I Am Really Looking For Someone And I Need Help

I want to look like someone else help!!?

I'm going through some crisis lately. I don't know but I just hate myself.
I know one women (actress, but not famous) she is my role model coz she inspires me so much but I want really look like her. It's not that I like her, so I want to be her but the way she looks it's the way I consider as perfect look I always wanted to have. For example she has a black hair and I always wanted black hair but I can't dye it because I'm pale in face so I would look like a ghost, she has long straight hair I always wanted but I can't have that hair because my face is like oval face & I'm skinny so it would makes me look even skinnier. She has beautiful kind of tan natural skin, I am pale.I hate it.
Those things I just said it's me...I want to have all of these but I can't express my true self because it woudn't suit me and I'm tired of limiting myself. I don't know what to do.
And please don't say I need to accept myself, get used to it because I won't change that, go to see a doctor or rude comments.
the way she looks is exactly the way I always wanted to look but I can't realise it because it won't suit me and that's why I hate myself!

I am all alone I really need someone in my life, what do I do?

Thanks for the A2A...Don't act desperate. The more you think like this, the more you'll feel depressed. And you'll end up living a regretful life.Stop being needy. This speaks of your low self-image. Rather learn to respect yourself.  You've come alone in this world, and you'll also go alone. In the meantime, people might help you in your struggle called 'Life', but they are certainly not going to fight it for you. You've to do it all alone. So get up, stop relying on others, and give 100% of yourself to this life that you've got.Find out your passion, and keep yourself busy at it. Forget about everything else, and let your passion kill you from inside. Be so busy at it that you can't even find the time to feel lonely. And for this, you have to love the subject and have the desire to learn it.And lastly, but most importantly,learn to enjoy your own company. Be your own best friend, share everything with yourself. You'll never know the magic of it if you don't do it. Don't feel lonely when you are alone, rather accept this alone-feeling and enjoy with yourself. And if you speak of a relationship, you also have to be strong enough to support your partner. You have to be self-dependent, then only you can hope for a right partner. So stop having these BS feelings, work on your weaknesses, and start doing something productive from today. It will be hard at first, but you'll be able to do it if you try. Hope this helps. Good Luck!

I am feeling very alone and depressed. I want someone to talk with me. How can I get a girl to do it?

Girl friends you will easily get on social networking sites but only for the sake of making friends. You can't get honesty and secrecy from them.For getting the true friend you need to look around you nearby whose views matches your's.Getting true friend that also girl friend it's very very very difficult. This could be only provided by nature .So have strong desire of it and request to nature to provide you. If desire is so strong definitely nature will provide you.To overcome your depression you can write diary where you can express your feelings. You can develop some hobbies. You can meditate .

What do you say after someone vents to you but is not looking for advice? I feel like saying nothing is rude but I don’t know what to say either.

Because of things that I have gone through in life so far, 9 times out of 10, I actually know where they are coming from. Which is why they come to me. I don’t judge, I don’t condemn, I don’t place blame, but I have a shoulder (keep it on the right one, the left one is bad) and an ear (but remind me to put my hearing aids in). This is the kind of person I am and they know, or soon learn, about my whacked out sense of humor and they learn that it comes from having dealt with whatever it is. So they know they can vent or cry or scream or whatever and nothing will faze me, I’ll still be there when they are done, they know I know when to insert some humor to offset the emotion, and when to just keep my mouth shut and just place a hand on their shoulder or knee and look them in the eyes when they are talking so I don’t have to say anything for them to know I am listening.But that takes a lot of grief throughout one’s life and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. But, on the other hand, with my belief system (I’m a Born Again Believer) they know that I’ll pray for them without saying a word if I know that’s what they need and they also know that regardless of my belief system, as I stated above, I don’t judge. Just be there, look them in the eye (don’t stare, that’s rude :) ) so they know you’re “there” and not off thinking about something else. If you have people that are coming to you and venting, it’s because you are exuding something that tells them that it’s ok if they do. Even if they know you might not understand, it doesn’t matter. You listen. You acknowledge their emotion even if it’s just a nod or a shake of the head. Good listeners are hard to find. When you find one, keep them close.But try not to vent too many times especially about one subject. Because that tends to tell people that you really don’t care about what you are talking about, you just like to bitch. And even good listeners catch on to that and can only deal with it for so long.

