Hows My Singin Give Suggestion

What are your suggestions on my singing in this clip? I know I’m straining since I have neighbors and it’s late. Also, the lyrics are off a little as well. However, please only use constructive criticism. I’ve only started about over a year ago.

I wish you were one of my clients, I’m a hypnotist and I’ve had two singers as clients.I’d recommend you start exercising to build up your lungs more and to help you build your inner confidence. So start walking and then running. Hit the weights too as being on stage is 50% of the performance, setting up equipment, dragging stuff around and everything else is really rough work.When I’m doing a hypnosis seminar, I have to get setup and it's like running 2 miles, and then I have to perform for an audience. So I know what I’m talking about.Your vocal range is good, but with a strong cardio exercise system, it could be awesome. Your tone duration will also improve with cardio as well.I’d recommend signing lessons and a really good mentor. Also learn how to interact with your audience as that is what makes a good singer great.I’d also recommend you pretend that you are singing to a large audience and that your microphone system is out. This will help you project your voice and let your audience hear your emotions better.Good Luck!

What are the best songs to sing at home?

oh you are exactly the way i am! :D

i usually sing to adele - someone like you or beyonce - best thing i never had. so if you usually sing at home im pretty sure you never afraid of projecting them out. i usually sing at high note, since im at home and i can use the spaces in my room of how far my voice and how loud they can be, well anyway try not to sing catchy tune because it's actually not a part of the singing

SINGING: What do you think of my singing?

First, singing without accompaniment, you maintained pitch.  So you have a good ear and enough skill to use it.  Your natural voice is a little raw and inconsistent, that is the overtones vary, especially on longer notes.  There are two things to improve that.  One, take voice lessons, learn breath control to support your tone.  Two, sing, sing, sing.  All the time. Practice by singing just one long tone and try to maintain the same quality.  Breathe from your diaphragm, putting a hand on your lower belly to make sure the breath is coming from there.  Join a choir and learn how to blend your voice with others, which will take some edge off (inconsistent overtones are what make you edgy).  That said, a lot of singers, particularly folk/country/rock, use an edge to give them a distinct sound, so it's not necessarily a bad thing, particularly if you use it on the right songs.  (The one you chose is a ballad, which is tougher.)  Think Rod Stewart or Rick Danko with The Band (you can tell how old I am).  Overall, I think you have a good start and are already better than average.  With more practice (suggestion 2), you should end up with a good singing voice.One more thing.  Before performing, singers always warm up.  There are standard forms of doing that, singing scales, la la la la, starting with a low note and sweeping up to a high one, doing arpeggios, like the notes of a chord, up and down.  At least one-two minutes before you begin recording.  Choral conductors usually warm up their singers before practice.

How can I improve my singing voice?

Well currently I am fourteen years young and proud of it.
The reason I'm asking a question right now is because...
well I need the information on it obviously. Here's a little
insight on me:

I'm a female who is fourteen and heading into freshman year.
When I was little I'd always be singing and dancing on video
in front of my family. My dad was a dj so I was really into music.
I would always entertain my family on holidays and other things.
So pretty much I can say I absolutely LOVE singing. It's my
passion and I'm willing to do almost anything that has to do
with it. I've been in singing classes throughout elementary school
and middle school. I'm now planning on taking a choir class in
high school as well. Just last year I had my own solo in our spring
show and it was my first. I don't think I did that great but if you want
to see it, its on myspace videos and type in kelseys first solo. I
really dont like the way it sounds because I don't think my vocals
were ready. I would love to become a famous singer someday more
than anything I've ever wanted. It is my dream and I'll keep pushing
until my dream comes true.

