I Ate Something And Choked And Puked It Up Is This Normal

How do people choke on vomit while sleeping?

It will mostly only occur as others have stated through narcotics or alcoholism.There are some rare conditions that can cause the bodies natural functions to become unresponsive. But these would or possibly be caused by dimentia or other neural disruptive diseases.There is a natural process called the gag reflex which is the bodies way of stopping anything that may risk the body entering.It's simply the body acting like it's swallowing then breathing afterwards but if the person is laying on their back the mouth will still have fluids in so as the natural process to breath afterwards happens that's what causes the choking.To put a visual have you ever seen a drunk person fallen asleep?Sometimes they burp swallow then breath and kind of slop their lips. Well that's what happens. The burp is where the vomit will usually arise. And the rest is pretty self explanatory.If you know or see anyone who has fallen asleep drunk try to make them more comfortable and make sure they are laid with plenty of ventilation (to breathe), lay them in the recovery possition on their bed or where they are, prop their back with something,maybe a couple of pillows. Make sure their face is close to the edge of the bed so that nothing can block their face or respiratory airways.Make their face angle down about 70–80 degrees and place a bucket or bowl at a reasonable place to catch anything. If they do vomit whilst intoxicated and unconscious/asleep their position will allow gravity to take over plus it will keep their Airways clear. Basically like if you blew on one end of a pipe it just all goes and it's clear.I do apologise for the graphic explanation but when it comes to a life its better to be clear.Bless you and many regardsRachael x

My baby threw up after choking on some water in the pool. Is that normal?

yes.. it is because of the chlorine in the water, it wont make worthable problems don't worry(:

Vomiting after choking is this normal?

It depends on he's age and call he's doctor what see what the doctor will tell you

Every time I choke I throw up, is that normal?

It's happened to me a few times but if I choke on something because I was laughing while I was eating or drinking, I'll start by gasping for air because it feels like I can barely breathe, then I throw up after awhile. One time, I was drinking a slushie and then my sister made me laugh while I was driving, I barely could breathe and I quickly pulled over and puked 4 times. Is this normal for this to happen?

Can a toddler die from choking on vomit while sleeping?

Yes.This can happen to anyone given the right set of circumstances. I have stayed awake many nights because I worried, when my babies were sick, that this would happen.However, our bodies are pretty amazing, and all sorts of instints kick in when you start throwing up so MOST of the time a child will wake up either before they puke or enough during that they do not choke. Choking typically occrs when someone is unconsious or unable to wake up.There are a few things you can do to lessen the risk. Don't lay a young child on their back, or prop them up slightly with pillows. A toddler will usually have the motor skills to roll over or sit up when vomiting occurs.The reason a child would choke on their vomit would be from breathing it in or swallowing it and being unable to breathe. If you know your little one is unable to move or sit up when they puke I would keep a super close eye on things.

If you are choking, will forcing vomit stop the choking?

Choking means you have a foreign body lodged somewhere between the back of your tongue and lower trachea, enough so that you have a total or partial airway obstruction.The oesophagus (aka esophagus), which leads to the stomach, lies behind the trachea. Air and food only share the same pathway through the mouth down to just above the epiglottis (first bit of the larynx).So when someone’s choking, vomiting will cause the following outcomes:Nothing, if the object is stuck below the larynx and therefore does not share a pathway with the offending object.Aspiration, if the object is stuck above the epiglottis, the vomit hits the object and rebounds back into the airway.Neither of these outcomes is favourable or a good use of time in this situation.Instead, it is better to perform standard first aid practices. Heimlich manoeuvre is one, but was downgraded by most first aid agencies about a decade ago in preference for back thrusts first.Image: American Red Cross

Is throwing up an option when choking?

Vomiting is not an option when choking to the point that your airway is closed off. As long as a person can still cough or talk (although it may be hardly heard) the person is still getting a little air. Although not nearly enough. I know that when a person's airway is obstructed there's no way he could throw up. Vomit could be the reason that he chokes. But not when he chokes. One reason is because they have no air and another reason is when choking your gag reflex's wouldn't be working.I think I've heard of people throwing up after choking. Immediately following. But I'm not forsure . I could see why they possibly would.

Is it possible that you can throw up by laughing too much?

I think sometimes women laugh so hard they pee, I have never heard of someone laughing so hard they throw up though. I suppose it's possible, I once knew a guy that broke his neck by sneezing so hard.

My cat is throwing up foamy stuff. Some of it is yellow/white. What is this and what can I do?

Take it to the veterinarian... as in yesterday.As Catherine Spencer said it could be a hairball, but there are other (scarier) options.One of my cats got really sick, the same symptom, starting a bank holiday, I thought if it was hairball it would eventually go out.When I got my kitty to the vet she was almost dehydrated, and I was giving her water with a syringe (without needle, of course), but she vomited out more than I managed to make her drink in. So, make sure your cat is hydrated. My vet stressed it a lot.Second problem, if she has stopped eating it's a bad sign. As my vet emphasied cats should never fast, not even for 24 hours, it could damage their livers.Then, she would need high protein canned food to recover. Mine didn't like it, so I mixed it with water and I gave her with the syringe.As I found out, it is not normal for cats to vomit.The vet run blood-tests and x-rays to rule out some other disease, everything looked normal.Treatment:My kitty stayed half a day at the vet's hooked up to a drip administering intravenous fluids.She got two types of shots, one of them to make her stop vomiting, during five days in a row.The vet let me take her home with me, but we were visiting day in day out for almost a week.High protein canned food.Make her drink water.Recovery signs:When she drinks and eats by herself.We never got to know what was wrong, but she recovered just fine. My heart began to beat again, so happy ending for everyone.P.S. If you haven't got syringes, get some; they are very handy.

What does vomit through my nose indicate?

It indicates that your nose and mouth are connected at the back of your throat.And that's normal. It's true for all of us.Remember how we can breathe through both our nose and our mouth? That's possible because of the connected passageways at the back in an area called pharynx.See. This is what happened when you vomited.While most came out of your mouth, some was pushed into the nose and came out through it.This can happen even when you are trying to drink or eat something and someone suddenly cracks you up. You try to hold your mouth tight shut to prevent a spray but the drink is nevertheless forced through your nose as you laugh along with the air from your breath.It's nothing to worry about. It's nasty, yes, but it's generally harmless.