Why am I always the one helping others and when I need someone nobody comes for me?

I have the exact same problem. I give money, driving, time, labour, friendship, work, DIY, chores, everything. Yet no one will lift a finger in return.I think its a mental illness, we do not have doctors that can diagnose if people have this problem. I do not like people doing anything for me anyway. I do not like feeling like i have to owe someone. I help others, but if i need help back its never done. I think society is set up like this. The problem is highlighted when person after person do not do anything.I tried to describe how it feels. Its like pushing a grand piano up a mountain, the moment you let go its straight back to the bottom.Empathy is very rare now. Look at world leaders and the wars, this would not be possible if there was empathy. I think the system is designed on greed. We get lured into wanting more and more things. People work hard. People are desperate to pay their rent, we are not allowed to live freely “off the grid”, so we all must work to pay the bills. There is no room left for empathy. Even in the bible its was said over and over that greed and money lenders are the root of the problem.When no one else helps anymore, then you have to take care of yourself. I think a ”recession” is where in society everyone has asked the next person for their help ideas and no one wants to do it anymore.If you feel hurt by others being pathetic, then just look after yourself. Never put others in charge of things that need to be done, If you handle it best then leave it your own reliable hands. The problem is where you expect others to come in their own accord.You have to assume the least of others and when certain people come wanting to do more then keep them in your life. Its that initial want from others that you are looking for.It does hurt when you make 99% of the puzzle,and that person cant be bothered to put the last piece in.So just step back, keep your money to yourself, enjoy taking care of your self, respecting yourself.

Please help me I'm really stuck can someone show me how to work these out?

You should ask your teacher to show you. He or she will be happy to sit down with you if you come before class, or stay a little later to get extra help.

A teacher will always be more impressed with the fact that you came for extra help with something you didn't understand, than if you show up with right answers all the time.

I am really bad with poetry. can someone please help me.?

In "On First Looking Into Chapman's Homer and When I Have Fears" The speaker's fear causes him to
A.) attempt to forget love and fame
B.) give up literature
C.) lash out at others
D.) make many friends and avoid enemies

I need someone to talk to? Is there anyone who can listen and help?

You can go onto the website, which is a support community for people struggling with anything like loneliness, depression, anxiety, self-harm, drug addiction, etc. and looking for a social network of compassionate people who are familiar with the same kind of issues. You can log in as a guest or set up a free member account. Anonymity is strictly protected so you do not have to worry about anyone knowing your personal info. It’s a good way to connect with other people, through 1 to 1 chats with a support listener, support chatrooms, as well as other options such as threaded discussion forums, all of which serve as a safe outlet for you to vent your feelings and speak openly about what is on your mind. It might be worth your time to check out. The only reason I have been a member of the site for 6 months or so is that I have the same aching need to build connections with people whom I can chat with and who can listen to me as I am battling with severe depression and extreme loneliness. You are not alone.God bless.

Can someone please help me... I'm really horny right now, what should I do?

Well i cant help you my self , i am taken..but my advice is to find a way to make a constant noise for a cover up in case you make any moans , like a loud fan , turn on a tv , or a washing get the you can masturbate in peace. Porn is good to with earphones , but sometimes a little risky of others walking in , you could lock a door maybe tho if you dont care about looking suspicious , you can always make up a excuse anyways.
Or you can take a shower! that is a great place to masturbate , and if you have one of those shower heads on a hose or w/ can have lots of fun , especially with those massage featured ones.

if you need it more personal , you can go to pornhub or youporn ( i forget which ) and join a live web cam , you can spend HOURS of fun there lol and chat with them even a little and tell them what you want them to do for you and stuff.