I Am Forced To Watch Bad Things Happening To People Close To Me But Not To Myself. What Is This

Why dont bad things happen to bad people?

It just kept me wondering for years on end. People who are bad and are always jealous of other people, back stab them so they lose their jobs and professional standing.

How come the good ones have to suffer and the bad ones are left all happy continuing their plots on the good people. Why is it the the only questions always asked is "why do bad things happen to good people?" I dont want to hear any more answers to that, bec its all passe. I want to know, why bad people are always left unpunished.

Why is there no way in society, or in religion, to humble these people?

Sometimes you just wonder.. if they are treating other kids or other moms negatively, they should be better off with a huge share of their own and their child's problem. But still turns out, they have better kids, better lives, always happy, keeping up with the jealousy and the back stabbing no end.

Its just very overwhelming to realize that our morals with the help of religion, have always pointed out that bad things happen to bad people bec of bad karma, hell baby, I think the world's status quo has just reversed it self upside down.

I have, for some reasons been looking for an answer to this question for so long. Just seeing the good people around me get kind of beaten up by the bad guys just makes me feel like its a whole bunch of lies the world have actually teach us - to do good, love our neighbors, or get punished for some reason or the other. Or the more threatening dogma that God will humble the evil and the wicked for that matter...

I really hope to find some really good answers on this one bec this is serious business for me right now. I used to ask around if there is really karma, I never really get any good answers for that.

Why are we biracial people forced to choose a race?

No one really forces you to choose one or the other, you are the one who makes that choice, but people WILL always criticize your choice, which is what I think you are getting at. ALL BLACKS, not just mixed, get criticized for trying to "act white," so don't feel alone. But, at the same time, don't competley change your personality and go from "acting white" to "acting black" and expect people to just accept it without question. Maybe you are the one who is too hung-up about "acting white" and "acting black" because if I were you I would just forget about it and be myself.

Is forcing yourself to burp bad?

Anything not happening naturally isnt too good!!
Not that forced burping would be "life threatening", but you are swalling up air on purpose to let a burp out... exerting some external pressure.
But it is funny! and dang i dont know how to do it!
but here r the warnings -
* Try not to burp in front of people you don't really know or people who aren't that close to you because they might get offended. (ha!)
* If you do it too long in one sitting, you might get a little sick to your stomach.
* Vomiting may occur if you have eaten or if too much air has been ingested.
* Air that is not burped out will more than likely be turned into flatulence!!! (which is translated - fart )

How can some people watch movies over and over again, while others like myself can only watch any movie once or twice?

People that watch a movie multiple time often have an emotional connection to the movie. Meaning that the movie evokes a specific emotion to the person. For example, the climax to The Breakfast Club is an impromptu "group therapy" session and the biases the characters confront amongst themselves were the same ones I had been dealing with. It should be no surprise that I've watched The Breakfast Club more than 30 times. The same for the movie Fame (1980). The movie hit the right emotions in me. I don't have a good answer to why some people don't like to watch a movie again. Perhaps they just haven't "found" the right movie yet, or have shorter attention spans so get bored before the two hour movie can connect with them.

Did I do something illegal when I was 14? 35 now.?

When I was 14 my drunken dad told me what to do to get pussy. The next day I went to a girls house - who had a crush on me, and forced myself upon her. No penetration. She didn’t wanna see my dick. Instead, I forced my tongue on her nipples and sucked sucked sucked. Later the next day she said her case manager visited her house because I put “bruises on her nipples”.

I was 14 ffs. Way back in like 1997. I lost my virginity in 2000 when I was 16. She didn’t want to but I talked her into it.

Wasn’t till I got married until my dream finally came true - got to sniff / lick some *** and eat feces. I’m divorced now.

I'm being forced to see a therapist/doctor, what are they like?

they dont really help you...take it from me, i had depression for 16 years.... i got out of it MYSELF

your the only person who can do this....

you ve got to stop thinking so bad about who you are all the time, and not only that i bet you dont have a focus in life right now.....

that needs to change, plus your attitude does.... your life isnt that bad when you think about it, you ve got a house, a roof over your head, you can watch cool stuff on tv, the net, eat food etc....

now think about the poor buggers in places like darfur or people who have cerebal palsy etc.... do you think these people give up??!! they cant afford to, they make the most of what they have
and if you dont do that then your life will just pass you by and you will end up with nothing or no one...

change your attitude for now to one of " i dont give a f what the world thinks of me, and if anyone annoys me im gunna tell them what i think!" this sounds weird but it will help you out, be aggressive and angry if anyone says anything bad to you, you will get a boost and a rush from it, continue to do this and after a while it disappears, then all your left with is the confidence you took from standing up to people, and that leads to you feeling better and happier....

thats way better than any advice a therapist will give you... TRUST ME so cancel your appointment!!

p.s whoever voted this thumbs down is a moron, i didnt suffer for 16 years for you to mock my advice... stick your thumb up your a**e pal and f off....

For you non-Rodeo people?

Oh please, check things out for myself or let YouTube make my decision for me? The answer, I would hope, is obvious! I despise PETA with a burning passion. I think their heart was in the right place maybe during the first five minutes of their existence, and then it all went straight to heck.

I believe that most rodeo stock is treated very well. I would certainly accept an invitation to see all of this in person if one was extended to me, but I don't think I'd go to a rodeo just for the heck of it. I know (from all the people who are in the know here and have explained it) that these animals are not typically abused or maltreated, but it still makes me uncomfortable to see the bucking broncs and bulls. That's just me - it's not my cup of tea.

I commend the stock contractor for saying what he did and inviting people to take a look. I think that is the one and only way to teach people the truth. The internet can be a wonderful thing, but when certain sites get hold of an audience (a la YouTube and PETA's site) who doesn't have any other information about what they are seeing about rodeos, slaughter, etc., then disaster ensues.

Can I write a graphic rape scene?

The purpose in writing this novel, is to show the cruel reality many teenagers live everyday. From drugs and violence, to rape and death. Bad things are happening all around us, but does everyone truly know the depth of this statement? Rape is something that will haunt me for the rest of my life. A man took more than my virginity, he took my youth, my innocence. With this experience and the experiences of many others I know, I will form a character’s life. One that the reader can follow in first person. When my story reaches the rape scene, it will make you feel uncomfortable. It’s supposed to, rape is disgusting and my writing will reflect it in every way.

This is a poem I wrote after my experience: