I Am Rooting To Iliminate Corruption Is Right Or Wrong Sentence

Teddy Roosevlet what he did wrong?

While Teddy was a great leader breaking up monopolies, fighting corruption, setting a strong foreign policy, and establishing our National Parks system, he is criticized for not addressing the inadequacies in black civil rights.

Why is Utnapishtim granted Immortality and Noah is granted an extended life?

Utnapishtim is granted immortality because he helped thwart the chief God's plan to exterminate humanity. You have to realize that the flood is presented in Gilgamesh as a tragic mistake, not a punishment for sin. After the flood, the gods complain that it was wrong and unjust to destroy humans. When Enlil arrives on the scene he is furious that some humans have survived, but Ea points out to him the error of his actions and Enlil apparently agrees. He then rewards the flood hero and his wife with immortality for saving all life from destruction.

In the biblical story, it is God's plan all along to save a small group of humans from the deluge. This may be part of the reason why there is no place for the granting of immortality in Genesis.

You are partly correct to say the the stories are essentially the same. That is, they share the same basic framework and Genesis is clearly derived from the older Mesopotamian story. However, the meaning and theology of the two tales are quite different. Genesis makes the flood a just punishment for a wicked and violent civilization. It is hard to escape the conclusion that, if the story was adapted from older sources during the Babylonian exile as most scholars suggest, it operates as a parable of Babylon's coming destruction. That is, Noah and his family are a metaphor for the faithful Israelite's who will return to their homeland after the fall and punishment of the Babylonian empire. The great but corrupt civilization that told tales of giants and warrior heroes (like Gilgamesh, compare Gen 6:4-5) represents Babylon. This would make the subversive message of the flood story very similar to that of the exilic prophets who also foretold the fall of Babylon and a return to the land of Judah. It also suggests that the genre of the story is more related to resistance literature than to literal descriptions of ancient geological events. This becomes even more likely when we realize that the two creation stories in Genesis 1-3, the genealogical lists, and the story of the tower of Babel all have Mesopotamian counterparts. This does not mean that they are meaningless myths. They are, in fact, rooted in history, except that the history is that of the exile rather than that of primordial events.

What is temptation? What is evil?

"into the hands of temptation" :

that is, into the power of it, so as to be overcome by it, and sink under it; in which sense the phrase is to be understood here. We are not here taught to pray against temptations at all, or in any sense, for they are sometimes needful and useful; but that they may not have the power over us, and destroy us. There are various sorts of temptations. There are the temptations of God; who may be said to tempt, not by infusing anything that is sinful, or by soliciting to it; but by enjoining things hard and disagreeable to nature, as in the case of Abraham; by afflicting, either in body or estate, of which Job is an instance; by permitting and letting loose the reins to Satan, and a man's own corruptions; by withdrawing his presence, and withholding the communications of his grace; and sometimes by suffering false prophets to arise among his people: his ends in them are on his own account, the display of his power; grace, wisdom, and faithfulness; on account of his Son, that his saints might be like him, and he might have an opportunity of exercising his power and pity: and on his people's account, that they might be humbled; their faith and patience tried; might see their weakness, and need of Christ, and be excited to prayer and watchfulness. There are also the temptations of Satan; which lie in soliciting to evil, suggesting hard and blasphemous thoughts of God, and filling with doubts and fears; which are cunningly formed by him, and are very afflictive. There are moreover the temptations of the world, which arise from poverty and riches, from the men of the world, the lusts of it, and from both its frowns and flatteries: add to all this, that there are temptations arising from a man's own heart. Now, in this petition, the children of God pray, that they may be kept from every occasion and object of sinning; from those sins they are most inclined to; that God would not leave them to Satan, and their own corrupt hearts; nor suffer them to sink under the weight of temptations of any sort; but that, in the issue, they might have a way to escape, and be victorious over all.

And, Evil is anything of satan, and not of God.


Why is Machiavelli important to the Renaissance and history?

In his book, The prince,Machiavelli describes the proper orientation towards the volatility of the world, or Fortune, by comparing Fortune to a lady: "la fortuna é donna," or "Fortune is a Lady."

Machiavelli is referring to the courtly love tradition, where the lady that constitutes the object of desire is approached and entreated and begged.

The ideal Prince, however, for Machiavelli does not entreat or beg Lady Fortune, but rather physically grabs her and takes whatever he wants.

This was a scandalous passage and still is today, but it represents a powerful translation of the Renaissance idea of human potential to the area of politics

Should China abolish the death penalty? Why or why not?

I am born and raised in China, and currently live in Canada, with a short experience living in the US. I studied law, Canadian laws and currently working in law firm, not criminal.I was often asked about China, which many of the questions shocked me that how the western society, even famous kind and polite Canadians, portrait China and Chinese. We are considered being rude, lacking of manners, lacking of creativity (somehow, true), lacking of global view, lacking of personalities and etc. We, poor Chinese people, born and grew up under censor and dictatorship, came to Canada for freedom and pursuit of a better life. EVERTHING about communism is evil, certainly including Death penalty.I saw someone has referred to the murder happened in Montreal, that LIN JUN, an international student was murdered and humiliated. The murderer is charged under first-degree murder for a life imprisonment, which is maxim 25 years under Canadian Criminal Law. I often ask: why you respect the human rights and integrity of the criminal, what about to the victims? The innocent person, was kidnapped, tortured, humiliated, murdered and eaten, who is caring for his rights of living and integrity? Who is caring for his family’s rights of having him in their lives? Is it like “too bad, he is dead” to give an excuse to be oblivious to the rights of the victims?I do not agree with most of the western criminal legislation since it does not provide justice but attempting to avoid injustice.China should retain its death penalty, being more and more prudent, it provides justice to the victims and peace of mind to the victim’s families. In China, all the death sentence have been decided by any court, need to go to the supreme court to be reviewed and affirmed / rejected. The death penalty should be prudently operated and NOT to be abused. With a reducing ratio of crimes and executed criminals, it confirms the efforts of the Chinese government.When citizens (at least most of them) have faith on their laws and their legal institutes, it assures the harmony of society amongst them.