I Cant Deal With Life

Why can't I just kill myself? I'm just dead ass tired of life, I can't deal with it anymore.

First I would wonder if maybe there's a chemical imbalance or if you have depression, which can be treated. You are just as important as everyone else, so remember you are a child of the universe, and with that you're a unique and valuable entity with the ability to love and be loved, make change that positively helps humanity, blah blah blah… you likely know all this.It is your choice on what you do about it.If you're truly wanting to die or could care less if you live or die, you have a tremendous advantage over 99% of humans. You have an "edge" that lets you look a mugger in the eye and say "you picked the wrong person, fool… you really want to do this?" with a seriousness that they will pick up on and probably apologize, turn around leave you alone.You also are able to take chances others are unwilling to do. I'm sure many a stuntman had a dose of "I don't give a shit" which allowed them to jump out a window or crash a car for their first time.Since you can always kill yourself, why not live life to the extreme. This may actually change your outlook on things and can bring you success in many ways. You can walk up to that awesome looking person and just introduce yourself, because the consequences of rejection are tiny compared to death. You're able to take a high risk/high pay job, like changing lightbulbs atop towers and skyscrapers. You get the point, use this to your advantage and live a full life while you're here.Become a firefighter, capture alligators, or race cars, whatever you do just get out of what others have as a comfort zone. You can be paid nicely, and you just might have a renewed interest in your new life.

I feel like I can't stand life anymore?

Nellie you know that I have experienced the exact same situation. At least you can go to university and see your friends but me.....
What you need is being positive. You can't change anything if you get depressed. It just makes your and your family's situation worse and worse. Nobody knows what happens in the future. There are researches done on this problem all over the world and we need to keep positive that they will succeed.

I think the 1st thing you should do is to accept this fact. By running away from the truth you can't change it. Accept it and face it with hope.

And don't be ashamed to see a councilor. I also used to think that they just talk and their advice won't be practical but I was wrong.

See this:

Be strong

I can't deal with acne anymore!!!?

I have severe nodule cystic acne and I can't deal with it anymore. I have been through virtually every treatment out there except for accutane and I can't start it because of other health issues. Ive been severely depressed and I hate life and don't want to be alive on most days. My life sucks and has for quite some time as this has been going on for years and now it's gotten to the point where I can't go on with t anymore. People judge me and you can tell me to ignore them all you want, but it isn't going to change the fact. I don't know what to do anymore. Don't tell me to change my diet or anything like that because I've already been on the raw diet for a couple years. I haven't had any alcohol, pizza, ice cream, or any other dessert or snack in years all because of this shitty acne. I'm uncomfortable and in pain most days and nobody around me understands what I have to go through on a daily basis. They're all like "why don't you just wash your face?" Next time someone says something like this to me I'm actually going to kill them on the spot. Somebody that stupid doesn't deserve to live. Any advice? I can't do this anymore. All I think about is my face all day everyday. It's affecting my school work which in turn is affecting my future career if I even have one at this point. Girls think it's disgusting and I've never even kissed a girl and I'm in college now. I feel like I'm going to be alone forever at this rate and none of this will get better.

I can't deal with my father anymore?

You cannot change people. People change themselves.

You already know the path, but it does not make it any more easier to take.

This type of behavior is the kind that does not change unless the person wants to change, and usually has a guide to help them (professional help)

Your father sounds like the type of person who is not self-examinating.

You can tell him all say long why he is wrong- If he fears what you say- he may not accept it. Again- I think you understand he has a defense mechanism of self-ignorance.

He doesn't like something about himself- he is not going to dwell on it.

Move in with your sister. Get a job. Visit often.

Do not accept monetary gifts. Tell your father, if he wants to give you a gift- you want the gift of family interaction.

He is responding to his environment the only way he knows how. Only he can change himself.

The only guidance he will accept is the gentle, unobvious kind.

Reward him for positive behavior (give him want he wants), make change easy on him. Forgive him for outbursts. Don't rub his past mistakes in his face or he will resist change.
When he misbehaves, do not give anger in return- but leave. He obviously wants a relationship with you. Tell him you will return when he is "Approachable, and in a better mood" as his behavior is something you do not want to interact with.

This will show him that his incorrect behavior has a direct result. If he does not want that result, he needs to change his behavior.