Pretty much, are there any tips that you guys can
give me to improve my singing voice? I know I'm going
to need a teacher and thats what choir class is for.
Any other stretching tips or vocal exercises I could
do regularly? I sing practically everyday. Sometimes when
I sing my throat starts hurting and so I know I'm doing some-
thing wrong. I would love to sing like Demi Lovato because
I believe she has an Amazing voice. - and I just saw her in concert -
Please.... any suggestions/ tips/ exercises or anything
you guys can give me and help me out to make my dream come
true. Thank you so much for your support. <3

And please nothing too harsh on the video, it was my first
solo, and I was a little nervous but I'm over it now. I know
I can do wayyy better on other songs I just dont want to stress
my voice. Just constructive/ helpful critisizm and nothing harsh.
Thank you lotts. :]

How bad/good is my singing as shown in the link below? ("Cosmic Love")

Thanks for the A2A.  Already a lot of good advice on here.  In addition to what others have said, I'd focus on tuning.  Your timbre is nice but I noticed quite a few ever so slightly just barely sharp notes here and there.  This is, of course, better than being flat.  Most vocal coaches will always tell you that if you have to be one or the other, be sharp; not flat.  But many vocalists fall on this as a handicap and never take the time to hone in on the actual note; allowing themselves too much leeway in the sharp zone.  It's especially apparent with a single instrument accompaniment like you have here.  And if you're ever doing two or more part harmonies acapella; it'll stick out like a sore thumb. ...unless of course you happen to find your own Garfunkel/Love/Cantrell.  But keep it up.  I hope to see another A2A from you that we can all enjoy a year from now.  :)

I am interested in singing but my vocals are not good at all. How do I improve my vocals?

So you want to understand about how to sing better?At some point in our life, we all our facing these same problems. We love singing, We want to sing and We are dying to sing, but when we start singing, we feel like we are the worst singer on earth.But we can improve our singing. We just have to learn to sing through proper and appropriate singing method. We need to understand how to sing better to get a superior singing with the help of some best vocal coaches and their best vocal tips.Taking singing lessons online is easier and faster as compared to a traditional offline singing method. here you can get some best vocal tips on how to improve your singing through superior online singing lessons.You Too Can Learn How to Sing – Improve Your Singing Voice, Sing With Better Control, And Gain Up To A Full Octave In Your Vocal Range.Over 10,000 Singers – Including Professionals, Recording Artists and Even Total Beginners – Have Used The Superior Singing Method To Experience Vocal Breakthroughs.Superior singing methodTake Your Singing Voice To The Next Level...If you’re like most people who dream of becoming a world-class musician or just love to sing, your goal is simple: you want to overcome your vocal barriers. You want to take your singing ability to the highest level.And you know that across the world, more and more people are taking their voice to that next level.But why do some of these ‘lucky’ singers seem to have amazing ability, perfect control, pitch, agility, confidence, and a huge vocal range – while you might still be struggling to improve your singing voice and have a masterful singing voice?I recently came across this guide. you shall also give it a try: Superior singing method

Singing Voice Shakes While Walking?

I love to sing, and although my voice isn't great, it's good. But when I'm walking, if I try to sing, my voice starts shaking and I go off key. It's weird, I know, but basically I have to be sitting down to sound good. Any suggestions?

Also, whenever I get in front of people, I get so nervous that my voice sounds REALLY bad. I have a voice test in choir coming up, and I'm freaking out, so any suggestions on how to not let my nerves mess up my singing?

How to keep singing abilities during puberty?

Your skill in singing will not change while you are going through puberty. That is, if you already know how to sustain a note and sing well, that ability will not disappear after you have gone through puberty. However, what will generally change is your vocal range. After puberty you will likely no longer be able to sing the same high notes that you previously had, and your vocal range will drop.

What you can do for now is to warm-up your voice on a daily basis by singing scales throughout your entire vocal range. You can also sing any of your favorite songs as a vocal warm-up. Usually, 30 minutes of warming-up your voice is sufficient to keep your voice in shape.

I've sung in school choirs since I was 12-years-old and was a boy soprano. I went through puberty a few months before my 15th birthday. For months my singing voice shifted awkwardly between my prior boy soprano and its eventual baritone, finally settling to its baritone some seven months after my 15th birthday. I continued to sing in choirs throughout the period when I was going through puberty, and my singing skills did not change after puberty. All that changed was that I learned to adapt my knowledge of singing to my baritone voice instead.