usually see this girl I know, coming in to our first class of the day with a can of starbucks, my english teacher loves coffee, another friend walks to the starbucks that's near her house (which is really in a Target actually).

But anyways, my brother in law last year took me to a starbucks that was near a place that my sis needed to go to, we went in and got me a mocha frappuccino, it was great. I was alright with it, cause my mom gave me a lil coffee when I was ten, she just mixed most of it with Chocolate milk though.

And whenever I go somewhere with my mom, since my parents are divorced, I usually ask her to take me to starbucks to get a mocha or something...and when I asked my dad, he started being an idiot saying that im too young to be drinking it. He looked at me stupid when I told him to buy me a cup of coffee from McDonald's one time (was terrible by the way).

Last week I saw these little bottle things of starbucks coffee, some frappuccinos, he started going "No, you're too young, that's going to kill you, you're going to get sick, you're just going to use that to stay up late."

That really annoyed me, and now whenever he see's me drinking one of the bottle he gets all stupid again...

Is my dad a bad parent for not actully letting me grow up and have some coffee, I don't even drink it that much, its like...At least every 2 weeks I may or may not have a cup with my mom or sister. Thats the only time I might drink it.

I know this question seems to long, but it's my first time acutually using Yahoo answers.

My 9 year old sister drinks coffee, is this too young of an age?

What an unpleasant question.I think the comment about you hating your sister might be TMI (too much information). That's not something you probably want to actively broadcast to people. I disagree with my siblings, and have fought with them, but I would never wish ill will upon them. That's a bit much. If you find your sister in pain "hilarious" you must be incredibly full of yourself.I am not a nutritionist, but drinking coffee at nine years old isn't going to kill you, but the beverage itself alters your brain chemistry, and does have an impact on your ability to function clearly. Because children are constantly growing, I would say that having a cup of coffee every once in a while isn't going to seriously change anything, but regurlarly ingesting it on a weekly basis isn't advised for growing kids. I don't recommend it.I would also suggest that actively hating your sister is only going to make your childhood worse for you (if indeed you are a child). If you find your sister annoying, don't be such a cruel jerk about it. Maybe try to cultivate a friendship with her, it would make the years you will spend together in the same house a LOT less tedious.