When he is angry- act calmly- as if his anger is what is out of place- not YOUR LACK of anger.

It is not your place to fix your father. He seems as if anything overt will NEVER work- you can try to gentle push him towards acceptable behavior, but it has a high chance of failure- just by the nature of the beast (the situation- not your father)
If you fail in guiding him to change, please don't blame yourself- but at least you will know you did give it a chance, using a method that had the best chance of success.

Good luck

Why can't I handle life anymore?

​I can relate to you. Trust me. I've been through an emotional turmoil, myself in the last 2 years. I cannot say for sure why you feel this way,  but it could be due to many reasons. 1. Has there been a gradual change in your environment,  like are you finishing college or took up a new job? 2. Has your friend circle changed? You may be one among them who take time to bond with people.  3. Did you have a breakup? I felt the same way after mine in college.  I wanted to drop out. But I braved it and made the right decision. 4. Do you feel like you have matured over the last few years?  As in,  you have received enlightenment. You see the world in a different way. And others just don't seem to make any sense.  If yes,  welcome to the real world. It's really hard being smart. Reading your answer,  I personally feel it's the 4th reason. The best thing you can do right now is to be around people who are worth your time, who you can relate to,  who are not revolting. This is the only way.  I myself,  am getting out of the rut that I'm in,  by moving out of the city. Also, you can try to divert all this rage in you towards something constructive. Help others. Be the change you want to see. This will make you feel good.  And I believe,  is the right way to go about it.   So,  whatever it is,  don't worry. You can always talk to me if you want someone to listen.  :)

I can't handle life anymore Please Help?

I'm super depressed all the time I'm never happy, and I don't know how I can be. Nothing goes good in my life. Life just hates me. So many bad things are happening to me lately, and I just can't handle it anymore. I beyond depressed, and have other mental ailments. Everything seems meaningless, and I'm just here on this earth miserable all the time. I don't know what to do. Can you please help me. I'm in a really bad place now.

I've never really been happy either. I've been depressed since I was a little kid

My life is caving in around me?

I know it seems really hard right now, but it will get better. I had my daughter at 17-so I know! I was scared too. I think the first thing you need to do is talk to your mom. I'm sure she doesn't hate you. Next you have to stop feeling hopeless, stand up and figure out what you're going to do. Not dealing with life and problems doesn't make them go away. Good luck!

How do you deal with an ex that lives close by?

Just go about your life and try to get past the pain. You possibly know his routine so can avoid contact as much as you can, otherwise if you do happen to bump into eachother, just be polite, say hello and leave it at that, this will demonstrate your level of maturity.

My life is a mess and I can't handle it anymore. What can I do?

I'm so sorry you are feeling this way. I agree with others that you should definitely get medical help. I have bipolar, depression, severe anxiety, and ptsd. 4 yrs ago I was not medicated and was going out of my mind. I attempted suicide by shooting myself in the chest. The moment the gun clicked I snapped out of my comatose state and thought oh shit what in the hell did I just do. I spent two weeks in the hospital. The first week I was restrained and had constant supervision. Not only was I in serious pain but I was horrified that I was capable to do it. I hurt so many people. It was heart breaking. I also suffered from survivors remorse. I had a choice at life and chose to take it away. People around me had cancer or other diseases that were going to be fatal and they didn't have that choice. I felt guilty for being so selfish. I did however feel grateful that I got a second chance. Most people that get shot in the chest with a .45 don't survive. I feel with my second chance that I had a purpose in life, before my attempt I didn't feel worthy at all.What I'm trying to say is please don't even think about suicide. You are precious and you are important and you do have a purpose. Get psychiatric help. Make YOU the #1 priority. Don't let the devil in your head and fight to take control. Don't allow this disease to win.I'm fighting right along with you. It's hard but WE can do it.

There's so much going on in my life and I can't seem to handle it. I feel depressed all the time. I don't feel the way I used to feel, and I have no solution to this situation; what should I do?

Reduce right brain use where the anxiety that is triggering the depression is generated, with more left brain logical/positive thought and feeling we can handle stress much better.I achieve this with EGMi and can handle stress much better now, as more practice there will be less stress in our environment, more info: http://www.evolutionalgoodhism.c...