I Ate Chocolate All Day Will I Get Sick

Should I eat chocolate when I'm sick?

Well by now you are either dead or better than you were. You likely read all the dumb answers you received by now too.Despite the fact that you no longer need the answer, I’ll give you the answer you should have gotten.When you are sick, chocolate is not for you. When you are well, chocolate is great but it isn’t something you eat to get healthy. It’s something you eat to get sick.Chocolate contains sugar and caffeine. A double whammy for your pancreas. Just because your pancreas doesn’t generate any pain sensations, that doesn’t mean that when you abuse it with sugar there are no ill effects. The problem is that the pancreas doesn’t warn you at all until it’s too late to do much about it.Two things that are popular right now: Pancreatic Cancer and Diabetes. Not happy, happy popular unless you’re a doctor making a great living giving people the bad news about what they did to their pancreas with sugar and caffeine.Ever hear of a pancreas transplant? Me neither.Below is a graph that shows sugar consumption since 1700. That was the last year people were known to eat the proper amount of sugar on a daily basis.That sharp spike in sugar consumption is duplicated by all the degenerative diseases we now suffer from as a species that we didn’t suffer from to nearly the extent we do now.So go ahead. Enjoy that chocolate. I dare you.

My Dog Ate Chocolate!?

your dog will be perfectly fine. Dogs can eat a larger amount of milk chocolate and not get sick. What you really have to look out for is bakers or dark chocolate. It takes a very little amount of that to make your dog very sick or possibley kill it. With that small amount of milk chocolate though, your dog is fine.
Heres a link to the estimated amounts a dog can have of each type of chocolate before getting sick

Additional info,
I would have to agree with "love is a shelter dog" that i have never heard of chocolate causing any liver problems with dogs. The only thing is that the chemical in chocolate (it starts with a "T" i dont remember the exact name) is filtered by the liver instead of the kidneys but it does not damage the liver. The problem is this chemical acts very much like an extreme caffine to dogs and causes cardiac arthymias which cause heart attacks and kill the dogs. It also can cause bleeding in the GI tract and kill that way.

My Dog ate a whole box of Chocolate mints, will he get sick?

I own two shitzu dogs, one of them (he's not all there) decided to have a jolly old day and ate a whole box of Chocolate mints.

My dad says he has a Stomach of Iron, so he thinks he will not get extremily sick, my Mother knows he will be sh*tting all over the place, but i am extremily worried about him.

Should I be worring?

I ate all my Easter chocolates in one day and I feel sick?

i hate to say this but its probably your own fault. it isnt good to eat tons of candy in one day. feel better. i hope this helps!

What should I do if a dog eats chocolate?

Chocolate is toxic to dogs. The darker it is, the more toxic it is.My dog recently ate my entire birthday rocky road which was made from sugar, dark chocolate, marshmallows, dairy chocolate etc. I was convinced she was going to die and my vets was closed.Prior to that a couple of years ago, she ate an entire chocolate Guinness cake and nearly died. Luckily, she vomited most of that up and on the advice of a very sleepy on call vet, we nursed her through the night and she was very very sick, but she was just fine after a couple of days.However, I read online that vets will often give dogs activated charcoal in order to absorb the toxins from the chocolate. I take Activated Charcoal and was able to give her a fair amount (I got the amount from a charcoal / dog calculator) in some pieces of ham and she was completely fine within a couple of hours! This time around with the rocky road, she didn’t vomit at all so I was even more worried. I did find that with the Charcoal, the results were very fast and she drank huge amounts of water to compensate for it but the next day, apart from a HUGE poo, she was non the wiser for it!My advice is to keep Activated Charcoal in the house for if your dog ingests anything they shouldn’t. It could be the difference between life and death if you are unable to get to the vets for any reason or if they are already looking very ill. Make sure you give them lots and lots of water and have a source next to them to drink through the night. Activated Charcoal is completely harmless and absorbs the bad things in the stomach and gut to ensure it all doesn’t reach the blood stream. You need to give a fair enough so look for AC that has the highest content otherwise you can be there for a long time opening capsules and giving them to the dog and it’s a very messy business.When and how to use activated charcoalCan I Give My Dog Activated Charcoal?My dog is 13, she can barely jump up on the sofa and has to be carried up the stairs to bed every night. But when chocolate is involved, she goes full on ninja dog. We are still scratching our heads to this day as to how in the hell she managed to get both the cake and the rocky road as they were, as we thought, completely impossible for her to reach. But when a dog wants something and you aren’t home, you’d be surprised at the lengths they’d go to get it so keep things out of reach!

