I Am A Drug Addicted Narcissistic Alcoholic Schizophrenic

Are you on the schizophrenia spectrum and an alcoholic or addicted to a drug?

Yes. I don’t know how it started, both alcoholism and schizophrenia.I went to psychotherapy twice during my adolescence for multiple problems. I was diagnosed with severe OCD and nearly failed my high school year because I couldn’t go to school without wanting to stab to death my friend — note that I’m not a bad person at all, it was just a obsessive/compulsive ‘’idea’’.I started drinking, I think I was 13 years old at the time, since then I just ‘’developed’’ my alcoholism and started in other drugs, weed/cocaine and ‘’lança-perfume/lolo’’ — I don’t even know if there is something like that in Europe/US, sorry.I’m 18 now and then the time came to take my driving license but the day before I couldn’t sleep, with so many voices in my head, figures of robots/animals on my vision sight… that was just one day. I constantly fantasize seeing something that in reality is another thing, like taking my flip-flop as a rat.Last month I had a heart attack due the mix of alcohol + weed + cocaine, did this stop me? No, actually right now I’m into heavy drinking, everyday after work I have to drink something and get myself the craziest possible, I’m running away from my mind, at least trying.I really want to get away from this shit. I work, I read a lot. I even know how I can change my life and I’m just afraid to kill myself before achieve something worth.

What are the traits of an alcoholic narcissist, or is it just alcohol?

The alcohol amplifies and enables the narcissistic traits. Just from experience. When they make a mistake or fail they drink to drown the memory but it also serves when you are trying to talk about what happened, they don’t remember. If you bother them about it you get an alcohol fueled anger, which is not something to mess with and you try to avoid questioning them again.They know they are being unreasonable (for them) but they just let the alcohol take over and let it rip as it is a quick resolution to everything. You constantly question and blame the alcohol. All sorts of understanding to this `disease’ they like to spurt. But narcissists use alcohol as a tool and weapon to get others to go along with whatever they want, and to always approach them with understanding and sympathy.I think it is rare that they get so drunk they are not in control of themselves. Narcissism is a shame based disorder. So really all that memory loss and lack of communication is the narcissist not the alcohol.

Why arent psychopaths and narcissists institionalised?

Actually, we don't "insistutionalise" people in the same way anymore - plenty of people with schizophrenia/drug problems live in the community. See:

I believe you might mean the Mental Health Act, which allows some people to be "sectioned" against their will. People are sectioned for treatment, not just to lock them away. It is not that easy to get somebody sectioned, and you certainly could not section someone just because they had a diagnosis of a personality disorder. This would be against the human rights. Many people with a personality disorder function perfectly well in society. If there was evidence that they were a risk to themselves or other people this might be different. See:

One separate issue with PD, is that there is a debate about whether it is "treatable" as you can only put someone on a section 3 for treatment. There are differing views on this.

Why do narcissists contradict themselves?

In the narcissistic mind they are right and the world is all wrong.......well on their mind. They are incapable of taking responsibility for their actions and behaviors. They justify their behavior in their mind. They are mentally ill you can't make logic of the mentally ill. Probably a result of drug and or alcohol abuse