I Am Running For Student Council And I Need Help With My Essay.

Student Council Essay?

Is this a good essay for a Student Council candidate?

Student Council
My name is ( ). I am a seventh grader, Team 7-2. I want to lead, and set examples for my peers to follow. I am independent, open-minded, and I understand the challenges we face in middle school and in life. My team is called the Legends. I want to leave my mark on this school, be legendary. I would like to be on the Student Council because I want my peers to feel like they are being listened to, like they are important. I am also a Peer Leader, and I want to use the skills I have gained from being a Peer Leader to lead the students in the right direction. Everything can be improved and I want to help improve ( ). I remember when my brother was in middle school, he was a leader, on Student Council in fact. He tried to improve this school, and I want to do the same. I am honest, and sometimes the truth hurts, but the truth is what we need to make things even better. I know that to be successful, you have to be hard working and determined. I am determined to contribute my ideas and to make things happen. The Student Council can make school events more productive, raise more money, which can improve other things such as supplies, field trips, and after school activities. I want students to feel good about coming to school. I want them to be excited, and it will make me feel accomplished if I have something to do with it. When you play a sport, you don’t want to sit on the sidelines, you want to make things happen. I know when I play soccer, I don’t just want to sit there, I want to make the big plays. I don’t just want to go to school and not contribute to the well being and happiness of my fellow students. I would want someone to stand up for us students, and I want to be that person. I feel like I can collaborate very well with other member of Student Council, which will make everything 10 times better.
My grades are good. I strive for perfection, which makes me a great candidate for Student Council. Things need to be neat, things need to be in order. The point of the Student Council is to “Just Do It.” We, as a group, need to make things happen. We have to make things better. I can do that. Thank you for considering me for Student Council.

Essay for running for student council?

Hello my name is___________. I'm running for student council secretary. I want to become student council secretary because it‘s a job that requires the responsibility of organization, hard work, and neat handwriting, I am person that is willing and able to take up this role, i want to run for this position because i think it will be the best first hand experience anyone will ever get in this sector, and this would put me in a way that i could progress, i under stand that this is a job that needs dedication and hard work and i know i have it in me to do the task in hand

Explain how you are going to approach with the tasks and what are your plans, etc. Be creative as much as possible and you will get it done easily.

Good Luck :)

I need help on writing a essay for student council secretary,I cant seem to get past the introduction?

Hello my name is___________. I'm running for student council secretary. I want to become student council secretary because it‘s a job that requires the responsibility of organization, hard work, and neat handwriting, I am person that is willing and able to take up this role, i want to run for this position because i think it will be the best first hand experience anyone will ever get in this sector, and this would put me in a way that i could progress, i under stand that this is a job that needs dedication and hard work and i know i have it in me to do the task in hand

explane how your gonna do your job and say key reasons, that you want to progress doing this in life for a job when ya older, yadadadadadaaaaaaaa bobs your dad

Student council essay Help?

My name is Paula Medina and I am a 7th grader, I am very determined and hardworking whenever it comes down to work.
Middle school has been very exciting and also quite challenging.
To be successful I understand that you must work hard and get the job done and I am hope that, I being in student council will help me with that.
I would like to get to know the teachers, the building, and the students of Arnold middle school more. I am a very determined and hardworking person. I can contribute my thoughts and ideas to make the Student Council and the school better. My ideas, along with other members of Student Council, can make school events, games, and activities better and more productive. I believe my contributions to Student Council will be useful and beneficial not only can I help the school, but personality wise; I am the right person to pick. Although Middle school comes with a lot of homework and activities. I am willing to give my time and effort whenever it will be needed. It is a good decision to put me in Student Council because I am always focused, I love to work, and my grades have been Excellent. The Student Council can benefit from my work and determination so please accept me into student council

Is this good for the student council essay could you help me the conclusion or is it fine.

I need to write a paragraph to run for student council. Help!?

Although I'm sure you don't want to sound conceited, essays about why you should be chosen for something need to include some form of self aggrandizement. Try to write ( as modestly as possible ) about the skills and experiences you have / have had with character, leadership, decision making, and anything else you think is a good trait in you. Don't make it too pompous, though. Try to leave things that have no relevance to the position you're aiming for / your goals as a member of the student council out of the paragraph. Keep it assertive but not aggressive, and make sure that if you read it out loud you speak eloquently and clearly. Be accusatory; rather than using the words 'as, for,' etc., leave them out to make it more powerful, unless using them in a literary way such as with similes. Good luck!

5th Grade Student Council Speech?

Hey (Insert School Name Here) ! My name is (Instert name here) and I'm running for the (insert student council position here) position in student council this year.

I believe that each and every one of you should have a say in what's going on in the school. If I'm elected as (instert position here) , then I will *make sure* that this is the best year ever! If I'm elected as (insert position here) , I will make sure that everyone's ideas gets around to the rest of the council. Every individual's opinions and ideas should matter, because we are all play an equal role in the school.

If you want your ideas to be heard, raise your hand. -Pause until peoples hands go up- If we all work together, we can make each and every person's idea circulate. Remember, if I'm elected as (insert position here) I will make sure this is the best year ever!

Thank you for your time, and I respect each and every one of your votes. -smile sweetly-