What will happen if I eat a kilo of chocolate?

You'll get tired of it by then but, suppose you make it.First I hope you are really referencing to real Chocolate (50% cacao and up). Otherwise, you are referring to brown coloured sugar with fats and milk. There are many benefits to chocolate that will overcome any negative effects like the high fibre content, the antioxidants or the lowering in LDL cholesterol molecules but, in that quantity you are asking for trouble and because I've never donate I can't tell you what will happen. Whoever, I know you will need an interesting book because you'll end-up on the boll, that I'm sure of. Chocolate is very fatty and energy rich, knowing that each gram of fat equals 9 calories, you will also be looking for a new wardrobe if you do so! I think you should avoid eating too much of especially the wrong kind but, make sure to keep eating the right kind of chocolate and in moderation.Hope that helps.

My dog ate chocolate but she is fine!?

chocolate is only poisonous, or even really bad for dogs when taken in fairly large amounts. DONT take this the wrong way - chocolates still bad for them! a little big of chocolate wont hurt though, maybe a stomach ache, but if it was just a little shell be fine.
it also depends on the kind of chocolate. was it white chocolate, milk chocolate, dark chocolate, etc? the darker the chocolate, the worse. that is because the darker it is, the more cocoa it contains.
also, larger breeds handle chocolate better. that doesnt make it any healthier, but if a small dog got sick from a certain amount a large dog may not, even if he consumed the same amount as the little one.

chocolate is bad, but not lethal if only a little was consumed. the darker it is, the worse.
try not to let her ever have any again, but the chocolate calendar seems to have been a small enough amount and not enough cocoa to make her sick.

My two dogs ate chocolate?

Yes it is true chocolate can kill dogs. The reason is chocolate contains a Xanthine compound, Theobromine,Caffeine & Theophylline which are all poisonous to dogs. While you can feed your dog chocolate every once in awhile, it is not recommended as these compounds cannot be processed out of the dogs system and if the levels become too high the dog will become very ill and this can eventually lead to death. However small amounts of chocolate will not kill a dog, most times it wont even make the dog sick until the chemical levels have been recahed. The 20 lb dog should be fine. The 8 lb dog however may act ill if this is the case provide ample amounts of fresh water and he shoudl begin feeling better after a few days. But more then likely he will not be too adversly affected, unless he ate more of the chocolate than the other dog did, in which case he should be checked out by a vet as soon as he begins to act ill.

My dog just ate a chocolate bar?!?!!?

My dog eats chocolate ALL the time - literally every day.. (and he's a jack russell, so a little boy/) your dog would have had to eat a LOT to do him any damage, the worst that can happen after a chocolate bar is the runs or pooing problems for a day or 2. calm down, these other people answering are totally overreacting. My dog is 15 and healthy and very very happy!

Similarly other dogs of my friends and family and previous dogs we have owned have eaten their fair share of chocolate lol. Seriously, stop stressing it will be fine, just dont give him any more if youre that worried!

My dog just ate chocolate, and I can't get to a vet!?

I think you are on the right track.

Watch for signs of lethargy, shaking, anorexia (not eating), lack of coordination, or any other odd signs. If any of those occur, she'll need to go in.

Locate a 24 hour vet right now. It's better to have the information and not need it than to need it and not have it.

PS - beware - lots of people on here think that if a dog even LOOKS at chocolate, the dog will die. Don't let the alarmists scare you. They are mostly children or people with very little animal experience. They mean well, but can be over-reactionary.