I Am Trying To Center A Picture Using Css

I'm trying to center my header image in Tumblr. Don't know much (any) CSS, need help!?

Here's my test site:
You'll see that the image header is left justified, I want the image to pour over both sides of the content column. But I also want the content below to be left justified. Don't know how to make this happen. Can anyone help? Thanks!

Here's the code:

How do i center an image using notepad whilst making html document?

If you are using css, you can give the image a class, then add for example:

.image {
display: block;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto }

OR, if your not using css, just wrap the image in center tags:

How do I center an image with CSS?

Quora is not Stack Overflow, nor should it become one.  Try looking at to see if any of those questions can help. With  that understanding, I'll provide some context that can help you improve your research:Your question can be extrapolated to mean centering for any HTML element-- not just imagesCentering occurs on two axis: vertical and horizontalCSS2.1 does not offer any intuitive method for centering elementsCSS2.1 offers one method for horizontally centering elements, which, as you can guess, is not intuitiveThe Flexbox module, which is commonly consisdered "CSS3",  provides intuitive centering along the horizontal and vertical axisOther folks have given answers which may be considered correct. Keep these things in mind:In CSS 2.1, you can center horizontally, by setting left/right margins to auto  -- this only works if you assign a width to a block level element, but...text can be horizontally centered with  text-align:center without needing to assign a width, and content in a table cell  or inline element, can be vertically centered with vertical-align: middle, But if you don't care about IE9 or older, you can center in both directions with FlexboxAnd all of this related to centering elements relative to their container. If this image is a background image, that is applied to an element, then Matt Schlenker's answer is what you want.

What are some ways I can pratice CSS positioning?

I find that I am best taught CSS principles by giving myself a problem to solve.Vertically and horizontally centering a div within a div is something that has many solutions. It gets interesting when the outer div doesn't have a fixed height - meaning it could be different heights depending on the content or window size.Create a problem for yourself. An example of the above would be creating a picture frame using html and CSS.Without using tables, borders, and box shadows and assuming that the frame is always a

that contains the picture(s)...Arrange one picture within a frame.Arrange multiple pictures within the frameOver underSide by side2 on top - one on bottom2 on top - one middle - two on bottomthink of some othersMake a collage of pictures that aren't necessarily straight up and down, but crooked within a frame.Center - vertically and horizontally - a picture frame inside of the browser window, where the picture frame should only take up 800px x 800px of the entire page.Position 10 frames on the page. Place four frames in each of the four corners of the window. The frames in the corners should not move when you scroll the page. The other six frames should be placed on the page one below the other, such that the frames will scroll when you scroll down the page.You get the picture... (pun intended?)Once you've completed those, you should have a good idea of CSS positioning. Undoubtedly, there are many more challenging CSS scenarios than the problems I've proposed above, so try to challenge yourself by adding comlpexity. Use google. Use stackoverflow. Be resourceful.

Why can’t I access an image using CSS background properties?

when trying to applying an image in the background of an element, you shoulddefine height and width of element.have background-image : url(‘absolute/relative path of the image’)example:.image{display : blockposition:relative;height:20px;width: 20px;background-image : url(‘path of the image’);}

CSS Divs, Images, And text centered to the right of those images?

Looking at your CSS and hteml, I would make a couple of changes for starters,

Don't create a separate "content" element for each of your separate paragraphs, like content1, content2, and content3 for English, Hamlit, and Mythology. This is getting a little too detailed in your CSS and will continue to cause you headaches in administration.

You have a ".picture" id, but you're calling it as a "class" in your html page.

Have a separate "div" for each of your three categories. Nest your image, text, and links for each category in it's own div.

Change your html to something like this in general, (yahoo Answers will either concatenate longer lines of code, so I've thrown in a couple extra spaces to prevent that).

This keeps each image and corresponding link together in it's own div, and you aren't required to change the dimensions of a unique div in your css to contain differently sized images. That solves one of your issues.

Now for the real question - How to vertically align text next to an image?

"CSS 2 doesn't have explicit support for centering items vertically on the page. There is a way to trick some browsers into displaying the contents vertically centered, but it doesn't work well in IE 7 and not at all in IE 6. "

Other examples of attempts to vertically align text,

Adding background color and background image using css? Is it possible, I am trying to get a dark coloured background with a faded image over the top

If what you're looking for is a single element, you can easily accomplish it with these few lines of code..div {
background: #000 url('path/to/image.png');
However, if you're looking to accomplish some more like an overlay, you can try this..div {
/* Keeps the overlay inside */
position: relative;

.div:before {
content: '';
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
display: block;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;

/* Black with an opacity of 80% */
background: rgba(0,0,0,0.8);

Center-align image in a table cell?

hello im trying to align 2 pictures and different table cells on html5 but it doesnt work,
Here is what I have tried:

Lab 4-1


Beautiful backyards is a new company in town, and we are businesss. Please takw some time to review our sample backyards.

I need help! thanks

I'm trying to understand background images, how can I have them centered and then another image overlaid upon it?

You can use the background-position property, and make use of multiple divs to overlay multiple background images (although make sure that's what you really want -- if the two images are *always* going to appear one on top of the other, why not simplify them into one image?- it cuts down on requests and speeds up your page load.Anyway -- something like


#one, #two{
background-position: center center;

background-image: url(image);

background-image: url(image);


Water fall
