I Am Trying To Locate A Design Package

I am trying to find an embroidery design for a math symbol...?

I want to embroider a greater than symbol (an acute angle would work), but I can't find a design like that anywhere... Anyone know where I should look? It will need to be around 2 inches, maybe 2.5 inches.

Packaging Design--Calculus?

First with b being length of
side of base and h being
length of height, then
h*(b^2)=32, or h=32/(b^2).
And we want to minimze
SO, (b^2)+(4hb)=
Now differinate and
set to 0.
So, 2b-(126/(b^2))=0.
Now you can figure out b
from that , then h from

I'm looking for a consultant or contractor to help with package design. What qualifications should I look for?

Map what you have (input) and what you need (output) with the skillset, experience, technology, systems, and capabilities of the consultant or contractor.  Do some cross-referencing and due diligence before you have a chat.  Throw a few problems at him to gauge his wavelength, commitment and financial expectations.This should give you enough to take a call one way or the other.

I need logo designers for participating in logo design contest. Where can I find them?

If you really want logo designers to participate in Logo Design contests, first you have to outreach them via different social networking channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Behance, Dribble and freelance. The best thing to get a good list of logo designers is to create a logo designer group on Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+ and share content related to logo design contents and try to increase engagement by group discussions, image sharing, quizzes, voting and polling that will help in increasing the number of logo designers on your social media group. This will definitely help you to gain many logo designers in your group created. That being said by Rikard Rodin, professional logo designers won't participate in any logo design contests. For startups, money matters and due to budget constraints they prefer logo design contest sites, which will provide them a good and best quality logo design at affordable prices. For that I would prefer Designhill, because here you can get the best quality logo designs from the pool of talented and experienced logo designers at an economical prices.99Designs is also a good crowdsourcing platform, but it doesn't provide 24/7 customer support and its much more expensive as compared to other crowdsourcing platforms. Many Startups rely on Fiverr and other free logo makers like Designmantic, GraphicSpring etc. but you will get an unprofessional, cheap, and unmemorable logo design that will degrade your company brand identity.

Where can I find a parts list for a South Coast Designs rotary cutter?

The website is forbidden (403 error) and is apparently not set up with a default start page. Link from question in 2001 so may be out of business
A 1996 post had this phone number 714 997 7582 if you want to try.
Google returns a whole bunch of returns on the phone number still for South Coast Designs saying they are a commercial printer or do posters

How can i find home interior design inspire ?

I must interior design my home.But it's not easily doing thing, therefore i am searching the web and want to find benefit home interior design websites for me..Then i find a home interior design website, is this benefit for me ?

Where can I find 5th Avenue Designs upholstery fabric- need to match existing cow print, not in local stores?

5th Avenue Designs was a trademark of(or distributed by)Covington Fabrics. Here's the most recent ebay listings.

And here's the Covington website, they may be able to help you track down the particular pattern you need.